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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis

Good morning to everyone on this forum.

I am a poster that mostly likes to stalk threads and as you can see from my profile , i've been here for a very long time. Throughout my time of stalking PDF, i've noticed a gradual but steep fall in the quality of this forum. I regret to say that it's been hijacked with people that don't know the etiquettes of posting.

Some posts made by fellow Pakistanis , that are embedded with Racial-shaming and suggestive posts are a embarrassment to read. They are very distasteful and made with poor intentions to just score some rookie points and low blows. I am someone that loves to read about politics and such-related topics and i usually expect fruitful and respectful discussion to follow. However reading such responses makes one feel exasperated. How do you expect anyone to take your narrative seriously if you post it in such a immature manner? I'm sure this is why majority of the well esteemed and level-headed individuals have left PDF or rarely come on here anymore. The new posters should be given a list of rules on how they should operate on the forum. if not, they should get reported and banned.

This is a International-Pakistani forum, and so by extension, this forum represents us Pakistanis too. There isn't much awareness of us in the outside world. Therefore , people that come here to learn about us, and for them to understand our concerns and problems, these rampant bad threads leaves a lasting bad impression of us. If i was a newcomer here, and the first thing i saw was a sensationalist headline that is filled with self-satisfactory delusions, i'd immediately leave without a second thought.

I request to the majority of Pakistanis that post here, please put on a more sophisticated and serious attitude. Do not fall in slurs and swears easily. Have patience despite your overwhelming hatred for the things you dislike. If you don't like something? report it and be done with it. Don't fall to new lows as the one that's enraging you.This is a defense forum, not a forum where you discuss openly about "women" and pass inappropriate messages around. Do it in the "members club" section, but refrain from doing so on other areas of the forum that require a more serious approach. Do not call others ugly, do not instigate disgusting comments nor resort to personal attacks on the other person. Show them you're better than that.

I also dislike rampant rape-related threads on the forum. I'm not saying that people shouldn't post this for raising awareness. But please make a single thread titled as such, and all those cases should be reported there.

What PDF was in the past, the current state is a mere shell of that.
Those that do decide to post their say here, kindly do it with well thought , and without trolling.

Sorry this is nonsense. You need to grow up.

We live in an era of hybrid war. Either return fire when Hindutva elements attack your forum on your home turf, or stand aside and let someone else do so.
Most posters on PDF are overseas Pakistanis with a skewed knowledge about current affairs of the state.
Then they write a 4000 essay on how they are right because they visited Pakistan once five years ago.
Then there are posters which spam the thread with nothing but mental masturbation

Keep in mind that Pakistan runs on us expats. it is the only growth export Pakistan has.
The only reason people here post so much is because they see and live in a functional societies and wonder why Pakistan can't be one too.
So true.

But @Retired Troll is harmless. His sarcasm is educative. Its there in his every post. Its fun engaging him. He is relentless. At some point, you just have to give up.

You couldn't resist but take part in lynch campaigns now could you.

They will lynch me and blame you for it. Either way i am taking you down.

Rok Sako To Rok Lo
Sorry this is nonsense. You need to grow up.

We live in an era of hybrid war. Either return fire when Hindutva elements attack your forum on your home turf, or stand aside and let someone else do so.
Go wage your war on another forum then.

This forum is open for everyone to discuss things related to Pakistan. That's why Indians are allowed to make accounts, and even have their own dedicated section.

Suppressing opinions, and insulting other nationalities only makes your side look cowardly. Having a Frank and honest discussion, based upon facts is needed.

For example, the Feb 27th event. The Indian nationalists were tripping over themselves and resorted to name calling, and lying, while Pakistanis calmly presented the facts and stuck to the facts, and look who won the narrative? Pakistan.

The new generation has learnt to do things quicker...without attention to details...

I had a lecturer who used to say that ALL PROGRAMS WORK...it is you who controls the results! You put crap in you get the computer to give you results...and it is the same crap you fed it!

Likewise, people google crap and paste it everywhere without giving thought to what input they used!

Basically, This is a result of too much information and lack of analytical skills to sift through!

Where did I say that? How did you jump to that?
I agree.

There is a serious lack of critical thinking going on now a days. People are too quick to jump to conclusions, before the facts can be ascertained.
1900-1947 and find out about the Pro Pakistan important events and leaders and check from where they originate from.
That very much depends on how you define "Pakistan movement". I mean the term 'Pakistan' was coined only in 1933 by Rehmat Ali in Britain who died a paupers death in London, unsung, unheard until recently.

And would you include British conquerers like Sir Charles Napier [he brought Sindh into British India] or British soldiers who died in Battle of Gujrat against the Sikhs thus bringing Punjab/K-Pk under flag of British India thus laying the seeds of proto-Pakistan. As part of pro-Pakistan movement?
That very much depends on how you define "Pakistan movement". I mean the term 'Pakistan' was coined only in 1933 by Rehmat Ali in Britain who died a paupers death in London, unsuni, unheard until recently.

And would you include British conquerers like Sir Charles Napier [he brought Sindh into British India] or British soldiers who died in Battle of Gujrat against the Sikhs thus bringing Punjab/K-Pk under flag of British India thus laying the seeds of proto-Pakistan. As part of pro-Pakistan movement?

Mongols only attacked Pakistan
... via Kashmir...via Afghania... funny how there is a certain template...took the Sialkot route to Lahore??? the multan?

In Pakistan History section there is nice piece... it validates what I said a couple of months back about LowerKashmir...

You should check it out...

Pakistan is Home of ALL Paks... we need to move to areas of studies which bring us forward... falling in the same old pitfalls is not necessary anymore, perhaps....

Pakistan can never remain a narrow strip of land that it is now... our deserts.... old Sultanate ...lower Kashmir...Gujrat...

Too much to do too little time... PDF was different a few years ago... I second your thinking on SkunkWorks... Rather call it GreenMen!!!
Go wage your war on another forum then.

This forum is open for everyone to discuss things related to Pakistan. That's why Indians are allowed to make accounts, and even have their own dedicated section.
When did I say Indians shouldn't come or have accounts or speak their mind?

On the contrary. Let them come.

Mongols only attacked Pakistan
... via Kashmir...via Afghania... funny how there is a certain template...took the Sialkot route to Lahore??? the multan?

In Pakistan History section there is nice piece... it validates what I said a couple of months back about LowerKashmir...

You should check it out...

Pakistan is Home of ALL Paks... we need to move to areas of studies which bring us forward... falling in the same old pitfalls is not necessary anymore, perhaps....

Pakistan can never remain a narrow strip of land that it is now... our deserts.... old Sultanate ...lower Kashmir...Gujrat...

Too much to do too little time... PDF was different a few years ago... I second your thinking on SkunkWorks... Rather call it GreenMen!!!

Just because Prime Minister is 70 it does not mean we should go back in time and solve the issues of those eras.

Your stories are like those told in the middle of a desert storm about oasis of fruit aplenty.

Meanwhile young people are being destroyed in 2020 to solve the issues stuck in your head since 3000BCE.

We don't want to be rich by raiding the tombs of the ancestors of this land for your egotistical problems like they did in Egypt and Iraq and Iran.
Just because Prime Minister is 70 it does not mean we should go back in time and solve the issues of those eras.

Your stories are like those told in the middle of a desert storm about oasis of fruit aplenty.

Meanwhile young people are being destroyed in 2020 to solve the issues stuck in your head since 3000BCE.

We don't want to be rich by raiding the tombs of the ancestors of this land for your egotistical problems like they did in Egypt and Iraq and Iran.

Dearest of Trolls, Sweetest of Krakenen,


Love is Dead. Long Live Love!!!
We live in an era of hybrid war. Either return fire when Hindutva elements attack your forum on your home turf, or stand aside and let someone else do so.

I agree 100%. There is obviously an organized attack on this forum from Indian RSS fascists. They even create IDs, then keep them inactive until their IDs are banned. I saw that tactic being used recently.

The cesspool of insults, threats, hate speech, racism, rape fantasies, abuse of Islam and Prophet Muhammad SAWS, and denigrating Pakistani state institutions, military, heroes, and founders was how the forum had become pre-Feb.

I am very thankful to Mods for their swift actions. Indian trolls have been curtailed to a large extent.

Since mods took action, I no longer feel the need to reply to Indian trolls and have been reporting them.

However sometimes we need posters to discredit and defeat the false narrative coming from India.

@masterchief_mirza You are doing good work, keep it up brother. We are behind you.

Mongols only attacked Pakistan... via Kashmir...via Afghania... funny how there is a certain template...took the Sialkot route to Lahore??? the multan?

In Pakistan History section there is nice piece... it validates what I said a couple of months back about LowerKashmir...

You should check it out...

Pakistan is Home of ALL Paks... we need to move to areas of studies which bring us forward... falling in the same old pitfalls is not necessary anymore, perhaps....

Pakistan can never remain a narrow strip of land that it is now... our deserts.... old Sultanate ...lower Kashmir...Gujrat...

Too much to do too little time... PDF was different a few years ago... I second your thinking on SkunkWorks... Rather call it GreenMen!!!

Btw, I am surprised brother @Mangus Ortus Novem is not a think tank or analyst, he needs to be given a position on the forum.

He has been writing very detailed and intellectual posts for a long time. We need people like him.
Revising rules

Why not just proper application of the existing rules first?

I mean there is a blatant multi-accounter Maximuswarrior aka Dalit (since his main account is banned right now) posting in this very thread. You can easily check his posting activity of both accounts, one gets banned...out pops the other one in that exact next period....same exact topic relevance, same posting style, same triggering... everything. Others (incl mods) must have easily noticed this a long time ago.

Always wondered if this is done with some higher up tacit approval. Its been going on quite a while. I mean whats the point of banning one account of a "vetted/accepted" multi-account anyway? Some more smoke and mirrors about how rules apply to all, but they actually dont in reality?

It is this open charade that has driven away lot of members over time. It's just one example too.
Why not just proper application of the existing rules first?

I mean there is a blatant multi-accounter Maximuswarrior aka Dalit (since his main account is banned right now) posting in this very thread. You can easily check his posting activity of both accounts, one gets banned...out pops the other one in that exact next period....same exact topic relevance, same posting style, same triggering... everything. Others (incl mods) must have easily noticed this a long time ago.

Always wondered if this is done with some higher up tacit approval. Its been going on quite a while. I mean whats the point of banning one account of a "vetted/accepted" multi-account anyway? Some more smoke and mirrors about how rules apply to all, but they actually dont in reality?

It is this open charade that has driven away lot of members over time. It's just one example too.

are you saying you have irrefutable undeniable factual confirmed from neutral extreme source that PakSpecialForce and PAKISTANFOREVER are of 2 different races who live 2500km away but support the same country?

My original post that I deleted but still show in the reply---my buddy was pretty harsh at me---maybe not verbatim but in seriousness he pretty much said to me what I wrote---.

Let me share something else---in pakistani talk shows---often there is this guy or gal or in a get together of a group who speaks up at the end of the show and say " I have been sitting quietly and listening to you all this time---and then he comes up a one liner and two or four lines of a poem by Iqbal or another poet---and the crowd goes rararara---" not realizing that that guy who kept quiet is the true enemy---because he knew what was wrong---but never spoke up---.

A guy said Maleeha Lodhi 'was in bed with the enemies of Pakistan' as the reason of her dismissal. I found it to be extremely disrespectful for a woman and a former ambassador. I simply asked him for any evidence to support his claim.

Guess what? That idiot countered it by asking me for evidence to reject his claim. Like, wtf!

It went on for a couple of posts while I was trying to understand the epic reasoning he had just given to his claim. I just wanted to shoot myself in the head for that. Reported his posts a couple of times; no action.


Is evidence like that printed on the daily roster---. I mean to ask what kind of question is that---bring evidence---.

I mean to say---this is not a grocery store---where I can bring evidence of a banana or an orange being certain taste and shape---.

This is strategic and tactical defense forum---. You have to learn to take the information and assess it on your own---. Why was she discharged from her UN position---she had that post for a long time---that was the highest trust post of the foreign office---.

For her to leave in anonymity is by default leading towards suspicious actions on her part---. A capable person in that position is not relived of duty in the begining of this large a crisis---.

Everything related to defense is pure speculation on the part of the observer---. The state can release any information---which maybe true or which maybe a lie---.

You young people need to look at thing with a different perspective---. You hear something---you don't agree with it---keep it in the back of your mind---in due time the dots will be connected and you will have your answer---.

But people are now living in a world that requires instant gratification---if you don't have a link ( proof ) it is not believable---.

There is one answer in front of you guys---JF17---no one could bring proof to what this aircraft could do---till the day it proved itself---.

There is another answer in front of you---155mm Bofors heavy gun---. India smacked Rajiv Gandhi for bribes---. It took almost 18 years to clear his name after his death that the Bofors heavy canon was worth the purchase---every bit of it.

Maleeha Lodhi did indeed sabotage pakistan at the UN---.

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