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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis

The bloke is here to promote his extremist ideology, Not to discuss military or political matters, That's evidently clear
I don't really care,,, he can do whatever he wishes.
I just told him where he stands. N talking big on iternet isn't going to change any of tht.
that was not for you, for some reason he likes to post back to front and when he replies to many posts at the same time this happens.

anyway this was for you:

So confus! Thanks tho for pointing out. Anyways, we will see.

Gawrsh, why not just have an old reliable solid system, applied as intended and effectively to all.

All this churn, all this busy-bodying....the drama, the change, better times ahead! What will we do without it.
Why does it feel that the forum quality is going down than what it used to have in the past. There can be two reasons; technical and nontechnical.


As new sites have come into digital world and they are continuously giving updates/updated versions. PDF needs to keep pace with them, and make this site more user friendly. New features like video auto playing and swiftly including files etc. can be added.


On different sites and comments section people can post anything. They tend to use that 'freedom' on this site as well. PDF has to keep balance between open forum and a discussion board. This balance can be achieved by, i). Better moderation and, ii). Users training.

i. Better moderation: more and active moderators, plus I think we should go for artificial intelligence based moderation. We should do experiments on AI mods.

ii. Users training: new members should be given little briefing about the site and then few steps of training how to use this site and the do's and the dont's.
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