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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis

Agreed. PDF should be that platform and such intimidation should not be a part of the experience. However, you should know that it also comes with the territory as well. No matter how much we moderate there'd always be a backlash in one way or another.
The whole idea of democracy is to criticise you think is wrong. Maybe he didn't see my posts where I praised the Prime Minister because there maybe a few. But that's the thing, the right to say what you believe without the fear of ridicule.

Again, I think that's what the post-2016 world is. People treat their perceptions as realities and admonish those who do not conform to it and it requires great patience on the part of the iconoclast to hold things at bay and still get their points across. This isn't just on PDF go to any platform and you'd see this. I recently commented on a news post on facebook and was being trolled by an Indian political science professor or lecturer who kept on reacting with a laugh emoticon on my comments and just plain trolling, much like you see here. It's what we've become.
You criticise the Government or the Army on one thing and the next thing you know, you are branded as PMLN supporter or most of the times, 'liberal secular anti-national'.

Look, I'll give you an easier explanation, we go by reports, if you see anything kindly report and tag mods. Rules are rules and they'd be enforced. Now if one thing is being reported more than the other then obviously there may seem to be a bias but that's not really the case. I've been researching on the dynamics here. For instance, many Iranian members kept reporting but Arabian members didn't and that ended up on PDF being accused of being pro-Iranian then the very next day the opposite happened and Iranians accused us of being pro-Saudi. Like I said before, we're sretched thin right now and we're in the process of getting more mods in. So that'd solve this problem.
Sharing a news is not a problem. I am very much aware of the changes PDF team went through back in 2016. But, my problem is with the lack of control over the offensive content which is let go off. I skipped a word in one heading for a thread, where FWO personnel shot dead protesters in Karachi, and I received a 'warning' in my inbox. That's not a problem, I understand if I have violated a forum rule. But, when I came back to the feed, I saw countless threads with weird titles running for months. That's the problem; bias.

It's not what's being said but the way it's being said. 'Anti-army' camp, if you will, seems to have developed this victim mentality where they wish to be given more leverage. That cannot happen. I have suggested that we edit posts instead of deleting them but then those are the words that were being chosen by the poster themselves. So would that be fair? Then we'd be accused of something else.
I've been personally been very critical of the Indian government's recent actions and at that time I had 'Retired' as my status. I had some Indian members criticize me and try to troll me but most were quite tolerant. Why? I wasn't posting 'InDiAnZ diDz DiZ... DAyUm DeMZzz, PaKZz ZinDABaD'zzz 27th FEB LOLZZZZZzzzz'.I was clear that my criticism was aimed at the government, not the people and I wish to understand their defense of the actions. That's been my experience over here.
Tolerance for people who are pro-Army.
Now, that's his opinion. He thinks liberals should be stopped at all costs, pretty heavy, if I ban him or warn him what do you think he'd get away feeling? Why don't you ask him, 'Why, brother, why do you think so? What have I done to make you feel that?'
There you go. @jaibi

I'm sad you felt that way. You're welcome here, sir and are your views, just please maintain the decorum. If you feel that way, kindly tag me wherever that happens. We're not here to push a narrative over another nor shield criticism.
Thank you for this.. As a non Pakistani, Non Muslim i felt very welcome when i joined this forum, It was a open forum for intellectual discussions rarely found else where but sadly lately i found unless you're a Islamist and have ideals thats different to narratives held by few Mods here, That space for us is diminishing rapidly.. I hardly post here anymore, Because i see no reason for it, PDF is but a mere sad shell of what it used to be
Fight propaganda through well established facts rather than going down to the level of Hindutvas to fight them. If not then what's the difference between them and you?

They don't come here to exchange facts, the come here to Troll. To create a hostile environment limits how many come and how many enjoy thier limited stay.

The quicker way of dealing with it is through moderation. Unfortunately this forum is too big for the limited number of mods here.

I propose;

1. Limiting new members to 10 posts a day.
2. New members have to earn X amount of "thanks" before they get promoted to full members with unlimited posting rights.
3. Any post by a new member which is reported is automatically hidden until the report is processed.
Agreed, in principle. What you're looking for is catharsis and not venting. It should be leading towards resolution and if we have that spirit in us then it won't feel such a burden. Don't you agree, sir.
Conflict resolution is the right thing to do, the mature thing to do.

It requires listening to criticism without lashing out, not everyone is in the right place to take it constructively( if it's abuse, simply ignore it, it only has power, if you let it affect you). People generally feel attacked and want to lash back.

Venting up to a limit may be the healthier option, provided it's followed by introspection.

We are who we make ourselves to be.

Because the playing field has changed, sir, we have to adapt. That's why revising rules and making them more accessible and easy to understand. Kindly, report the user and we'd take care of it. It has to be done in an empirical way to prevent us from biases. We check people for multiple accounts and ban users as a routine. I'm sure with our revisions, PDF would feel a more accommodating place.

Why not just proper application of the existing rules first?

I mean there is a blatant multi-accounter Maximuswarrior aka Dalit (since his main account is banned right now) posting in this very thread. You can easily check his posting activity of both accounts, one gets banned...out pops the other one in that exact next period....same exact topic relevance, same posting style, same triggering... everything. Others (incl mods) must have easily noticed this a long time ago.

Always wondered if this is done with some higher up tacit approval. Its been going on quite a while. I mean whats the point of banning one account of a "vetted/accepted" multi-account anyway? Some more smoke and mirrors about how rules apply to all, but they actually dont in reality?

It is this open charade that has driven away lot of members over time. It's just one example too.

I'm going to bug you more now on :D
Yes sir...:(

This comment of yours is the exact problem we're discussing.

The forum isn't a place for people to have unchallenged propaganda. It is an open forum, and despite what the users have turned it into, the rules still very much allow and encourage differing opinions. This is why Indian members are allowed to create accounts, and have their own sections.

Differing opinions should not be suppressed, so long as they don't support violence; rather, they should be debated, and discussed.

On a side note, I find that a lot of people who hate left wing people, tend to themselves be fairly left wing, they just don't realize it themselves.
They don't come here to exchange facts, the come here to Troll. To create a hostile environment limits how many come and how many enjoy thier limited stay.

The quicker way of dealing with it is through moderation. Unfortunately this forum is too big for the limited number of mods here.

I propose;

1. Limiting new members to 10 posts a day.
2. New members have to earn X amount of "thanks" before they get promoted to full members with unlimited posting rights.
3. Any post by a new member which is reported is automatically hidden until the report is processed.
What members are you pointing at btw bro ?
Agreed, in principle. What you're looking for is catharsis and not venting. It should be leading towards resolution and if we have that spirit in us then it won't feel such a burden. Don't you agree, sir.

Because the playing field has changed, sir, we have to adapt. That's why revising rules and making them more accessible and easy to understand. Kindly, report the user and we'd take care of it. It has to be done in an empirical way to prevent us from biases. We check people for multiple accounts and ban users as a routine. I'm sure with our revisions, PDF would feel a more accommodating place.

I'm going to bug you more now on :D
Completely agree with your assertions, the pros for peacefull conflict resolution far outweigh their cons.

You're right, catharsis fits much better in what I was trying to convey than venting:-)
I dont know if anyone feel the same way but i am fedup of the feb 27 references made by our Pakistani posters in each and every thread.

OP of a new thread be-like "here, have a thread on economy". Us Pakistanis be like "remember 27 feb ? "... Just stop it now. Let the "experts" use the reference in constructive discussions but you "common troll like me" need not to go on with this. If you can not argue on "relevent" facts and conduct a logical diacussion then please keep quite..

What you folks still don't understand is that Indians don't come to PDF to have a civilized discussion. It takes two to have a civil discourse. Indians barge into PDF and start abusing Pakistan without remorse. How do you want to be civilised with a person that is only here to abuse and troll from the very start? Remember that most of the Indians that are attracted by PDF are not your average CAA protestors. These are hardcore RSS followers who are taught to hate Pakistan with every breath in their body.

Instead of worrying about the 27th pay some attention to Indian aggression and abuse.

Why not just proper application of the existing rules first?

I mean there is a blatant multi-accounter Maximuswarrior aka Dalit (since his main account is banned right now) posting in this very thread. You can easily check his posting activity of both accounts, one gets banned...out pops the other one in that exact next period....same exact topic relevance, same posting style, same triggering... everything. Others (incl mods) must have easily noticed this a long time ago.

Always wondered if this is done with some higher up tacit approval. Its been going on quite a while. I mean whats the point of banning one account of a "vetted/accepted" multi-account anyway? Some more smoke and mirrors about how rules apply to all, but they actually dont in reality?

It is this open charade that has driven away lot of members over time. It's just one example too.

See how worried these Indians are once you lay bare their true designs? They start calling you out by name. It is an absolute honor for me to know that Indian members fear my name and presence on this forum. No doubt I am an RSS slayer and a proud one at that.

Finally PDF has after so many years transformed into a patriotic hub where Pakistan is always first. Of course Pakistani members deserve benefit of the doubt above Indian members. That is a no brainer. We should cherish this attitude and policy with absolute pride. It is our forum and it should be our rules.

PDF used to be an Indian infested craphole back in the day where mods used to ban Pakistani members quite regularly. Indians used to mock and taunt Pakistanis on their own platform. Luckily that is not the case anymore and today Pakistani members feel at home.

The few Pakistani members that are constantly opposing PDFs direction either have a different agenda or want a more inclusive PDF. I don't oppose diversity and inclusiveness at PDF, but this should never come at the expense of trolling and blackmail.

I agree that we need decorum and rules, but we must also look very closely at Indian trolls who come on PDF to control and divide unity.

PDF should not fear loss of traffic due to Indian trolls disappearing from PDF. If one RSS troll is replaced with a patriotic Pakistani on PDF that should be encouraged. LOL I remember how Indian trolls used to hold PDF admins hostage with their traffic loss BS.

In short, PDF should aim at having more Pakistani patriots who think in solutions for Pakistan and less Indian trolls who divert and troll in every topic. Above anything else PDF should stand for serving Pakistan's interests. Non-Pakistanis are welcome on PDF, but they shouldn't be allowed to troll and control PDF.
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