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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis

I dont know if anyone feel the same way but i am fedup of the feb 27 references made by our Pakistani posters in each and every thread.

OP of a new thread be-like "here, have a thread on economy". Us Pakistanis be like "remember 27 feb ? "... Just stop it now. Let the "experts" use the reference in constructive discussions but you "common troll like me" need not to go on with this. If you can not argue on "relevent" facts and conduct a logical diacussion then please keep quite..

That is a reaction to constant Indian 1971 trolling on this forum. You see everything has a reaction. Now after Feb, Pakistanis took the lead to disparaging Indian nationalism and specifically Modi's fascist state.

With the state of India today, it is not difficult to give answers to these Indian trolls and their other allies (SL, Israeli, some Arab and Iranians too.)

Why do we feel the need to set the conversation right? It is because we believe strongly in our cause.

I think it is quite a breath of fresh air to see Pakistanis have something to be proud of.

Optimism is in the air.
That is a reaction to constant Indian 1971 trolling on this forum. You see everything has a reaction. Now after Feb, Pakistanis took the lead to disparaging Indian nationalism and specifically Modi's fascist state.

With the state of India today, it is not difficult to give answers to these Indian trolls and their other allies (SL, Israeli, some Arab and Iranians too.)

Why do we feel the need to set the conversation right? It is because we believe strongly in our cause.

I think it is quite a breath of fresh air to see Pakistanis have something to be proud of.

Optimism is in the air.
Yes, but the goal needs to become better than the Indians, not stoop to their level.

I understand being optimistic, but let's leave the Feb 27 taunts for when they're actually needed. In the meantime, if it's a thread on the Pakistani economy, Indians bringing in comparisons or taunts with India need to be dealt with by moderators.
Yes, but the goal needs to become better than the Indians, not stoop to their level.

I understand being optimistic, but let's leave the Feb 27 taunts for when they're actually needed. In the meantime, if it's a thread on the Pakistani economy, Indians bringing in comparisons or taunts with India need to be dealt with by moderators.

I agree, this is why I don't engage them.

What do you say about Indians who come into this forum abusing our PM, armed forces, founder, and Islam?

I am seeing it constantly from them here, but I don't always see action against those trolls.

What are the acceptable rules for Indians to post on PDF, and what is unacceptable from them?

Mods have clearly said they will take action against any obfuscation of the events of Feb by Indian trolls. Many have been banned.

I just want to know the official policy.

Some Pakistani members also need to be reined in, esp when it comes to sectarianism. We discussed it in the other thread in much detail.
You're under orders not to run away.
Yes sir...:(

Liberals need to be surpressed at all costs
This comment of yours is the exact problem we're discussing.

The forum isn't a place for people to have unchallenged propaganda. It is an open forum, and despite what the users have turned it into, the rules still very much allow and encourage differing opinions. This is why Indian members are allowed to create accounts, and have their own sections.

Differing opinions should not be suppressed, so long as they don't support violence; rather, they should be debated, and discussed.

On a side note, I find that a lot of people who hate left wing people, tend to themselves be fairly left wing, they just don't realize it themselves.
Does that include me?

Do you believe in universal health care?

Do you believe it's the government's job to take care of it's people?

Do you believe that the government must make sure that workers are being treated fairly by corporations?

Do you believe that corporations are too corrupt to regulate themselves?

Do you believe the rich and middle class should pay their fair share in taxes?

Do you believe Pakistan should invest more in education?

Do you believe Pakistan should have more social assistance programs to help people get out of poverty?

Do you believe that minimum wage should be enough that a person can at the very least survive on it (pay for food to eat, and pay bills)?

If you said yes to most of these, then you're probably a left leaning liberal.
@Dubious goes around closing threads which are judged to be demoralising one day before the same discussion takes place in the parliament.

pro government media cells may enjoy government perks but ordinary citizens reserve the right to oppose within ethical limits.
So wasting time on a non issue on a forum where no authority who can bring a change or wants to resides, is somehow opposing it within ethical limits?
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Most posters on PDF are overseas Pakistanis with a skewed knowledge about current affairs of the state.
Then they write a 4000 essay on how they are right because they visited Pakistan once five years ago.
Then there are posters which spam the thread with nothing but mental masturbation
So wasting time on a non issue on a forum where no authority who can bring a change or wants to resides, is somehow opposing it within ethical limits?

if parliament can do it so can their slaves
Not as per this forum...We are trying to get our people to be productive not follow the parliament which the same people talk down about :undecided:

are you actively declaring struggle against democracy and imposition of false parliament in Pakistan?
Not even the state though, there are just plain idiots on the forums now, who literally don't know what their talking about, outright lie, and pass their opinions off as facts.

The new generation has learnt to do things quicker...without attention to details...

I had a lecturer who used to say that ALL PROGRAMS WORK...it is you who controls the results! You put crap in you get the computer to give you results...and it is the same crap you fed it!

Likewise, people google crap and paste it everywhere without giving thought to what input they used!

Basically, This is a result of too much information and lack of analytical skills to sift through!

are you actively declaring struggle against democracy and imposition of false parliament in Pakistan?
Where did I say that? How did you jump to that?

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