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Pakistan's identity is based on hating India

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Depends if you are going to laugh at terrorism and rub it in their face, say negative and insensitive remarks then even if you are Pakistani no one will like you...

However, if you go there not to hurt others with words (coz words cut deep) very few care what your nationality is....Cant speak for everyone...Like you said you hated Pak before PDF so I cant speak if there are similar Pakistanis in Pakistan hating Indians for their nationality....Many hate the policy makers (even if they are Pakistani), they hate those who hurt the land or its people....

chalo acha hai.....kabhi mauka mila toh jaunga
ohhhh finally i found hate inda national ID card for me . it was too hard for me :oops::oops::oops: here is mine identity:partay::partay::partay:


sirjee.....ye aapki id hai
This is how Pakistan was created.......India hatred is necessary for Pak's survival.......but i am sure terrorist state Pakistan will be destroyed soon and the world will become a terror-free place
welcome to pdf. :cheers:
indian muslim ho na?
actually madudi makes sense to me.
i mean was pakistan created so that muslims could be in majority.
i mean what was the point then?just dar-ul-islam?
there should be sharia in pakistan.
i think i can have this discussion with a member like you.

Pakistan was created because the Muslims of India wanted a separate Homeland for them after in their Opinion they had exhausted every option to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution to the Issue they thought required a solution to !

Once they achieved that Homeland neither the presence or the absence of the Shariah validates or invalidates the raison detere of Pakistan because Pakistan, like every other country, needs neither a reason to exists nor one to not-exists - Its just there because the People wanted it as such & what more justification would be barring that ?

I mean take the example of India - Did you & by extension - Us - go for Freedom from the British because of economic emancipation ?

According to the UNDP Human Development Report of 2013, 53.7% of Indians & 49.4% of Pakistanis are in Multidimensional Poverty - Hardly indicative of Economic Emancipation & considering that it was probably a lot worse in the past decades where figures upwards of 70% are often quoted we didn't really seem to have that as a Priority if it took us 65 years just to bring down the figures to half of all Pakistanis & Indians being in Multidimensional Poverty !

So was it for social emancipation then ? And in it lets take gender emancipation as a barometer !

India has a Gender Inequality Index of 0.610 & Pakistan is only just a bit better at 0.567 - Again hardly indicative of Gender Emancipation; in fact if you factor in the Honor Killings & Acid Attacks on Women in Pakistan & Rapes & Female Infanticide in India, we most certainly aren't treating our women right !

So was it for Linguistic Emancipation ? Because we felt our languages suppressed & our poets & our writers alike quieted because the Gora Sahib didn't want that kind of Free Thought permeating the society ?

We've got the Gora Sahib's Language as our Official Languages & whereas a French man or a German or a Spaniard learning English or not isn't a matter of great concern for him but to succeed in our societies if you don't know English - You're considered backward & what not !

And what Iqbals, Ghalibs, Tagores have we produced since kicking the British out ?

Was it then for some sort of Cultural Emancipation ?

What Culture when even in our offices the epitome of Professionalism isn't measured by a Shalwar Kameez or some other regional dress from your side no matter how Formal it maybe but a finely pressed suit piece complete with cufflinks & a crisply made tie ?

Was it then for some sort of Political Emancipation because the British used to favor their own more than the indigenous people & displayed a special kind of arrogance to the Brown Man we were ?

For one our Bureaucracies & even our Politics are littered with nepotism, corruption, mismanagement & parochial divisions of caste or kinship of other kinds...of every kind !

Do you honestly think the widow who has to stand in line for hours at a stretch to collect her deceased husband's pay-cheque, who sometimes is swindled out of it by the guy on the other end & other such countless stories that take place every moment of every day is politically emancipated from all of this or for her the Gora Sahib has been replaced with the Bhurraa (Brown) Sahib instead ?

The ability to caste a vote is hardly indicative of political emancipation; arguably the Gora Sahib with all his prejudices & severity did a better job ruling British India than any of our Governments ever have !

Was it then for the simple fact that the British were killing us ?

Arguably we've killed more of our People ever since then the Brits ever did !

So what was the reason ? And why is it that no one raises this question - Whether we should've gone for freedom from the British to begin with or not ? Why ? Because it has become socially acceptable to believe that kicking our Colonial Masters out was the Best Decision because we thought it was the best one & because most other countries did it too so it must be the right decision but thats hardly a rational argument is it ? And whats worst we haven't ever questioned that decision - Ever so there was hardly a conscious decision to look back & appraise that but when it comes to the formation of Pakistan - we feel the need to ask for justifications & provide them in turn; why ?

If the People decided that they didn't want to be a part of British India for whatever reason they saw fit many of which, arguably, haven't really been met then what is wrong for the People deciding that they want a separate Homeland for themselves in the North-East & the North-West of that same British India ?

Ironically enough many of the factors that led to the creation of Bangladesh haven't been met either maybe they too have then lost the right to exist ? But no we don't question that - Its right that they exist & theres really no point arguing about it because we know that its 'that' right !

Or maybe countries don't really need a justification to exist & instead the fact that they do exist is justification enough !

And while we're at it because most of the theories presented on why Pakistan should exist or why is shouldn't exists are based on suppositions & postulations arguably of the three of us - India, Pakistan & Britain....the British were the first to evolve out of their regressive mentality & arguably still with a large population of 'natives' under them that evolution would've diagrammatically hastened by many decades & the same reason why Pakistanis, Indians & Bangladeshis harken to the United Kingdom to work for or to swear allegiance to the same Queen...Empress they persevered to gain their freedom from, would've been seen through better Governance, Social Justice & Fair Play in our societies here !

P.S the Shariah is defined by many in many a different manner - on one hand you've got people who say that Shariah is a Secular Paradigm whilst others say that is a stone's throw away from what the Taliban are advocating & then there is a whole body of Opinions somewhere in the center !

I'm sure @Secur & @Oscar can contribute more !
We are no longer supporting any group. That was an example to tell you about terrorists.
Maybe some of politicians are still supporting them but not the whole country. We are already doing so much to gain peace in the region. We are trying for peace talks with India and Talibans. We are happy to see a good response from your side but still we don't see hope from Talibans.
Most of us don't give a $hit to these type of debate. Still your indian friends want to start debate on these type of subjects. You all should change your mind and move on. You know that peace is the only option for both countries then why spreading hate.
Chalo acha hai you people no more support terrorist not only in pakistan but also in India.
ha ha .. buddy I had my anti pakistan days but I no more i feel same agony and hate for.pakistan but surely the treatment of minorities in pakistan fill my heart with pain and depression and any body can understand that obvious reason ...
anyway hope your country move on from the current stage...:tup:
you are the one who trolled this thread.......

karara jawab milega........in bangladesh forum :mamba:
i m cominggggggg:super:

toh bhaiyyon , @Ayush ki behnon ( @Talon ) and buzurgon ( @Imran Khan ) ki farmaiyyish per pesh hai.....ye comedy tadka

I watched that one not long back...
Chalo acha hai you people no more support terrorist not only in pakistan but also in India.
ha ha .. buddy I had my anti pakistan days but I no more i feel same agony and hate for.pakistan but surely the treatment of minorities in pakistan fill my heart with pain and depression and any body can understand that obvious reason ...
anyway hope your country move on from the current stage...:tup:
Some of people doesn't reflect whole country. We here treat minorities as our brothers. Some people force them to become muslim. We don't support this act. Same in India. There are people who force minorities to change their religion. They doesn't reflect the whole india.

Time to change.
but irony is that muslim percentage in India has increased and hindu population has decreased from 15 to 2 percent :pakistan::lol:
Newton's theory..
Every action has a reaction!! :agree:

Still there are less incidents of killing of non muslims in Pakistan.
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