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Pakistan's identity is based on hating India

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Being from Pakistan, you know much better how and why Pakistan is called terrorist hub. Do you deny every thing that say pakistan support terrorism.
Many pakistani on this forum feel proud and say yes we support terrorism in Kashmir and India. They feel proud about mumbai 9/11..Aren't people of india people.. And yes we have given pakistan enough proof which shows pakistan support terrorism.
Which is good for us may or may not good for you. Same here. If a bunch of mujahid from Pakistan go for Jihad in kashmir or india then it can be good for you but it won't be good for you. If a bunch of haters come to destablize Pakistan then it will be good for you but it won't be good for us.
Get it?
Lady, you don't believe me right.I have joined this forum just a few days back but have met many pakistani who claim so(few good people are also there no denying). How come you never encounter such people,it's only b'cause you don't want to look into such comments as offence maybe...
And Kasab home is in pakistan punjab, even your army and state agreed to that.. what's the point in denying it...
I am asking about Kasab's Beghwan video...How is that overlooked? Pak govt seems very accepting when it comes to stupidity...
As for some threads I simply dont visit because I see no point wasting energy on a keyboard when at the end of the day not 1 of our point will hit the parliament doors....I dont know why many rush to such threads giving their POV which will never see it to any govt office....
There are many other thread on this type of subject. Why to open new threads!!
Terrorist..Like Americans and the West call those who are like that having depression or psychologically instable

If funds have been traced back (not some mumbo jumbo...There is a case that can be taken to international court so far no such thing has happen)

Govt agreed to drones to take down such area so how can govt do nothing? And we paid heavily with more civilians injured then such people.... And the daily suicide bombers arent doing anything against Pak? How can you even say any of this?

No you guys and the media should think about that...We never called them Pakistanis...Media did and you people echoed!

I did mind and I do mind everytime someone joins the 2 words just like the blind media...I know you dont mean ill but if you feel hurt or slashed by similar words hurled at your country then we are human too and feel relatively the same...and if not the same more angry coz not only do we suffer with drones, deaths, bombs we have to suffer with ridicules from across the border as well as international level...so sorry if we hate you guys but you guys make it happen too!

i dont give a fcuk what americans feel and think......those who kill innocents in the name of religion and country is a terrorist for me

2nd point.....agreed

i wasnt talking about those talibans who bomb pak.......no doubt now it is a victim now.....but i was talking about those who target particularly India...........so far many terrorists have been targetted but the list doesnt include someone who has deliberately targetted India......forget drones.........they have never been handcuffed(some of them)

there is a reason the two words are together.........pakistanis called Indian rapists,poor.........even i feel bad but i cant help it unless rape stops or economy improves..........simillarly when the govt. will catch and punish those culprits.....media will automatically stop associating the 2 words

There are many other thread on this type of subject. Why to open new threads!!

sorry.....didnt knew that
Which is good for us may or may not good for you. Same here. If a bunch of mujahid from Pakistan go for Jihad in kashmir or india then it can be good for you but it won't be good for you. If a bunch of haters come to destablize Pakistan then it will be good for you but it won't be good for us.
Get it?
So, you think some terrorist is good for you and some are good for Us...
Buddy no...terrorist is not good for any one. You say they are fighting Jihad...war of Allah..why don't you join the group.writing over here is very easy, doing is as difficult. what do they get ..they are killed for what..their family, their children, their parents.. what will happen to them... Is your gov. willing to help them as it do to your army member...
It's time for pakistan to give up all this thing and move forward in road of development and harmony.
Mostly when provoked ....Even an average Indian attacks when provoked...I remember during the rape threads era...Indians were provoked too often and now we are in the same era but different topic!

Visiting us is not a problem we are known for having large hearts and hosting like crazy....its in our culture...we get worried if the guest is uncomfortable That is Pakistan or a Pakistani...

naa......they were not provoked.......they dont hate India........so relax

people 2 people contact helps........b4 visiting pdf.......i didnt knew that some pakistanis are so good......and i didnt liked pak to be honest.......but know......its all different

btw......do they welcome Indians with open heart????
i dont give a fcuk what americans feel and think......those who kill innocents in the name of religion and country is a terrorist for me

2nd point.....agreed

i wasnt talking about those talibans who bomb pak.......no doubt now it is a victim now.....but i was talking about those who target particularly India...........so far many terrorists have been targetted but the list doesnt include someone who has deliberately targetted India......forget drones.........they have never been handcuffed(some of them)

there is a reason the two words are together.........pakistanis called Indian rapists,poor.........even i feel bad but i cant help it unless rape stops or economy improves..........simillarly when the govt. will catch and punish those culprits.....media will automatically stop associating the 2 words
Once upon a time media was the tool to be used to show people which is hidden in the dirty murks and people's dirty laundry now a days it is used to make everything look like people's dirty laundry because for unknown reason everyone wants to know another dirty secrets :undecided: I doubt media will ever stop if people keep reading and taking it for a word to word article
ohhhh finally i found hate inda national ID card for me . it was too hard for me :oops::oops::oops: here is mine identity:partay::partay::partay:

naa......they were not provoked.......they dont hate India........so relax

people 2 people contact helps........b4 visiting pdf.......i didnt knew that some pakistanis are so good......and i didnt liked pak to be honest.......but know......its all different

btw......do they welcome Indians with open heart????
Depends if you are going to laugh at terrorism and rub it in their face, say negative and insensitive remarks then even if you are Pakistani no one will like you...

However, if you go there not to hurt others with words (coz words cut deep) very few care what your nationality is....Cant speak for everyone...Like you said you hated Pak before PDF so I cant speak if there are similar Pakistanis in Pakistan hating Indians for their nationality....Many hate the policy makers (even if they are Pakistani), they hate those who hurt the land or its people....
Once upon a time media was the tool to be used to show people which is hidden in the dirty murks and people's dirty laundry now a days it is used to make everything look like people's dirty laundry because for unknown reason everyone wants to know another dirty secrets :undecided: I doubt media will ever stop if people keep reading and taking it for a word to word article

chalo choro.....this has already turned into a troll thread :mad:
So, you think some terrorist is good for you and some are good for Us...
Buddy no...terrorist is not good for any one. You say they are fighting Jihad...war of Allah..why don't you join the group.writing over here is very easy, doing is as difficult. what do they get ..they are killed for what..their family, their children, their parents.. what will happen to them... Is your gov. willing to help them as it do to your army member...
It's time for pakistan to give up all this thing and move forward in road of development and harmony.
We are no longer supporting any group. That was an example to tell you about terrorists.
Maybe some of politicians are still supporting them but not the whole country. We are already doing so much to gain peace in the region. We are trying for peace talks with India and Talibans. We are happy to see a good response from your side but still we don't see hope from Talibans.
Most of us don't give a $hit to these type of debate. Still your indian friends want to start debate on these type of subjects. You all should change your mind and move on. You know that peace is the only option for both countries then why spreading hate.
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