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Pakistani muslims aren't Arabs or turks (except Arain & Awan).

That's just a social construct which has no influence on ancestry.

Well it does, when you have sex, you pass Y-dna and X-dna, but women cant pass on X-dna that is paternally inherited. Its science.

Someones sister who married a non-native wouldn't pass on DNA from your Father side. That lineage would end.
Well it does, when you have sex, you pass Y-dna and X-dna, but women cant pass on X-dna that is paternally inherited. Its science.

No it doesn't. Your parents give you more than just a Y-chromosome and mtDNA.
No it doesn't. Your parents give you more than just a Y-chromosome and mtDNA.

You inherit all DNA from mum and dad alone.

Maternally inherited DNA is not passed on by males.
Paternally inherited DNA is not passed on by females.

Same thing.
You inherit all DNA from mum and dad alone.

Maternally inherited DNA is not passed on by males.
Paternally inherited DNA is not passed on by females.

Same thing.

No, that's not how genetics works. Men and women both get a mix of ancestry from both of their parents, only the Y chromosomes and mtDNA come from one parent alone.

Please just stop talking about something you clearly don't know.
No, that's not how genetics works. Men and women both get a mix of ancestry from both of their parents, only the Y chromosomes and mtDNA come from one parent alone.

Please just stop talking about something you clearly don't know.

Its very simple. What will you pass on to your children over time. It doesnt matter what DNA is present in your physical body due to your immediate parents and their parents.

What part of the DNA will be passed on to your grandsons and their grandsons.
And yet you don't understand it.

What part of the DNA will be passed on to your grandsons and their grandsons and ten thousand sons later.

Very little stays the same over long periods of time. But some parts of DNA are the same over long periods of time.

That's a good indicator for race?

So if something permanent in the DNA is not passed on over huge periods of time, then marrying your sister to a non-native would be the exact point of losing lineage.
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I have seen data of an arain shared on some ancestry forum, they are pretty much south south asians.

LOL. You haven't met many Arains, they tend to be light-skinned and have Arab facial features and hair growth.

No, that's dumb. It's like being proud to be a ginger, sharing a recent common ancestor means jack all. It doesn't unify people (ideologies do that) and it doesn't mean that the achievements of others become your own (that's called leeching, and only pathetic people do that).

It's not even logically coherent. All of humanity shares a common origin from Africa, there's no reason to be proud of your ethnicity in particular when we are all related.

Yet, the Prophet Muhammad saws reminded the Ansar and Muhajiroon about the greatness of their heritage and prowess in war right before the Ghazwas.

This is the Prophet saws who praised Salman al Farisi and game him good news of Persians reaching new heights in Islamic scholarship.

The Prophet saws who praised Abyssinians for their spearmanship, lovely voices, and military skill.

Go and meet any Arab, Turk, Persian, Afghan, African, and tell them not to be proud of their heritage and culture and see the reaction you will get.

Pakistan's people share a common origin and a geographic identity based on IVC, Harrapa, Mohenjo daro, and Taxilla.

We have all laid down our lives for Islam for centuries to further the cause of this deen and enlighten mankind.

Pakistanis don't need to feel distant about our heritage and origin. We are the sons of this soil and Allah swt gave it to us as an amanat (trust,) similar to how the Holy Land was given to Bani Israil and Arabia to Bani Ismail.

I am Pukhtoon, i am feeling left out :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Don't worry brother, I have met Pukhtoon Mian also. You are very much a part of the conversation as well.
Don't worry brother, I have met Pukhtoon Mian also. You are very much a part of the conversation as well.

I dont know who those are. As per my knowledge we have no Arab or Persian or Turkish or Indian ancestry.

And also some elders claim that before Islam we were fire worshippers and some claim that we were jews. Some also claim that Pashto is the language of the jinns.

So basically i have no idea of our history.
No it can't. You clearly don't know how ancestry works. Y chromosomes only tell you about your patrilineage, i.e your continuous chain of male ancestors on your father's side (aka your father, his father, his father, etc). Y chromosomes don't tell you anything about the female ancestors on your father's side.

MtDNA has the same problem but in reverse (i.e your mother's male ancestors aren't included).

Try reading my post again why do you think i claim otherwise?
You carry surname of your father's not mother's, so paternal lineage is what matters.

That's the only way it can happen, and it shows that Muslims from Pakistan and NW India have some genetic distinction from their Hindu counterparts of the same ethnicity.
One can also say they are closest to those ethnicities in the whole world, a matter of personal choice, how you perceive it.

LOL. You haven't met many Arains, they tend to be light-skinned and have Arab facial features and hair growth.

Yet, the Prophet Muhammad saws reminded the Ansar and Muhajiroon about the greatness of their heritage and prowess in war right before the Ghazwas.

This is the Prophet saws who praised Salman al Farisi and game him good news of Persians reaching new heights in Islamic scholarship.

The Prophet saws who praised Abyssinians for their spearmanship, lovely voices, and military skill.

Go and meet any Arab, Turk, Persian, Afghan, African, and tell them not to be proud of their heritage and culture and see the reaction you will get.

Pakistan's people share a common origin and a geographic identity based on IVC, Harrapa, Mohenjo daro, and Taxilla.

We have all laid down our lives for Islam for centuries to further the cause of this deen and enlighten mankind.

Pakistanis don't need to feel distant about our heritage and origin. We are the sons of this soil and Allah swt gave it to us as an amanat (trust,) similar to how the Holy Land was given to Bani Israil and Arabia to Bani Ismail.

Don't worry brother, I have met Pukhtoon Mian also. You are very much a part of the conversation as well.
I don't want to meet any, skin color tells nothing about where you originated. If that was the case color of entire human race should be black.
Saying you're descended from ghazis who conquered India is one thing (and actually believable), but saying you come from Ahlul Bayt is another (and probably false).
We did't claim decedent from Ahlulu Beyt, don't be naive...
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