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Pakistani muslims aren't Arabs or turks (except Arain & Awan).

Being Muslims IMHO is Ka'fi....
you said it! I agree.

you said it! I agree.
People need to remember the spirit of Khutba-tul-Widah

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

Strange replies here. we are just talking about origins. no one is talking about who is better than other... how did this conversation start ?
It always starts with origin then we start finding positive traits and then we go on to find negatives in others...
What type of baqwas is this arain and awan are mostly of local origin and mixed so dint fool yourself by claiming to be foreigners

It seems you have foolishly forgotten about authenticated Syeds like Jalaluddin Surkh Posh, Abdullah Shah Ghazi, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, Ali Musa Pak Gillani (Yousaf raza Ali gillani is from this lineage) Qutb Shah Bukhari Sandhilianwali, Moinuddin Chisti etc

And many quraysh like Bahauddin Zakariya, Baba Fareed, Abbassi Naqabs, Asaf Jahi etc the list goes on

It's well known Arains and Awans aren't considered Arab in origin by the authenticated lineages of the people I listed above
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