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Pakistani muslims aren't Arabs or turks (except Arain & Awan).

Assuming Arabs started from male ancestor Y(1)
and assuming Arabs started from male ancestor Y(2)

Ten thousand years later, by passing Y from father to son, how would Y get diluted?

You cant have more than one Y i.e. you cant have two dads.
Human beings are not just Y.
Human beings contain thousands upon thousands of genes....
I never said Y gets diluted. I said the blood gets diluted.

If a Zulu man marries a Dutch woman and they have a son, he has a Zulu Y. But he is not the same race as his father...he is a "new" race. Now if this son marries a Dutch woman and they have a son, this grandson has a Zulu Y, but he is not the same race as his grandfather....now fast forward a few generations and sons keep marrying Dutch girls.....you will end up with a racially (almost) Dutch person with a Zulu Y, but this distant descendant will not be Zulu racially. (Now of course there will be "throwbacks" given the genetic history especially given the fact African genes tend dominate European genes in such pairings).

The point I am trying to make is, even if a Pakistani Y chromosome came from Timbuktu, he ain't racially/ethnically a Timbuktuian (if that is a word) even if he has Timbuktu in his name, unless his ancestors kept going back there to find brides ( a bit like Pakistanis in the UK go back to Pakistan to find spouses given advances in travel).

Arains have mixed in so much with the "native" people that ethnically they are closer to the "natives" than their paternal Arab ancestors.
And remember we respect our mothers more than our fathers even if we take only our father's name.
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No, If you had a male ancestor 1000 years ago and someone else had the exact same male ancestor, your Y dna would be almost identical. Mixing doesn't apply to male dna. i.e. you cant have two dads.
Then by your logic we all had same ancestor adam and eve at one point in the past then we all should be one race yet we do see many races out there.You are not understanding the point and evolution. Let say Native Pakistani woman married with Arab man centuries ago but their future generation married to each others i.e Pakistan native man marry to Pakistani native female then what would be their race? Arab race or native race?

Now they would not be same as children of those Hashmi and Qureshi arabs who have been married to each others generation after generation i.e they married within their race but their future generation also married wthin their own race so DNA of their children would not be same as DNA of those Pakistani who claim to belong to hasmi tribe
If a Zulu man marries a Dutch woman and they have a son, he has a Zulu Y. But he is not the same race as his father...he is a "new" race. Now if this son marries a Dutch woman and they have a son, this grandson has a Zulu Y, but he is not the same race as his grandfather....now fast forward a few generations and sons keep marrying Dutch girls.....you will end up with a racially (almost) Dutch person with a Zulu Y, but this distant descendant will not be Zulu racially. (Now of course there will be "throwbacks" given the genetic history especially given the fact African genes tend dominate European genes in such pairings).

Thats why I said

Pure blood means your mother and father have unbroken lineage to the same ancient ancestor, usually through same tribe marriage.

Let say Native Pakistani woman married with Arab man centuries ago but their future generation married to each others i.e Pakistan native man marry to Pakistani native female then what would be their race? Arab race or native race?

The male children would carry the Y DNA of the Arab father.
The female children would carry the X DNA of the Pakistani mother.

If a native male married the female children of above and produced children = ZERO Arab genes.
If those male children above married a local female and had male children = ARAB genes continue.
If those male children above married a local female and had female children = ZERO Arab genes.
The first Muslims to migrate to Sindh were the Syeds. Syeds originated in Medina, the decedents of Fatima through Hassan and Hussain are called Syeds. While Awan and Alvis are also decedents of Hazrat Ali from his other wifes, Syeds are decended from his wife Fatima. After the incident of Karbalah Syeds were forced to leave Medina and many were martyred. Few managed to escape into Sindh where one of the Hindu Mahrajah hosted them. Muhammad Bin Qasim was sent by Hajjaj bin Yousaf to chase them and kill them, not to rescue some lady taken hostage by some Hindus. Afterwards many other Syeds and Awan families migrated together settling around Multan and in Kashmir. Syeds are the one to bring pundits of Kashmir to Islam and converted many as you can go from Sindh to Kashmir filled with shrines of such personalities who’re responsible for spreading Islam in this part of world.
Thats why I said

The male children would carry the Y DNA of the Arab father.
The female children would carry the X DNA of the Pakistani mother.

If a native male married the female children of above and produced children = ZERO Arab genes.
If those male children above married a local female and had male children = ARAB genes continue.
If those male children above married a local female and had female children = ZERO Arab genes.
BUT given the generations of mixing, the offspring will not be Arab ethnically....despite carrying Arab genes....I never said that Arains don't carry Arab genes.
It means that despite me carrying some Arab genes, Yemenis or Saudis are not my people any longer as ethnically I am no longer from them (despite carrying some Arab genes). I am closer to the "natives" and they are my people. If my paternal Arab forebears kept going back and getting brides from there, then I probably would consider myself Arab ethnically.
BUT given the generations of mixing, the offspring will not be Arab ethnically....despite carrying Arab genes....I never said that Arains don't carry Arab genes.
It means that despite me carrying some Arab genes, Yemenis or Saudis are not my people any longer as ethnically I am no longer from them (despite carrying some Arab genes). I am closer to the "natives" and they are my people. If my paternal Arab forebears kept going back and getting brides from there, then I probably would consider myself Arab ethnically.

But if your original father was an Arab, I would say you're an Arab, no matter what your body looks like. The reason you look closer to natives is because somewhere along the line one of your father lineage members had a local wife. You don't pass on your X (mother) dna.

Your 'race' is an inheritance is from your father-side, i'll tell you why.

Because when you have a male child, he will have the same Y dna as you, and so will his future male children.
Your male grandchildren will not have the X dna of your mother.
Too late in my case...verified arabic ancestry (yes, I am a descendant of the "invaders")... 8-)

joke away man, I'm havin' a long day, could a use a good laugh... :p:

Okay since am in bed and having fractures due to an accident day before yest. I'll continue. Also, the joke is copied and may not sound funny without a specific oral accent.

*guys bring one of their friend to the ER*
*sent to the Operation Theatre*
*Dr comes out*

Friends: Dr sab hamara friend bach to jaega na?

Dr: Zehr boht khatrnak hai or phail chuka hai.. Akhir isy dassa kisne hai?

Friends: Dr sahb arain ne!

Then they say

*Sannp nu chad deo Arain nu na chado*

To my Arain friends: please don't get offended, casts never matter to me. Ye bas frmaish pe tha :P

Okay since am in bed and having fractures due to an accident day before yest. I'll continue. Also, the joke is copied and may not sound funny without a specific oral accent.

*guys bring one of their friend to the ER*
*sent to the Operation Theatre*
*Dr comes out*

Friends: Dr sab hamara friend bach to jaega na?

Dr: Zehr boht khatrnak hai or phail chuka hai.. Akhir isy dassa kisne hai?

Friends: Dr sahb arain ne!

Then they say

*Sannp nu chad deo Arain nu na chado*

To my Arain friends: please don't get offended, casts never matter to me. Ye bas frmaish pe tha :P


dang, what happened in your accident? you got fractures man? hope n pray that you recover to full health soon In shaa Allah...ameen sum ameen
But if your original father was an Arab, I would say you're an Arab, no matter what your body looks like. The reason you look closer to natives is because somewhere along the line one of your father lineage members had a local wife. You don't pass on your X (mother) dna.

Your 'race' is an inheritance is from your father-side, i'll tell you why.

Because when you have a male child, he will have the same Y dna as you, and so will his future male children.
Your male grandchildren will not have the X dna of your mother.
Lol We all should be sharing same Y DNA as we had same male ancestor (Adam). If you live away from your own race or group for few decade or centuries then you actually form a new identity independent of its origin. You should take DNA sample of Hashmi/Qureshi living in Pakistan and should compare it with those living in Saudia arbia and share the finding with us. They would be different both genetically and culturally. Qureshi Pakistani would share more similarities with non Qureshi Pakistani than having anything in common with Arab Qureshi living in Suadia arabia
You should take DNA sample of Hashmi/Qureshi living in Pakistan and should compare it with those living in Saudia arbia and share the finding with us.

Well if you check your DNA, you can compare it to others around the world. I have done the same.
Okay since am in bed and having fractures due to an accident day before yest. I'll continue. Also, the joke is copied and may not sound funny without a specific oral accent.

*guys bring one of their friend to the ER*
*sent to the Operation Theatre*
*Dr comes out*

Friends: Dr sab hamara friend bach to jaega na?

Dr: Zehr boht khatrnak hai or phail chuka hai.. Akhir isy dassa kisne hai?

Friends: Dr sahb arain ne!

Then they say

*Sannp nu chad deo Arain nu na chado*

To my Arain friends: please don't get offended, casts never matter to me. Ye bas frmaish pe tha :P




Qahtani Arabs are the original Arabs before Hazrat Ismail AS.

Adnani Arabs are the Arabized Arabs descended from Hazrat Ismail AS.

All other Arabs have merely adopted the Arab culture, language, and identity, but racially belong to other groups like Phoenicians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Nubians, Assyrians, Jews, etc.
I am ethnically Baloch, we belong to the earliest settlement at Mehrgarh, which was inhabited from circa 6500 BCE. Well before Mohnjdaro and Harrpa.

We are locals/ natives of the land, living here for thousands of years.

If you want to get technical, Baloch came to the region from Iran in waves of migrations which started during Sassanian times.

But nobody's ancestry is monolithic. You'll obviously have native blood in you too.

Who honestly cares what Indians think?

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

Strange replies here. we are just talking about origins. no one is talking about who is better than other... how did this conversation start ?

This conversation came about because it's a natural progression of the discussion. The only reason many of these tribes claimed to come from the family of Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was so they could give an image of superiority.

But these days, it's used more so to just distance Pakistanis from Indians.

I am malik awan kutabshahi so what does this mean?

It means you're a Pakistani. Consider yourself blessed to have not been born a few more km west or east, otherwise your life could have been much worse.
Lol We all should be sharing same Y DNA as we had same male ancestor (Adam). If you live away from your own race or group for few decade or centuries then you actually form a new identity independent of its origin. You should take DNA sample of Hashmi/Qureshi living in Pakistan and should compare it with those living in Saudia arbia and share the finding with us. They would be different both genetically and culturally. Qureshi Pakistani would share more similarities with non Qureshi Pakistani than having anything in common with Arab Qureshi living in Suadia arabia
Y dna pass from father to son unaltered. It can tell you how closest you are to one group/ tribe or the other. You look for y dna haplogroup which act like genetic markers for a particular tribe/ group. There are haplogroup which are only found among Indians and absent which means although all humans share common ancestor, but, clearly one group is distinct from the other.
It is assumed that original y dna haplogroup is carried by Adam, and rest all are mutations of original haplogroup which happened at a particular place and particular time in history, and at the place where it found in abundance among the population the haplogroup becomes a genetic marker for the population.
Many already have taken the test and the data is available online.

Those who believe that they are non natives can take the test.
@Maarkhoor intersting thing is thats complete name of awan tribe . We are descendents of kutabudin shah and Hazrat abbas alamdar.
@maverick1977 thats nice bro my name is malik B ahmad

Saying you're descended from ghazis who conquered India is one thing (and actually believable), but saying you come from Ahlul Bayt is another (and probably false).

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