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Pakistani Man threatens to burn 7up vehicle as QR Code showing Blasphemy on Bottle !!!

I blame the mods for letting this communal stuff posted constantly here this is freaking wasteland to be posted on a freaking defense forum what is next a video on cats fighting in my backyard making it to PDF.. Why this fella @JackTheRipper @jus_chillin @Menace2Society or @Imran Khan even here on PDF Just remove these trolls just prema-ban.

And award @TNT @kingQamaR @Battlion25 @Hakikat ve Hikmet with Think tank badges
Imran Khan is a Respectable Member of PDF, He has some Great Opinions as well as some Opinions we Disagree of.
I am sure he a has much more important things, then to fight, though i might be wrong.
Buy the biggest brush you can find so you can sweep this rubbish under the biggest carpet you can find.
That should solve the problem.

@Imran Khan is one of the few posters on here who has any wit or sense of humour.
Most posters on here seem to either have a stick up their backside or are just angry and prone to abusing people who don't agree with them.

Or hell.

i was just sleeping inside and here some people planning to kill me :lol: :D :D

There is an Indian song with similar lyrics which was quite popular in Pakistan. I have not seen anyone complaining about it in either India or Pakistan

That song only contributed to the sexual perversion of society where a mob gets hold of a lady and forces her to kiss the hero against her will- ------ is it normal to you?

Here is the counter argument to the above logic.

Friday in all practical sense is a day for the Jummah prayer. Idea being that Muslims come together as a community for their Friday prayers. That one day where we are obligated (sort of) to say our prayers together with our community in a Mosque. Makes perfect sense. Bring people together. Make them feel like they belong to a bigger brotherhood, build bridges and connections within the community.

In no way is Friday meant to be an ascetic day (we have a full month for that), nor is it a day of some self control/flagellation, a concept that is very Jewish (sabbath) and Christian (Flagellents). Infact it was never even mandated as a holiday. Islam the most practical and realism driven religion of its time, is being turned into Christianity light by the professional class of Mullahs, Muftis, and Ulema's, similar to how Judism and Christianity has been turned to a system of commercial interest and public/social control by their ruling priesthood and political class.

It is sad to see what we have done to our most amazing religion.

This hyper sexuakiztiin of corporate world has only increased misogyny and sexual assaults against women . Not talking about the good for nothing liberals of Pakistan always busy with their enlightened arts and imported never ending philosophical questions but anyone who've read psychology or medical sciences will tell you that such continous bombardemnet of subliminal propganda/insinuations ultimately affects our sub conscious which over the period of time not only accepts it as a new abnormal but wantswants to reenact it in their personal lives coz it feels cool--------.
So someone gives his name as Mullah, his address as Janjaal Goth, and nobody raises a question on who this man is? Is he being honest? Or is he trying to tarnish the name of Islam and Muslims? Are there others backing him up while he provides the public face to this maligning campaign?
That song only contributed to the sexual perversion of society where a mob gets hold of a lady and forces her to kiss the hero against her will- ------ is it normal to you?

This hyper sexuakiztiin of corporate world has only increased misogyny and sexual assaults against women . Not talking about the good for nothing liberals of Pakistan always busy with their enlightened arts and imported never ending philosophical questions but anyone who've read psychology or medical sciences will tell you that such continous bombardemnet of subliminal propganda/insinuations ultimately affects our sub conscious which over the period of time not only accepts it as a new abnormal but wantswants to reenact it in their personal lives coz it feels cool--------.
I agree with you about the Hyper-sexualization issue. It is horrendous and will serve no purpose or good. I also agree that there is a constant bombardment that is insidious in nature and will corrupt the minds of the youth. However there is also a view that overly sexually repressive societies also manifest strange behaviors, something we have seen in societies where male female relations are repressed.

In the end we need to balance our society. Where we don't repress intern gender relations to a level where they become dysfunctional, but at the same time not have an overly permiscous social system either. There is no easy answer. But a good start is good education. Ethics, morality, historical and national narratives, value of family structures and care for elderly, some level of management on pop culture figures and information flow, but not to the extent where it becomes repressive or stifles the creativity of a society. That challenge is how to balance. I wish there was an easy answer.
A whole generation brought up in depression without any fun activities this is what they are and what our culture has become.

No Weekend outing culture , No Partying , No Youngsters Hanging out in downtowns doing all kinds of fun stuff like grafitti , Sports , Singing , street Dancing etc. No Annual leaves for everyone to go out with families for a break.
Everyone judges , Everyone is unhappy.
I mean this trend is to the point that people literally hate anyone thats having some fun in Public.
And this state sponsored religious extremism is Icing on the cake.

To me this mish mash is beyond salvage. Its just a matter of sweet talk and jingoism for people outside the system (Foreigners , Under Parents Protection , Rich Elites , Exceptional achievers) But the 99% of our people are just lost in this Trap of Hate and despair.

As long as there is not a cultural revolution of happiness and caring for each other nothing good can come out of Pakistan. 😔
That song only contributed to the sexual perversion of society where a mob gets hold of a lady and forces her to kiss the hero against her will- ------ is it normal to you?
Ask the people who played that song in their cars and homes.

The person who made that that ad was probably inspired by that song. He believed if the song's lyrics were OK then, then they OK now
What do you mean all such cases should be dealt with law? No one should be bothering with this dribble. If the law needs to look for random patterns in nature and through the random patterns of computational design on QR codes to discern "blasphemy" then LAW will not be able to do anything else. What next a cloud that is shaped like a religious word and pilots cannot fly through them. Sorry state of affairs, given more air by our enemies, coupled with our own degradation of education. I have said this and will say again - this is the number one issue that truly has an existential danger for the nation of Pakistan. It is the slow boil that will kill us, if not seriously addressed through a multi-generational, multi pronged strategy around law enforcement, education, imprisonment, and public engagement. With the death of Ijtihad in the 16th century we lay the foundation of our own demise, and are sowing those seeds ever since.
I didn't mean stupidity like that bro I meant serious things.
He could make you a wealthy man.. He could be hit with a counter sue cases and will have to eventually end up paying upwards 1 million USD in damages in the fake azz stuff he came up with.. Just like what happened to these fake swatting in the gaming industry people ended up paying in damages alot of money

You are a indian Member, @Foxtrot Alpha has warned you already and in this specific thread or this topic your mission was just fuel the fire in religios affair’s of the Pakistani society, to portraying a bad image for the readers ! Reported !
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