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Pakistani Learns the Hard Way that Ummah Doesn't Exist

Mirzali Khan

Sep 25, 2020
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United States
Something I'll never forget is calling an Afghan parent asking when he'd like to arrange a lesson and the first question he asked is "Where I'm from?" He shut the phone when he heard Pakistani. If we Muslims do this with each other how on earth will we ever succeed?

I genuinely felt upset that day because my entire life - by coincidence - I'd never experienced overt racism and the first time I did it was from a Muslim? Completely understand the historical context of why someone would feel that way but nationalism really is poison.

Alhamdullilah, I've taught for over 10 years clocking well above 800 hours to students across London from many backgrounds and have had nothing but positivity come back from them in the work that I do. But this one stuck with me and I still think about it sometimes.

@Bleek @Sainthood 101 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Huffal @PakSarZameen47 @Pak Nationalist @Indus Pakistan @Jf Thunder @Dalit @kingQamaR @Areesh @Reichsmarschall
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Ummah always exists

Ummah is the family of the faithful, the Muslims

The Ummah exists for those who bow to Allah swt and proclaim there is only One God and Muhammad is his messenger

The problem is it dosent exist for the rest of us clowns who are just namesake Muslims
Ummah always exists

Ummah is the family of the faithful, the Muslims

The Ummah exists for those who bow to Allah swt and proclaim there is only One God and Muhammad is his messenger

The problem is it dosent exist for the rest of us clowns who are just namesake Muslims

It doesn't exist bro. Ummah died long time ago. This incident is an example of that.
No secret that Afghans have a hate relation with Pakistan. Well, they got what they deserved in the end. Pakistan should only care about itself. Whatever Afghans think, feel or say should not matter. Keep an extra eye on Afghans who entered Pakistan after Taliban take over. A good portion of these Afghans have nowhere to go, but their anti-Pakistan feelings are no secret to anyone. They are hiding their nationality in Pakistan by blending in and obtaining illegal nationality cards. The Western media has reported a sizeable amount of anti-Pak Afghans crossing over.
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Afghans just want to find a reason to blame Pakistan for all their problems, because of their inherent racism. They hate seeing Pakistan doing good.

They hate it to the point that they side with Indians and call the Hindus their "older brothers".

(Actual words I've heard from an Afghan, imagine degrading yourself this hard)

They fail to remember when they refused to recognise us as a country, when they would lob missiles at our territory, would attempt to ignite insurgencies.

Today they beg to come as refugees in Pakistan.
Ummah always exists and always will exist.
True Muslims make up the ummah.
Instead of questioning the existence of the ummah look at your selves. If you your self is nationalistic and anti ummah your part of the problem.
Ummah doesn't exist for all racists. That racist can be Pakistani, Arab, Afghani or anyone else

Most Afghans are racists. In fact they are world champion in racism. So obviously for them too Ummah won't exist. An Afghan who is not racist would believe in Ummah

Concept of Ummah is simply negation of racism. A lot of Afghans being racists won't connect with this concept
Ummah always exists and always will exist.
True Muslims make up the ummah.
Instead of questioning the existence of the ummah look at your selves. If you your self is nationalistic and anti ummah your part of the problem.
If the Ummah is such a small minority that hardly anyone can experience it, it doesn't exist

Stop clinging onto something that simply isn't there, it's practically non-existent and continues to fade away

Open your eyes, the Muslims are siding with the Hindus, Muslims of different ethnicities send their "brothers" back to their family in body bags.

It exists in a tiny confined fading bubble.
This so called 'brotherhood' gave a cold shoulder to Kashmiri's in their hour of need, I will never forget or forgive them for this, they can go rot into the abyss.. and those Pakistani habibi's, persian boot lickers can go join them..*
Before you blame the ummah who decided to let Indians fence loc? If Pakistan wanted it could have replicated afghan soviet jihad in Kashmir, but did it? Even during kargil war our military and civilian government were at odds with each other, how do you expect a global jihad in Kashmir when our army and government can’t agree on our approach for Kashmir? Also it wasn’t the ummah which signed ceasefire with Indians on loc it was our army. Our army is deployed on loc go to loc and try crossing it the army will stop you.
Don’t look for excuses elsewhere when we our selves aren’t doing enough for Kashmir

If the Ummah is such a small minority that hardly anyone can experience it, it doesn't exist

Stop clinging onto something that simply isn't there, it's practically non-existent and continues to fade away

Open your eyes, the Muslims are siding with the Hindus, Muslims of different ethnicities send their "brothers" back to their family in body bags.

It exists in a tiny confined fading bubble.

Ummah always exists
It doesn't exist bro. Ummah died long time ago. This incident is an example of that.
Your religion is important but only in a spiritual, personal capacity.
The only nation you belong to is Pakistan.
Cherish it.
Value it.
Be loyal to it.
Work for it.
Fight for it.

Pan religionism is fine, but it will never replace your homeland.
Sahih Muslim 1923
It has been narrated on the authority of Jabir b. 'Abdullah who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: A group of people from my Umma will continue to fight In defence of truth and remain triumphant until the Day of judgment.
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