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Pakistani Learns the Hard Way that Ummah Doesn't Exist

You are a moron if you think bunch of backward afghanis managed to get into USA, managed to get into different airplanes, manage to hijack them at the same time and then crashed them LOL

You should go to an airport sometimes and see the security there. Good luck trying to sneak in a plastic knife LOL

9/11 is an inside job.
You have to understand ummah in this way.
We as Muslims and humans feel the pain of others.
If we cant feel it just shows how dead we are from inside
Ask yourselves how many Muslims truly understand Islam. Recall the elephant analogy where different blind people try to describe the elephant after having touched just one part of the animal. To be called the Ummah, you first need to agree exactly on what the elephant looks like. And since life is more complicated than an elephant, you also need to agree on what the purpose of an elephant is, and how exactly will the elephant help you navigate life.

Until you reach a consensus on this, it will just remain a romantic notion and you will keep behaving like jilted lovers. This is not to say that the concept of Ummah does not exist at all. After all there is some sense of brotherhood among Muslims. But it works in a negative sense - "I will not discriminate against fellow muslims", whereas you want to it work like "I will do anything for fellow Muslims". The latter requires a strong sense of identification with the other person's cause and it is unrealistic to expect Ummah to relate to your issues to this level in a complex world.
Ask yourselves how many Muslims truly understand Islam. Recall the elephant analogy where different blind people try to describe the elephant after having touched just one part of the animal. To be called the Ummah, you first need to agree exactly on what the elephant looks like. And since life is more complicated than an elephant, you also need to agree on what the purpose of an elephant is, and how exactly will the elephant help you navigate life.

Until you reach a consensus on this, it will just remain a romantic notion and you will keep behaving like jilted lovers. This is not to say that the concept of Ummah does not exist at all. After all there is some sense of brotherhood among Muslims. But it works in a negative sense - "I will not discriminate against fellow muslims", whereas you want to it work like "I will do anything for fellow Muslims". The latter requires a strong sense of identification with the other person's cause and it is unrealistic to expect Ummah to relate to your issues to this level in a complex world.

This is not just a romantic notion....

Those submarines have reached Karachi, and India stop the war after Indonesia jumped into the war

Golden Shark Adventure in Pakistan​

Two Indonesian Navy submarines were sent to Pakistan. His mission: join the war against India.​

By Hendi Johari | 03 May 2021

Afghan War, Bosnian War are other example of that brotherhood, contrary to people saying Muslim Brotherhood is just a slogan
Rasool Allah the best of creation said there is a Ummah, and some of the people of PDF chawal's say Ummah doesn't exists, Not gonna lie I had hard time myself in swallowing this concept because of how the rest of Muslim community treat each other, but I know that in every Muslim country there are racists/bigots/hypocrites and then there are good people who want unity, who feel pain for every Muslims, and if they can not do much at least they pray for them. Those " Muslims " who deny the existence of Ummah should not worry about standing behind the Prophet when every human will stand behind their respective prophet.
This is not just a romantic notion....

Those submarines have reached Karachi, and India stop the war after Indonesia jumped into the war

Golden Shark Adventure in Pakistan​

Two Indonesian Navy submarines were sent to Pakistan. His mission: join the war against India.​

By Hendi Johari | 03 May 2021

Afghan War, Bosnian War are other example of that brotherhood, contrary to people saying Muslim Brotherhood is just a slogan

Valid points. I do not go to the extent of saying the Muslim brotherhood is merely a slogan and didn't use those words either. The OIC and other organisations are proof that there is a will to forge a common identity on grounds of religion. What I term as romantic notion is the belief that the Ummah will come to the rescue no matter what. It is a belief founded on the assumption that everyone interprets Islam in the same way simply because they identify as Muslims, and have the same goals and means to achieve those goals, and no other considerations matter other than religion. Such an assumption is fragile and expectations based on fragile assumptions must be understood for what they are. Also lets not assume that brotherhood simply means supporting in a war or conflict
Ask yourselves how many Muslims truly understand Islam. Recall the elephant analogy where different blind people try to describe the elephant after having touched just one part of the animal. To be called the Ummah, you first need to agree exactly on what the elephant looks like. And since life is more complicated than an elephant, you also need to agree on what the purpose of an elephant is, and how exactly will the elephant help you navigate life.

Until you reach a consensus on this, it will just remain a romantic notion and you will keep behaving like jilted lovers. This is not to say that the concept of Ummah does not exist at all. After all there is some sense of brotherhood among Muslims. But it works in a negative sense - "I will not discriminate against fellow muslims", whereas you want to it work like "I will do anything for fellow Muslims". The latter requires a strong sense of identification with the other person's cause and it is unrealistic to expect Ummah to relate to your issues to this level in a complex world.

The OP completely didn't mention how he might have treated that poor Afghan person for him to be so angry and came here to whine about it and blame Ummah concept.

But it's also due to the simple hatred between two countries. This forum itself engages in degrading Afghanis to be below humans LOL

Was reading a thread where PM of Pak welcomed afghan refugees and you should have seen the negative things said about afghanis so yeah not surprising an afghani doesn't hold higher view of Pakistanis either

Ummah exists and is stronger as always. Be a good Muslim and you will find brothers in other good Muslims.
Before you blame the ummah who decided to let Indians fence loc? If Pakistan wanted it could have replicated afghan soviet jihad in Kashmir, but did it? Even during kargil war our military and civilian government were at odds with each other, how do you expect a global jihad in Kashmir when our army and government can’t agree on our approach for Kashmir? Also it wasn’t the ummah which signed ceasefire with Indians on loc it was our army. Our army is deployed on loc go to loc and try crossing it the army will stop you.
Don’t look for excuses elsewhere when we our selves aren’t doing enough for Kashmir
Was it the Pakistan Army that was responsible for not supporting the Kashmiri cause, according to your reading of the situation?
Story isn't mine its someone else's smarty pants.
He wasn't reading, he was reacting.

For first 30 years of our existence they were supporting every insurgency under the sun from cammunism, EN , to isalmists

And they bombed US in 9/11, in return got what was coming to em
Just regarding the facts of the matter, the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi.

Afghanistan was bombed because the supposed leader of the action leading to the hijacking and airplane crashes was Osama bin Laden, he was found to be in Afghanistan, and the then Taliban regime refused to surrender him to the US.
Something I'll never forget is calling an Afghan parent asking when he'd like to arrange a lesson and the first question he asked is "Where I'm from?" He shut the phone when he heard Pakistani. If we Muslims do this with each other how on earth will we ever succeed?

I genuinely felt upset that day because my entire life - by coincidence - I'd never experienced overt racism and the first time I did it was from a Muslim? Completely understand the historical context of why someone would feel that way but nationalism really is poison.

Alhamdullilah, I've taught for over 10 years clocking well above 800 hours to students across London from many backgrounds and have had nothing but positivity come back from them in the work that I do. But this one stuck with me and I still think about it sometimes.

@Bleek @Sainthood 101 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Huffal @PakSarZameen47 @Pak Nationalist @Indus Pakistan @Jf Thunder @Dalit @kingQamaR @Areesh @Reichsmarschall
Umma chumma is a myth, you only realises when it happens to you. Self Interest is the only reality

Kashmir becomes umma issue (Self Interest)
But what happening in Xinjiang is Holy (Self Interest)

Taliban taking Kabul is celebrated (Self Interest)
But TTP taking Peshawar is unacceptable (Self Interest)

Kashmiri Separatist is called Freedom Fighter/ Heading for Jannat (Martyr) (Self Interest)
But Baluchistan Fighter is called Terrorist / Lanati and heading for Hell (Self Interest)

Turkey banning hijab in school/ universities is ok (Self Interest)
But India banning hijab in school/ universities is unreasonable (Self Interest)

US bombing muslims while fighting Assad is ok
US bombing muslims while fighting Saddam is wrong

Offering Pakistani land to US for bombing Afgans is ok
But Israel bombing gaza is unacceptable

Ho can you expect umma love from someone when you cheered when mujaheddin took their nation to stone age (in-fact you participated) , you counted dollars earned from renting your bases to US to bomb their homes /cities, you celebrated when Taliban Jhahils captured their cities/ made then slaves in their own nation.
"I will do anything for fellow Muslims".

Muslims mainly Pakistanis need to always keep in mind the migration of Messenger and his companions from Makkah to Madinah. The generosity shown by people of Madinah wasn't limited to providing shelter but sharing everything. Did they ever get paid back, or demanded anything?

Pakistan and Pakistanis are lucky in the sense that they got to play the same role not once but twice. The root cause for not getting similar outcome has remained that we don't understand and practice Islam the way Companions of Messenger did. Islamic identity and concepts of both Pakistanis and Afghans (and most Muslims) take back seat and ethnicity takes the priority, else a simple act like large scale inter marriages between the two (a very simple solution to a mess that we face today) would have occurred. But then again Pakistanis don't wish to marry outside their family / tribe.

When Muslims from British india migrated to Afghanistan, they weren't given the same welcome and treatment, Pakistanis on the other hand did a lot better job. Pakistan hasn't been home to only Afghans but many others as well (though on a very small scale compared to Afghans). We meet the criteria of giving, but we have started having expectations.

Quran mentions that WE made you into different tribes so that you could identify each other, however Quran doesn't say anywhere that black rank higher than white or non Arabs are superior to Arabs and vice versa. The ummah actually isn't limited to Muslims only, it is actually a more broader concept of encompassing all humanity.

And as you mentioned ummah is not about expectations but giving only.
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