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Pakistani Learns the Hard Way that Ummah Doesn't Exist

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Sunan Abi Dawud 4297
Narrated Thawban:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.

Your local mosque is too insignificant on a wider-scale to call it an "ummah"

For the vast majority of Muslims, it does not exist
The “vast majority” that believe it doesn’t exists are the issue. They should focus on them selves and improve them selves instead of passing comments on them ummah. How can any true Muslim say ummah doesn’t exist and resort to nationalism?


No true Muslim will ever say ummah doesn’t exist!
Something I'll never forget is calling an Afghan parent asking when he'd like to arrange a lesson and the first question he asked is "Where I'm from?" He shut the phone when he heard Pakistani. If we Muslims do this with each other how on earth will we ever succeed?

I genuinely felt upset that day because my entire life - by coincidence - I'd never experienced overt racism and the first time I did it was from a Muslim? Completely understand the historical context of why someone would feel that way but nationalism really is poison.

Alhamdullilah, I've taught for over 10 years clocking well above 800 hours to students across London from many backgrounds and have had nothing but positivity come back from them in the work that I do. But this one stuck with me and I still think about it sometimes.

@Bleek @Sainthood 101 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Huffal @PakSarZameen47 @Pak Nationalist @Indus Pakistan @Jf Thunder @Dalit @kingQamaR @Areesh
Bro you don't need to be upset as these are the rats which were the part of the Northern Alliance. Why you think they are everywhere in the Europe and US/Canada. Do you really think Western countries could have allowed Taliban or their sympathisers to live here.
Funny thing is they think very highly of themselves, got chip on their shoulders, believe Westerners are just a dirt to them and they are the mother superior here. Mostly they are living on the dole money or running the fruit shops and religion is not their strong point. These rats just love Pakistani's with passion like we have stolen their women folk and poison towards us is very intense. No surprises here.
In Canada one Afghan Kebab shop owner after hearing that customer is Pakistani, refused to serve them and asked the couple to leave and he was reported to the authorities a while back.
Bro you don't need to be upset as these are the rats which were the part of the Northern Alliance. Why you think they are everywhere in the Europe and US/Canada. Do you really think Western countries could have allowed Taliban or their sympathisers to live here.
Funny thing is they think very highly of themselves, got chip on their shoulders, believe Westerners are just a dirt to them and they are the mother superior here. Mostly they are living on the dole money or running the fruit shops and religion is not their strong point. These rats just love Pakistani's with passion like we have stolen their women folk and poison towards us is very intense. No surprises here.
In Canada one Afghan Kebab shop owner after hearing that customer is Pakistani, refused to serve them and asked the couple to leave and he was reported to the authorities a while back.

"Northern Alliance" excuse is just cope bro. Lots of Ghani Baba supporters have done 180 and now all support Taliban lol
Something I'll never forget is calling an Afghan parent asking when he'd like to arrange a lesson and the first question he asked is "Where I'm from?" He shut the phone when he heard Pakistani. If we Muslims do this with each other how on earth will we ever succeed?

I genuinely felt upset that day because my entire life - by coincidence - I'd never experienced overt racism and the first time I did it was from a Muslim? Completely understand the historical context of why someone would feel that way but nationalism really is poison.

Alhamdullilah, I've taught for over 10 years clocking well above 800 hours to students across London from many backgrounds and have had nothing but positivity come back from them in the work that I do. But this one stuck with me and I still think about it sometimes.

@Bleek @Sainthood 101 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Huffal @PakSarZameen47 @Pak Nationalist @Indus Pakistan @Jf Thunder @Dalit @kingQamaR @Areesh
Ummah exists. But Afghani is a diseases ethnicity. It's the chengez khan in their blood which takes ptecedence. Mongols raped and plundered their region and spread plenty of seeds.
Hence the Brutality, fake sense of superiority and being one of the most violent and yet most useless nation on the planet.
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Ummah doesn't exist for all racists. That racist can be Pakistani, Arab, Afghani or anyone else

Most Afghans are racists. In fact they are world champion in racism. So obviously for them too Ummah won't exist. An Afghan who is not racist would believe in Ummah

Concept of Ummah is simply negation of racism. A lot of Afghans being racists won't connect with this concept
💯 , they've never accepted our existence so there's not much hope in anything else tbh
Because they've witnessed Muslims first hand

Tag any Karachiite here and he will tell you about this beautiful ummah you speak of...
I’m a Karachiite my self. We lived there for years before moving abroad. Ummah exists and always will exist. You think those street thugs and gangsters in Karachi represent Islam or the ummah? Ummah is for true believers. If you put race, ethnicity, nationality over Islam then you are not a true Muslim. If you put anything above Islam it’s oblivious you will think the ummah doesn’t exist. But the ummah always exists and is for true Muslims with strong emaan.

You guys think the ummah hasn’t seen this type of hardship before? Ummah has seen this type of hardship many times and each time ummah has survived and come on top. Every oppressor every taghut every munafiq is history cease to exist, but Islam and the ummah still exit.
Unfortunately the Ummah DOES NOT exist. More and more Pakistanis are coming round to this fact. The closest thing to an Ummah that involves Pakistan is our relationship with China and most of the Chinese don't even believe in God.............:disagree:
Something I'll never forget is calling an Afghan parent asking when he'd like to arrange a lesson and the first question he asked is "Where I'm from?" He shut the phone when he heard Pakistani. If we Muslims do this with each other how on earth will we ever succeed?

I genuinely felt upset that day because my entire life - by coincidence - I'd never experienced overt racism and the first time I did it was from a Muslim? Completely understand the historical context of why someone would feel that way but nationalism really is poison.

Alhamdullilah, I've taught for over 10 years clocking well above 800 hours to students across London from many backgrounds and have had nothing but positivity come back from them in the work that I do. But this one stuck with me and I still think about it sometimes.

@Bleek @Sainthood 101 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Huffal @PakSarZameen47 @Pak Nationalist @Indus Pakistan @Jf Thunder @Dalit @kingQamaR @Areesh @Reichsmarschall
The Ummah of Khatam an-Nabiyyin (SAW) would exist till the day of Judgement, and even beyond. I would argue in fashion of Hazrat Umar (RA) that those countries that do not associate themselves or are against Islam inadvertently give Pakistan the moral cause for [********].
The only issue is that we Pakistanis have to get our house in order first.
Unfortunately the Ummah DOES NOT exist. More and more Pakistanis are coming round to this fact. The closest thing to an Ummah that involves Pakistan is our relationship with China and most of the Chinese don't even believe in God.............:disagree:
Not even the Chinese

Don't be fooled, you share no connections with them aside from diplomatic and strategic relations.

Afghanistan, if they weren't so racist and tribal, would have been our closest ally no doubt. But they are unstable and untrustable, you may feel you are gaining strategic depth one day but they can switch any time.
Something I'll never forget is calling an Afghan parent asking when he'd like to arrange a lesson and the first question he asked is "Where I'm from?" He shut the phone when he heard Pakistani. If we Muslims do this with each other how on earth will we ever succeed?

I genuinely felt upset that day because my entire life - by coincidence - I'd never experienced overt racism and the first time I did it was from a Muslim? Completely understand the historical context of why someone would feel that way but nationalism really is poison.

Alhamdullilah, I've taught for over 10 years clocking well above 800 hours to students across London from many backgrounds and have had nothing but positivity come back from them in the work that I do. But this one stuck with me and I still think about it sometimes.

@Bleek @Sainthood 101 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Huffal @PakSarZameen47 @Pak Nationalist @Indus Pakistan @Jf Thunder @Dalit @kingQamaR @Areesh @Reichsmarschall
He drew the wrong lesson from it. There is no such thing as ummah in the 21st century. Time to grow up from these fairytales and recognize the fact that the 21st century belongs to nation-states. For any Pakistani, his/her country has to come first and last, period. Pakistan is the only identity. Its friends are my friends, its enemies are my enemies (Muslims or otherwise).
Unfortunately the Ummah DOES NOT exist. More and more Pakistanis are coming round to this fact. The closest thing to an Ummah that involves Pakistan is our relationship with China and most of the Chinese don't even believe in God.............:disagree:
Out relationship with China is only because we have common interests at the moment. Other then that there’s no relationship between us. If tomorrow Indias interest aligned with China, China would turn against Pakistan.
Just look at usa- Pakistan relations. Our interests use to align because we were both anti soviets so usa helped us militarily and economically. Once usa interest didn’t align with us, india became their new strategic allies.
Not even the Chinese

Don't be fooled, you share no connections with them aside from diplomatic and strategic relations.

Afghanistan, if they weren't so racist and tribal, would have been our closest ally no doubt. But they are unstable and untrustable, you may feel you are gaining strategic depth one day but they can switch any time.

That may be BUT the Chinese have done MORE for Pakistan than all the other so called "Muslim" nations put together. For that, the Chinese will always be special to us even if they are a different race and religion to us. As far as afghans are concerned, they the are even lower and more inferior than rodents.
He drew the wrong lesson from it. There is no such thing as ummah in the 21st century. Time to grow up from these fairytales and recognize the fact that the 21st century belongs to nation-states. For any Pakistani, his/her country has to come first and last, period. Pakistan is the only identity. Its friends are my friends, its enemies are my enemies.
Putin also referred to the 18th century, saying "the area (now Crimea and Ukraine's Black Sea shores) gained from Ottoman Empire was named "Novorossiya" (New Russia)," he said.
Read the actual translation of russian transcript from Putin's speech.

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