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Don’t worry Pakistani immigrant, the West will not treat you the way you treat your minorities

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Yes, you do. Welcome to the "Tehreek"! :-)

I betcha.... you never thought, you'd ever be joining any "Tehreek"!!! :rofl:

Yaar; when it comes to "Hatin", I just hate liberally, copiously and un-discriminatingly (even Haters included); so help me god!!!
So, do I now qualify? :P
Yes, you do. Welcome to the "Tehreek"! :-)

I betcha.... you never thought, you'd ever be joining any "Tehreek"!!! :rofl:

Maybe, yes.......
But then, what's in a Name? :lol:
Even a "Tehreek-e-Tharkee" may be a suitable group to associate with............
I hate to say it............ there is some truth to the article.

However...... the intent to post it is devious..... :P

No doubt about either of these statements. But cant close your ears when you can see the truth everyday.
LINK of the blog ??

NO link?

Link added:

Don’t worry Pakistani immigrant, the West will not treat you the way you treat your minorities – The Express Tribune Blog

What a dumb *** article, what's so thought provoking about it? It's just a series of nonsensical claims and connecting of imaginary dotes.

The article dismisses the fact that racism exists in the US and Canada, and instead tries to make a "lesser of two evils" argument here, all the while maintaining that the lesser evil doesn't exist. News flash, the lesser of two evils is still an evil, don't pretend it doesn't exist.

I've experienced racism both in Canada and in the US, I've been called a rag head, a ****, shit-skinned, and a myriad of other racist terminologies simply because I walked by someone, or had a white girlfriend. Hell, my ex got more shit from dating me, which is why we broke up, for her safety.

Wake up, racism exists everywhere, and the only reason why Canada and the US aren't as bad as Pakistan right now is a miracle, nothing more.

The two points are made in the last paragraph:

"We, Muslims, would do well if we realised a couple of things. Firstly, not everything that happens to us is because of our race or religion; sometimes we really do get what’s coming for us. Secondly, we would do well by promoting actual problems that exist, rather than trying to be a victim and playing the racism card. It just reflects badly on the rest of us."

Any comments on that?

:D he is not a troll, he try to pay the country which has given him so much.

I also try to do as much, and more, for the country of my birth too.
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What a dumb *** article, what's so thought provoking about it? It's just a series of nonsensical claims and connecting of imaginary dotes.

The article dismisses the fact that racism exists in the US and Canada, and instead tries to make a "lesser of two evils" argument here, all the while maintaining that the lesser evil doesn't exist. News flash, the lesser of two evils is still an evil, don't pretend it doesn't exist.

I've experienced racism both in Canada and in the US, I've been called a rag head, a ****, shit-skinned, and a myriad of other racist terminologies simply because I walked by someone, or had a white girlfriend. Hell, my ex got more shit from dating me, which is why we broke up, for her safety.

Wake up, racism exists everywhere, and the only reason why Canada and the US aren't as bad as Pakistan right now is a miracle, nothing more.

I have been to Toronto and New York and have seen countless Mixed couples going about their business no one seems to care. But then again they aren't dressed like they just got off the boat and have discovered deodorant.
The most important thing that we need to consider is that European countries have been monolithic communities during the past centuries - ethnically as well as religiously and culturally. In contrast, the Muslim countries had always been melting pots of humanity - culturally, ethnically and religiously. This was due to simple reason that once 'Centrally located' Muslim countries had all the opportunities in the World to earn a good livelihood – naturally, everybody followed the opportunities. In the past two centuries, the equation changed, West accumulated all the opportunities; first it kept all the other communities at bay, but with coming World Wars and post-war construction booms the shortage of labour and people made it imperative for those countries to open their doors to immigration which was accepted by local populations grudgingly (with exception of USA's population which mostly welcomed the people of the World). The reason of this attitude against Non-Europeans was the development of a mindset during the past two centuries that Europeans were racially superior; this mindset still exists and manifests itself into various forms now.

To my experience and understanding, most of the discriminatory behaviour commintted against the Muslims does not come to light. After all there is a reason that Muslims live in ghetto like communities in Europe. There is always some sort of campaign against Muslims - ban the burqa, ban the minarets, ban (Muslim) immigration. Somebody is printing blasphemous cartoons and films on the You Tube because there is freedom of speech; but, at the same time newspapers are fined if you publish photos of British Royal family member with frontal nudity.

There are news stories bringing Muslim into negative light, singling them out. There was once a news story in British newspaper that statistically people of Pakistani descent are 13 times more 'likely' to have certain genetic diseases. Nobody would, however, dare to talk about prevalence of genetic diseases among Jews, because then, they are certain to be behind the bars on the charges of Anti-semitism.

Random seaches at airport or on the highways are now an accepted norm. Discrimination at workplace is so ingrained (at least in UK, USA is better) that people have accepted the status quo. Nobody raises a voice on cronyism and nepotism.

Since, the end of Cold War, a new bogeyman was needed for USA to keep it's hegemony – It chose militant Islam to further it's goals. Since then and especially after 9/11, Islam has been equated with terrorism and fascism. The terms like 'Islamists' and 'Islamofiacists' have made every Muslim as a potential terrorist and promoted a negative image among the general public. While in UK, general population still carries the imperial hubris; the generally welcoming people of USA have also become suspicious of Muslims. Xenophobic attacks, taunts and rants have increased. All this has affected the Muslim communities psychologically which have developed a seige mentality and are always on the lookout for another embarassment.

A True Story

It has happened with one of my family members in England, which by mistake landed in an area where British National Party was reigning supreme. First night of their stay and somebody flattened all four tyres of their car with some sharp object. They had to replace all four. There was always somebody knocking on their door and running away before they opened the door. Then, one night, one of their cars was burnt totally. The fire brigade came and declared that that must have happened with 'some spark in the engine'. Then, after a few days, the second car was also set alight. Fire brigade again quoted the same reason. But, my relatives were not willing to accept that. They were concerned of their security. They asked local police to install a surveillance camera, the police refused that there was no place to put a camera. Then, they started to write to local and national newspapers and TV channels and also wrote to Independent Police Complaints Commissioner (IPCC). Nobody responded, but suddenly the police came back to them and told that they will install a security camera and keep a watch in that area during night time. Local Member of Parliament (MP) also contacted them and assured them, that he has instructed police to take care of their security while they are still at that address. A news reporter from a local newspaper visited them, but no other news or media persons came. A small story of their plight was published in that local news paper's inner pages after a month; although, such stories could be the front page news in that small town. Based upon that incident, I am forced to think that how many of such incidents go unreported and this appears clear to me that why Muslims live in ghetto like communities in most major European countries.
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Racism exists everywhere. Recently in Harare, a Zimbabwean and I had an argument over some parking space. He called me a "Muslim Sh!t". When I pointed out to him that I wasn't a Muslim, he responded "okay, then you are a not-Muslim sh!t" :undecided:
Racism do exists everywhere including the USA but not that intense. Pakistanis need to accept the fact that the country is seen as intolerant land - not because majority of population is intolerant but because the minority intolerant group act as if they are the voice of the country.
Racism exists everywhere. Recently in Harare, a Zimbabwean and I had an argument over some parking space. He called me a "Muslim Sh!t". When I pointed out to him that I wasn't a Muslim, he responded "okay, then you are a not-Muslim sh!t" :undecided:

:lol: :lol: hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that is classic racist remark
yeah they treat their minorities very well , similar to after 9/11 so many sikhs were targeted and many innocent are still having relaxation spa's every day in Guantanamo Bay jail :sarcastic:
I also try to do as much, and more, for the country of my birth too.

:D i dont complaint even if you dont.

"I am at my strongest when I don’t need a nationality to cling to, when my identity is formed by my interests, passions and abilities". - Caroline Jaine.
I have been to Toronto and New York and have seen countless Mixed couples going about their business no one seems to care. But then again they aren't dressed like they just got off the boat and have discovered deodorant.
I was raised in north america for most of my life, I'm hardly a fob.
The two points are made in the last paragraph:

"We, Muslims, would do well if we realised a couple of things. Firstly, not everything that happens to us is because of our race or religion; sometimes we really do get what’s coming for us. Secondly, we would do well by promoting actual problems that exist, rather than trying to be a victim and playing the racism card. It just reflects badly on the rest of us."

Any comments on that?
Yes, I do have a comment on that, the fact that the author is talking out of his ***. He's not saying it, but he's suggesting that Muslims rarely face racism, when in fact they constantly do. His little examples are probably made the **** up too, because I have been given no evidence of their actual existence.
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