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Simple , yaar Jub NOC jari ho ga. :p: On serious note really want to know what was it (the cargo) but as sir @Khafee ithis need tight led for while.:(

I don't know , I am having feelings some thing bigger is going to happen.................... May be I am wrong.... But if you look at few current developments , they are signaling some thing............
@The Sandman

Edit: Guys where is Lady @Moonlight , Please don't tell me she leave PDF.
@WAJsal There are few people on forum using Mardan brutality against Islam and bringing up religion again and again. Hope you loo into this matter.
Well I am sure the folk at GHQ will have something appropriate and befitting up their sleeves to reciprocate this "below the belt Indian" reaction,,,,,,,,,,Moonlight will be back soon InshAllah and I hope anti Islam elements on this forum are curtailed, we all know who they are, I hope mods take the relevant action against them.Kudos
Simple , yaar Jub NOC jari ho ga. :p: On serious note really want to know what was it (the cargo) but as sir @Khafee ithis need tight led for while.:(
there was nothing special in the jahaaz . Just some mobile generators to keep our military assets cool :P
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Muhammed Ali Jinnah as a young law student in London.


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