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assassin creed had a great story line until 3 after that it became shit story wise
Looks like you haven't played Black Flag than? ;):azn:
Haven't played any HOI yet. But have played EU4. Its quite difficult without cheats. EU4's problem is the big wars. I want to declare war on 1 enemy at a time. But each nation has allies and rivals and what not so the wars are long and lengthy and you may find yourselves in dangerous stuations. Also without cheats manpower declines very quickly during the wars. So you have to wait a long time before invading others if you aren't invaded by an opportunistic power in between anyway.

What I love about EU4 and what brings me back each time (being a history lover) is the amazing map which is mostly historically accurate, even more than ck2 where most of the earls/counts are fake (but is better in gameplay terms). I have learned a lot from it. It even has the earliest Jam of Balochistan, history I have been researching recently. It also has nations like the Bahmanis and Delhi Sultanate.
Yea war mechanics can be a pain in the a** in EU4 but same goes for HOI series but because it's full war simulator so that's not a big problem but EU4 is still fun! religion expansion royal marriages there are so many things in it too bad i missed EU4 in the sale just few days back :(
Same here.

Same here. and thank you.

Assassins creed have a history behind it, which i don't like. BTW i like games that are based on modern technology and modern military equipments. talwaaro wala door gya.
I agree. The assasins creed history for so many games is rather simplistic.

I like most games I play btw. Even if they are rated very bad.
Looks like you haven't played Black Flag than? ;):azn:
i have played every assassin creed except syndicate(was a huge fan of the series and kept expecting it to come back to its roots but.....).i think of black flag as more of a stand alone pirate game than an assassin creed game
Inshallah g Q nahe. try karty hay World at war b.
Yep it's really good i am saying this because it's the last COD set in WW2 :( tho there are rumors that they're going back to WW2 setting this year finally!! :yahoo:

i have played every assassin creed except syndicate.i think of black flag as more of a stand alone pirate game than an assassin creed game
Yea well you can say that btw syndicate is a good AC game too but story is really farigh tbh but gameplay is good and London is BEAUTIFUL IN IT ESP AT NIGHT!!!
Assassin's Creed® Syndicate_20160805090703.jpg

i took this pic^ :agree: just see how good it looks and yes horse chariots are fun
I like most games I play btw. Even if they are rated very bad.

A person should Play, what Please him. rating's vetings kay chakar me nahe parna chaahye.

Yep it's really good i am saying this because it's the last COD set in WW2 :( tho there are rumors that they're going back to WW2 setting this year finally!! :yahoo:

Hay. what about a new COD Series based on "World Vs Aliens" ? Or do they have it ?
i have played every assassin creed except syndicate(was a huge fan of the series and kept expecting it to come back to its roots but.....)
Just wait till E3 2017 there will be some good news for old AC fans they're taking it to egypt and "getting it back to AC roots" ;)
Looks like you haven't played Black Flag than? ;):azn:

Yea war mechanics can be a pain in the a** in EU4 but same goes for HOI series but because it's full war simulator so that's not a big problem but EU4 is still fun! religion expansion royal marriages there are so many things in it too bad i missed EU4 in the sale just few days back :(

Yeah. EU4 is fun with cheats though. So I manage with them. It doesn't seem unnatural or like you are cheating somehow.

I am interested in space games. I played GCIII but didn't like it very much. Now going going for stellaris and battlestar galactica.
Hay. what about a new COD Series based on "World Vs Aliens" ? Or do they have it ?
Hain? never heard of it WaW means World At War
Yeah. EU4 is fun with cheats though. So I manage with them. It doesn't seem unnatural or like you are cheating somehow.

I am interested in space games. I played GCIII but didn't like it very much. Now going going for stellaris and battlestar galactica.
don't know but space games never interests me :/ i have heard about stellaris tho ppl were saying to wait for few more years so that it can have enough content cuz you know how paradox games works barebones at release but they gradually release updates and content and after 2-3 years game reaches it's full potential
Yea well you can say that btw syndicate is a good AC game too but story is really farigh tbh but gameplay is good and London is BEAUTIFUL IN IT ESP AT NIGHT!!!

i took this pic^ :agree: just see how good it looks and yes horse chariots are fun
is there a piece of Eden and a proper modern day story in it

I am interested in space games. I played GCIII but didn't like it very much. Now going going for stellaris and battlestar galactica.
give halo a try
Hain? never heard of it WaW means World At War

don't know but space games never interests me :/ i have heard about stellaris tho ppl were saying to wait for few more years so that it can have enough content cuz you know how paradox games works barebones at release but they gradually release updates and content and after 2-3 years game reaches it's full potential

Well I am, other than history interested in space science. Was creating my own space game too with the storyline world building all done already. You're right about paradox. Btw Warhammer total war was the same thing. Being a denuvo game it constantly releases add ons. I bought the game but now I have to buy the add ons which i can't afford. Amazing what kind of looting goes on with these companies.

Sad that a fake copy can't arrive because of denuvo rights protection
I have to buy the add ons which i can't afford. Amazing what kind of looting goes on with these companies.
Always always wait for sale always check here before purchasing any game @RealNapster @Hell hound aplog bhi ye link save krlo
Was creating my own space game too with the storyline world building all done already.
Really best of luck for it sir g :tup:
Sad that a fake copy can't arrive because of denuvo rights protection
Denuvo is being cracked already so much for all the bak bak of big companies :lol: but i still believe in purchasing games it helps companies esp smaller devs.
Two different Posts hay sir g. :lol:
oops :lol:
Btw nice knowing you @Hell hound and @The Sandman. Will now go and watch a video of stellaris gameplay before going to sleep. Nice convo here. Good night in advance. You too @RealNapster
Yep same here GN :wave:
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