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Pakistani Army continues to boast of zero civilian casualties in North Waziristan operation

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Apr 26, 2012
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United States
The Pakistani military continues to boast of a civilian-free air campaign in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Since The Long War Journal reported on the Pakistani military's claims that 257 "terrorists" and zero civilians were killed between June 15 and June 22, the military has issued two more press releases on its operations. Unsurprisingly, the military said an additional 45 "terrorists" have been killed in North Waziristan over the past two days and another 20 "terrorists" were killed in Khyber. But there have reportedly been zero civilian deaths in either tribal agency.

From the Inter-Services Public Relations press release on June 23:

8 x Terrorist's hideouts around Mirali, North Waziristan Agency were destroyed by jet aircrafts early morning today. 15 x terrorists were killed in the strikes. Tunnels were spotted in the targeted areas.
While the operation ZARB -E AZB progresses as per plan, terrorists inside cordoned area are making desperate attempts to flee from the area .Several attempts by terrorists to flee from cordoned off area have been foiled. Today 10 x terrorists were killed while fleeing from the cordoned off area in Spinwam and Mirali. 2 x soldiers embraced shahadat in exchange of fire.

And, from the Inter-Services Public Relations press release on June 24:

27 x terrorists were killed in jet aircraft strikes in Mir Ali and surroundings areas this afternoon. 11 x Terrorist's hideouts were destroyed. Huge cache or arms and ammunition was also destroyed.
20 x Terrorists were killed in early morning air strikes on terrorist's hideouts in Khyber Agency. 12 x terrorist's hideouts were destroyed.

So, if you are keeping count, that is 302 "terrorists," "foreign and local terrorists," "Uzbek foreigners," "foreigners," and "ETIM [Turkistan Islamic Party] terrorists," and zero civilians killed since the military launched Zarb-e-Azb on June 15. If you are to believe the Pakistani military's body count (and we don't), this is a remarkable feat for a military that is known for the blunt application of force against its own population. Campaigns against the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan in Swat and Bajaur between 2007 and 2009 left thousands of civilians killed as the Pakistani military launched indiscriminate air and artillery strikes on population centers.

There is another aspect to this operation that must be pointed out. The Pakistani military said its plan in North Waziristan is to cordon off population centers and allow civilians to flee while launching airstrikes against said "terrorists" before moving in with ground forces to occupy the region. The Pakistani military did the exact same thing during its operations against the Mehsud tribal areas of South Waziristan back in 2009. All that did was allow leaders and key operatives from the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and other jihadists in the area to escape while leaving behind a rear guard force to bleed the Pakistani military. No senior Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan leaders or operatives were killed or captured during the 2009 offensive.​

I totally trust that Pak saf F-16 avoid civilians by grace of allah. While drones does not differentiate between civilian and terrorist.
If anyone has evidence of civilian casualties it must be brought forward.

I totally trust that Pak saf F-16 avoid civilians by grace of allah. While drones does not differentiate between civilian and terrorist.

I dont know if you are serious or if its a joke like your profile picture and name.
There are anti state elements on social media spreading propaganda against PA on the on going operation in NWA.

So far what I have read on, on going operation in NWA I am happy & pleased with PA performance, but what really worries me is the displaced people of NWA & as per my tribal friend from Afridi tribe, they are not happy at all & this situation favors India. When I questioned him how, he said "people who are going to Afghanistan are welcomed by Indian agents, disguised in Mullah out fits & are openly calling PA kafirs & paying the refugees handsomely".
One thing that surprises me though -

TTP living together in open camps / villages in their hundreds away from any civilian populations.


if it was so easy to eliminate them in bulk with air strikes - then why wasn't these strikes carried out before?
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If anyone has evidence of civilian casualties it must be brought forward.

the only way to know is through army spox, independent media not allowed in war zone...

I totally trust that Pak saf F-16 avoid civilians by grace of allah. While drones does not differentiate between civilian and terrorist.

And what makes you say so? Funny logic! Would a pilot in a fighter jet like the F-16 flying at 300 knots be better able to distinguish terrorists from the local population/civilians than a drone flying at 70 to 90 knots with real time imagery?

Man, you wouldn't be able to distinguish a terrorist from an ordinary civilian even if he hugs you unless he's wearing a suicide vest or carrying a weapon under his jacket or a pistol under his 'turban'! And you think an F-16 fighter pilot flying 500 ft to 1000ft above at 300 or so knots would be able to do so? Get real buddy!
If anyone has evidence of civilian casualties it must be brought forward.

On the contrary, the killer needs to present evidence that only terrorists have died. (Naming them would be a nice start, or killing someone big for that matter). Pakistan had NEVER killed a BIG SHOT in such operations as far as I know

Oh, and there are countless pics/videos out there showing dead civilians. :D

And what makes you say so? Funny logic! Would a pilot in a fighter jet like the F-16 flying at 300 knots be better able to distinguish terrorists from the local population/civilians than a drone flying at 70 to 90 knots with real time imagery?

Man, you wouldn't be able to distinguish a terrorist from an ordinary civilian even if he hugs you unless he's wearing a suicide vest or carrying a weapon under his jacket or a pistol under his 'turban'! And you think an F-16 fighter pilot flying 500 ft to 1000ft above at 300 or so knots would be able to do so? Get real buddy!

Indians never get sarcasm...
One thing that surprises me though -

TTP living together in open camps / villages in their hundreds away from any civilian populations.


if it was so easy to eliminate them in bulk with air strikes - then why wasn't these strikes carried out before?
They didn't exactly had a purpose built colony for the TTP neither hundreds were living in one place or under the same roof, most are cave dwellers or live in mountainous hideouts.
As for not attacking them before..... well you spend enough time on this forum to understand that GOP was trying to have some form of peaceful settlement with these innocent souls.... since all else failed, we decided to put them out of their misery.
@Irfan Baloch
The number of deaths reported by military i assume are for domestic consumption. We haven't seen any terrorist bodies, bomb making factories, no big shot has been killed either. Where is Fazalullah or his spokes person sanaullah Shahid?

I Dont understand how are we making progress. If these people are to believed to escaped to Afghanistan, than the operation is already a failure.

So far we havent seen any retaliation either other than the attack on a passenger aircraft in Peshawar. It only seems we are destroying their hideouts with aika doka terrorist.

This is just my humble opinion please take it as such.
People Even have problem when No one Dies LOL For Pakistan Army they are not some random people If Someone has proof that what ispr is saying is wrong they must show it
its good to see that our army is doing their strikes on selected targets and reducing any civilian casualties ... but wait few more days some leaders will start crying over collateral damage .....
If anyone has evidence of civilian casualties it must be brought forward.

There is a total lockdown on any media personnel entering the area, so how would any evidence be brought forward, if there is any?
And what makes you say so? Funny logic! Would a pilot in a fighter jet like the F-16 flying at 300 knots be better able to distinguish terrorists from the local population/civilians than a drone flying at 70 to 90 knots with real time imagery?

Man, you wouldn't be able to distinguish a terrorist from an ordinary civilian even if he hugs you unless he's wearing a suicide vest or carrying a weapon under his jacket or a pistol under his 'turban'! And you think an F-16 fighter pilot flying 500 ft to 1000ft above at 300 or so knots would be able to do so? Get real buddy!

While his logic is silly, our airstrikes perform better because our intelligence is better. In a place devoid of most modern technology, it's ridiculous to rely on SIGINT. Our HUMINT is of course unmatched in the region.
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