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Imran fears North Waziristan operation will be ‘suicidal'

We should have sent Imran Khan on the night of Karachi airport attack to negotiate with the 10 attackers instead of putting life of our soldiers in danger. It would have been a win win situation for us. Either terrorists would have agreed with Imran and would have left peacefully or would have shot him right there and we would be spared from his regular BS.
Being smart about an op is one thing, but calling any such method suicidal is wrong.

Negotiations didn't earn us the progress against the TTP we've seen since 2008. Smart and effective use of force did.
I'd stick with a more intense drone war.

So far Pakistan has evaded any finger pointing as women and children killers by shifting it to the USA and pleading drone ignorance.
This prevents the militants from portraying the military as the bad guys and gaining public sympathy.

I agree with Aeronaut that they are trying to bait you in. Once in you are wide open to anything. Captured soldier videos, atrocity videos. They will make you the bad guys in two seconds and justify them to kill civilians in retaliation.
Imran raised very valid points.

When groups in TTP want to lay down their weapons why attack them. ITs important to isolate those who want to fight. Us wants the operation in NWA for Afghan Taliban. Those who pinch them in their occupation. If operation is conducted on Us behest and no matter how much the govt clarifies its not the case, it will be a total disaster.

Also, dont forget a 3rd time PM promised to hold talks first. He took the mandate from APC and then muddled it. When he took a vote on the promise of talk, he must explain what happened to the talks, why govt wants to do an operation and what will be the objective of the operation. This is a democracy. Ask your PM to do a better job at communicating.

As long as these terrorists keep getting training on the other side of the border, this will keep coming back at us. Pakistan need to find is diplomatic voice. It does not raise its voice despite overwhelming evidence of external elements,

I m not against operation. It must be conducted but not without taking people in confidence. NWA is part of Pakistan. Its not some foreign country we want to send our army all the time.

I'd stick with a more intense drone war.

So far Pakistan has evaded any finger pointing as women and children killers by shifting it to the USA and pleading drone ignorance.
This prevents the militants from portraying the military as the bad guys and gaining public sympathy.

I agree with Aeronaut that they are trying to bait you in. Once in you are wide open to anything. Captured soldier videos, atrocity videos. They will make you the bad guys in two seconds and justify them to kill civilians in retaliation.

If Pakistan thinks drones is the answer and its military establishment secretly wishes for them then at least it must come out publicly and take the nation in confidence, This double game of hollow protests and letting the drones continue will alienate people from a cause drones are supposed to achieve.
Mr Khan needs to come to terms with an unfortunate truth about the TTP, AQ, ISIL and their kind - they are ideologically bound never to surrender. They can't stop striving for Sharia and khilafat even if they want to - it's their very raison d'être. It's the reason why fighters leave all their worldly possessions and join them from far and wide - they can never compromise.

So even if you've divided them the gain is temporary - when ISIL defeated al nusra in Syria, most of the losing fighters simply switched groups because they believe in the same basic things. However much leverage you may think you have with one group or another, the khariji fighters who have come 'sar pe kafan baandh ke' will never forget their real goal.

After seeing whats happening in the Middle East the truth is becoming even more clear. Iraq, Libya and even Syria were relatively peaceful because their dictator leaders took a zero tolerance approach to religious radicalism. As soon as that iron fist was lifted, the cockroaches ascended with shocking speed.

The dictators for all their faults proved one thing, the only logical way to defeat these people is total annihilation. And the sooner imran khan and his friends understand this the better.
He will never learn.

You are right. What is the solution on offer from Mr. Imran khan on this continuous Vilolance. Should Pakistan Government keep Mum and witness people being killed. Will people not loose faith in government and start surrendering terror for their protection.
You are right. What is the solution on offer from Mr. Imran khan on this continuous Vilolance. Should Pakistan Government keep Mum and witness people being killed. Will people not loose faith in government and start surrendering terror for their protection.

He is just playing provincial politics which is not suitable for a person who claims to be a National Leader. If he opposes Taliban in KPK then they will going to hand PTIs A$$ on a platter.
Ignore the rhetoric, he does have a point. TTP is in disarray due to the lure of peace talks, splits, infighting, assasinations and ultimaitums are flying around.

They mounted the Karachi attack to attain unity and to bait the govt to attack NW. This is what THEY want because this is whats needed to mend thei internal ruptures.

We do need to carry out the operation but FIRST against the sleeper cells in Karachi, Punjab and KPK. We need to supress their ability to mount a wave of terror in urban centers BEFORE an operation takes place.

@Irfan Baloch ,@Icarus , pls elaborate further.

Khan Sahab is crazy, the time is right for an Op and history will be testament to who's suicide it was to engage in warfare against the state of Pakistan. The last bastion of the TTP must fall as quick as possible so we can move on to other matters.
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