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Imran fears North Waziristan operation will be ‘suicidal'

War will always bring more violence, death and destruction.. pakistan wont be left alone, especially in new international development, if some Uzbek organization with their jahil londas can breach into our airport security, then we are vulnerable, not because these militants are capable enough, but their handlers know how to use them... see whats going on syria, iraq, libya etc,

we should be very careful in our moves, not emotional or reactionary but rational.. like a saying goes in war zone, when fire comes from unknown place, the officer in command doesnot reply randomly, they wait, its called thanda kar kay khao..

we have 150000 army involved in Tribal areas and 90000 on eastern border... if the external factors are waiting for us to get into their bait, believe me Imran Khan is damn right... already he has warned of the fact that Tribal preferring to go to Afghanistan and be refugees than to be IDPs in their own country.. and this only means endless supplies of militants to Pakistan's enemies who are waiting to avail this opportunity !

so we ought to be sensible here.

We know exactly where its coming from. Its that open border with Afghanistan.

Firstly what idiot decided to keep the border completely open and unmanned after 26 countries invaded next door?

Secondly Imran is speaking against an action which is necessary to secure the border and influx of terrorists. South Waziristan after being reclaimed is now developing nicely. You cannot depend on civilians with ak47s to control an international border. This is 2014, not 1949. These terrorists are fully equipped including injections. These f**kers can only be taken out with iron fist of PA army.

We need to close this border and to do this we need 100k upwards troops stationed with no mans land, snipers. If 2 years go by and Bajaur doesn't get attacked then we would have won this war.

Imran's statement is purely politically motivated, its neither rational nor patriotic. Its idiotic and the sign of an immature statesman. If he we listen to him then we will continually have this climate of anticipation of an attack, the constant umbrella of terrorism hanging over everyones shoulders. We are currently easy targets and no wonder Uzbeks are coming over to try their luck and get 15 minutes of fame whilst their families are handed out a paycheck by India as a reward.

If terrorism happens like this sporadically for 5 more years then country will go down the toilet of history and only option now left is military solution. Strong nations have strong national security and an army which is dominant force, weak nations die like Syria and Iraq.
We do need to carry out the operation but FIRST against the sleeper cells in Karachi, Punjab and KPK. We need to supress their ability to mount a wave of terror in urban centers BEFORE an operation takes place.

@Irfan Baloch ,@Icarus , pls elaborate further.
both can be done side by side. we didnt attack the NW for 12 years and what we've done to sleeper cells?
its all about the opportunity really.. where ever it presents itself we must avail it. be it a secret meeting of top leadership or ammo dump in NW badlands or a group of terrorists prepping to attack our infrastructure some ethnic minority or a military base..... if we find them out we must pounce on them.

TTP is not going to wait and there are no guarantee they wont attack us until we launch operation in NW.. they ddint hesitate even when the PTI and Jamat Islami were talking to their brothers. (recall the beading of our 23 odd soldiers?)

NW operation shouldnt be seen as a conventional invasion kind of a thing where there are hardpoints or trenches dug by TTP.. which we need to take out by armor and infantry full frontal assault. we must employ drones, gunships and jets and our heliborne units there would be some places though where they would have their observation posts or MG nests but they should be taken out through superior firepower from distance. we must fight them like them... i.e being small and mobile like them but with the much better tehcnology and firepower at hand.

when should the operation launched is open to debate.. but whenever it happens it should be when the enemy is really vulnerable and we have advantage, we can block their routes and then employ artillery, air power to soften them and and heliborne units to take them out.

sleeper cells will be only taken out with the combined effort of military and civilian security and law enforcement agencies. they will simply meld in the madrassash and politician deras.. and we wont have a clue where they went
Its too late now. Pakistan will continue to descend into more chaos and extremism. Our society is now the most extremists society in the world. RIP Pakistan.
Believe me he will never say ... He is a vision-less leader who don't know real destination to go ..........
Let us not hurt PTI supporters. I am speechless right now.Unlike you people..I am not supporter of any political party..infact I never have faith over politicians...there were some instincts and fragile expectations... and they still are..so let us wait and watch.
All I care right now is the right decision that civil regime must take and decisions taken by government must align with respect to demand of scenario..notice that I am again focusing the term 'align' with 'correct orientation' and demand of scenario.
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Peace talks and targeted operation can be done side by side but Khan's statement attempts to create political point scoring and confusion among masses. How does he know the operation will target those who are willing to come on table ????
Khan said that if a military operation is to be conducted, the government “must first explain what happened to the dialogue”.

Karachi airport attack happened to the dialogue Mr Khan
continued slaughter of Shia's in Taftan happened Mr Khan
He knows all hell will break loose in punjab .. imagine those millions of trained LET militants some estimates say they are in millions and operating against TTP / Extremists will obviously piss them off and attack will intensify against targets in Punjab thats what ganja's and imran khans problem's are ... they know wont be able to sleep in peace any more

What estimates? Let us know some.
I think those with 40+ years of combat experience might know slightly more then Mr Khan . who is Ironically nothing but a contradiction to his own words . One day he say's we support military operation next day he says Nawww screw that lets talk , next day TTP attack & he is again ready for operation again ..

For him there is a saying in Punjabi

100 Chitter b Kha lenay hain or 100 Pyaz B .
Even though sometimes war becomes a necessity to bring peace upon the land.In fact one of the main reason to engage in warfare is to either resist suppression or to suppress your enemy..so that you could live peacefully and your generations :D
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Unlike you people..I am not supporter of any political party..

I am also not supporter of any political party in real means ... I am just chagrined due to his retarded attitude ... I always praise of good work of PTI and many times I have opposed bad policies of my favorite party ... And my favorite political personality is PM .............
I read you guys, mostly nonsensical and immature emotional and macho rants, find nothing to reply... adios !
I am also not supporter of any political party in real means ... I am just chagrined due to his retarded attitude ... I always praise of good work of PTI and many times I have opposed bad policies of my favorite party ... And my favorite political personality is PM .............
Oh bhai meray.....bus kerdo..jazbati hojayein gay hamaray humwatan :D
Imran khan is a fool.
any one who thinks that pakhtoon honour hangs with these suicidal animals is a fool..
Imran Khan is a spineless coward, I don't know how much more bloodshed he need to get it through his thick head to know, the only language terrorists understand is of bullets.
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