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Two billion Muslims do nothing Shame. Retired General Asim munier is only man in 2 billions with atomic bomb

Today Muslims are from different countries many of which are at war with each other. It makes no sense to talk about Muslims other than as powerless individuals, like in any other religion.
Weird how Pakistanis consider GCC akin to companions of the Prophet. People from South Asia had that impression decades ago in the 60s and 70s, but that changed once they got there. I was raised in a GCC country and at home and among friends we would remark how un-Muslim many are. Racism is strongest among them of all Arabs, although they are not as violent as other Arabs. They invited American, European armies to fight Iraq, something impossible under a Khalifa. Even I didn't think they would do that.
The next most racist are Palestinians. 'Holy Land' complex makes people more racist, but they are not as bad as Hindutva. Jews top them all. Zionist racism is Nazi level, maybe worse.
They invited American, European armies to fight Iraq, something impossible under a Khalifa.
Compare with this
Clearly, those were not Arabs in general, nor nomads, but very special Arabs. The leaders were from Quraish, the Prophet's tribe, descendants of Prophet Ibrahim.

The empire expanded from tiny Medinah, which at one point had all of Arabia, including Makkah and the Quraish tribe allied against it. And Medinah had a large population of internal enemies (probably one-third) allied with external enemies. Incredible.

Arab Muslims did it centuries ago, simultaneously defeating Eastern Roman and Persian empires, thus liberating the Semitic civilization. Now, compare with Israel which dreams of greater Israel for over 3000 years. Israel pagan culture gets hung up genociding people. Their book and rabbis say they must kill every man, woman, child, and cattle.
Islamophobia is common among 'Muslims', like it is among Hindus/Hindutva, Jews/Zionists, and European extremists. Example below, instead of blaming Lebanese authorities, this poster from the other forum is disrespecting, degrading and destroying the humanity of Muslims (including his own) and blaming the victims.

Mehmed Beg: "The more I think about this event in Lebanon, more I think that for considerable part of the problem, Muslim physical and mental laziness and lack of thoroughness is to blame. Lack of discipline, inheriting lack of respect of the necessary procedures and rules etc etc.
If someone doesn't have certain technical level at least, someone can have human qualities."

Pakistanis commonly engage in such anti Muslim Islamophobia too.
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