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Pakistani Army continues to boast of zero civilian casualties in North Waziristan operation

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Old? No. These were after the raids on MirAli that "supposedly" killed 150 "uzbeks" (none of whom could be names or picture shown).

If they are old, please prove it or stop lying

Sources did post pictures of innocent children, an old man, some women who died in these bombings.. but none of terrorists


Prove to me this is fake or NOT from MirAli

Kindly provide your source for this picture.
@babajees -
Tell me. Why choose a picture that has only been used on Anti Pak Army pages/blogs/sources.

Why not from a actual neutral source?

Thank you for posting that, now my observations:

1. Dead men tell no tales, there is no way of independently verifying that these are indeed non-combatant casualties (discounting the children).

2. The Taliban are bound to push the 'Civilian Casualties' and 'Random Strikes' narratives because it suits their agenda to pull airstrikes off the table as a viable option in the fight against terrorists.

3. Such stories cannot remain hidden, which is why I have serious reservations against the claim of 27 dead. There was a botched airstrike in Khyber back in 2010 against the Kookikhel tribe and everyone and their mum got to hear about it. The Chief had to personally apologize to the Kookikhel.

4. Such stories are usually tied back to the Agency Correspondent or the Agency Press Club, seeing that neither has been credited nor has a crest or watermark been placed on the picture, I have serious doubt about the veracity of this tale of events. These guys do not have the internet or DSL to take pictures and pop them onto social media and I doubt they are offering the service in IDP camps either. No journalists can have taken them because the Agency is under complete media censorship.
Are we sure the kid is not victim of TTP? They have posted picture of their own victimes as propaganga against Pak army.
I have no idea. I only posted the link to the blog to show where the original poster got the pic from. I can't vouch for its veracity.

@babajees -
Tell me. Why choose a picture that has only been used on Anti Pak Army pages/blogs/sources.

Why not from a actual neutral source?
There is a complete media blackout in the area, so you will not get any neutral source, at least not a reputed one. (Again, I'm not claiming whether the pic is what it purpots to be. I'm just saying, that media sources are not present there.)
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