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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

So many warnings and soo many chances to get off the list but still lagging behind on reforms on purpose
Mighty Soviet Union disappeared not militarily but economically and that too from within
How long can the west wait more for Pakistan to do as instructed and document the economy which is in its own best interest?
The ego / greed of few men / institution is causing more harm to this country then our enemies combined?

Only issue that (forcefully) unites everyone in parliament unanimously is to give extension, putting personality above the institution
why are people so worried about this bullshit list, it seems like this is the biggest problem Pakistan has now
why are people so worried about this bullshit list, it seems like this is the biggest problem Pakistan has now
Bullshit or not but fulfilling this list will benefit Pakistan and non other.
breaking on media
Oh I am surprised


The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Thursday decided to keep Pakistan on its 'grey list', with the country's status set to be reviewed next at an extraordinary plenary session in June 2021.

The announcement was made by FATF President Dr Marcus Pleyer at a press briefing from Paris on the outcomes of the FATF's four-day virtual plenary meeting.

"Pakistan remains under increased monitoring," Pleyer said, adding that while Islamabad had made “significant progress”, there remained some “serious deficiencies” in mechanisms to plug terrorism financing.

the requirements are Pakistan specific and such that cant be met. Pakistan will be kept in grey list for a foreseeable future as a political punishment by FATF members.
So many warnings and soo many chances to get off the list but still lagging behind on reforms on purpose
Mighty Soviet Union disappeared not militarily but economically and that too from within
How long can the west wait more for Pakistan to do as instructed and document the economy which is in its own best interest?
The ego / greed of few men / institution is causing more harm to this country then our enemies combined?

Only issue that (forcefully) unites everyone in parliament unanimously is to give extension, putting personality above the institution

This is not so much about economic reforms as it is about politics. Surely economic reforms are needed, but that is just an excuse. There are nations in the world today which have a terrible economic framework. Much worse than Pakistan. They are not sanctioned or put on any list. This is about something else.

The Western nations want to put Pakistan under economic pressure. For years Western think tanks have advised and lobbied their governments to put economic pressure on Pakistan. This is nothing new. It is scripted and totally expected.

Pakistan will only get off this list if it accepts Western list of demands. Until then nothing will happen. Next FATF meeting will be the same. They cannot nor want to blacklist Pakistan. That would defeat the purpose and make Pakistan do desperate things. The goal is to squeeze Pakistan slowly, but hard enough to send the message home. Pakistan won't accept and just ride along knowing this. Pakistan has little choice. The choice it has is tough and very difficult

In my opinion, time has come to make some radical changes. Pakistan has to take some tough decisions. It needs to break relations with hostile nations. That includes hostile Western nations in bed with India. Highly unlikely that the leaders in Pakistan will ever do this, but this would be the right decision. It will be a rough road for Pakistan, but the long term benefits will be very fruitful if Pakistan invested in regional relationships.
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I think pakistan will stay on this list indefinitely, even after going beyond what is required by this body. It is a political move, that will keep pakistan under pressure until pakistan capitulates on other strategic and regional concessions sought by the great powers.

I am not sure about all of the 'regional concessions' but I think Americans want Pak to 'DO MORE' in Afghanistan. Biden admin is seeking some good deal(s) with Taliban :)
breaking on media

It will have no negative effect on us, and actually it will help in getting the economy properly documented and taxed.

I am not sure about all of the 'regional concessions' but I think Americans want Pak to 'DO MORE' in Afghanistan. Biden admin is seeking some good deal(s) with Taliban :)

They have lost it. They are intent on losing Kabul.

Americans still do not understand that they cannot bully Afghans.
This is not so much about economic reforms as it is about politics. Surely economic reforms are needed, but that is just an excuse. There are nations in the world today which have a terrible economic framework. Much worse than Pakistan. They are not sanctioned or put on any list. This is about something else.

The Western nations want to put Pakistan under economic pressure. For years Western think tanks have advised and lobbied their governments to put economic pressure on Pakistan. This is nothing new. It is scripted and totally expected.

Pakistan will only get off this list if it accepts Western list of demands. Until then nothing will happen. Next FATF meeting will be the same. They cannot nor want to blacklist Pakistan. That would defeat the purpose and make Pakistan do desperate things. The goal is to squeeze Pakistan slowly, but hard enough to send the message home. Pakistan won't accept and just ride along knowing this. Pakistan has little choice. The choice it has is tough and very difficult

In my opinion, time has come to make some radical changes. Pakistan has to take some tough decisions. It needs to break relations with hostile nations. That includes hostile Western nations in bed with India. Highly unlikely that the leaders in Pakistan will ever do this, but this would be the right decision. It will be a rough road for Pakistan, but the long term benefits will be very fruitful if Pakistan invested in regional relationships.

In sha Allah bro, it will happen and we will finally give the appropriate response to any insinuations of "Do More."
It is political. There are no easy solutions for Pakistan. What does the Western world seek from Pakistan?

1. Fulfil all conditions in Afghanistan. Accept India as police officer of region.
2. Halt all Chinese projects and cooperation.
3. Give the US unconditional access to Baluchistan.
4. Provide full access and insight to US regarding nuclear facilities.
Not sure if US wants those unrealistic demands. Not sure what the source of the information is.
Pakistan is the 5th biggest country in the world In population and will be successful. In Shaa Allah
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