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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

Any pakistani other than those owning properties worth milliins/billions of $ considering a christian club to be their "redeemer" must get his head check from a shrink . Pakistani type of econony is least affected even if the evangelicals put us in any other color list .
  • French lobbying
  • Indian lobbying
Pakistan please keep your mouth shut from now on!
How can they?? Dont forget Pakistan wants to be number 1 at Ummah Chummah championship even if they have to eat grass for ummah chummah brothers.
Think either we can't read English properly or don't want to read.
Our own minister is admitting to last 3 items on the list partially completed either its incompetency on Pakistani part or due to time span available after amending the laws in the parliament is the problem. During last meeting it was stated to us clearly they will check on the ground inside Pakistan the implementation of the amended laws and then they will decide by June on our status. Why we created that hype of getting off the list in February in the first place which ends in the anti climax. Now its Pakistan duty to sit down with the FATF team and ask the probing questions for the method of completion and process of completion and goes ahead and completes it. Enough of all this crap on the Pakistan part that we have completed 18 points and then 23 points and now out of remaining 7 points completed 3 partially. We all know we have been put on the pedestal of FATF for a reason and they are demanding every pound of flesh and if we have agreed to implement then lets not make a joke of it and sort it out once for all.
When we don't do our home work properly then don't leave the blame at someone else door. It may have an element of politics involved in it, then common sense demands we should be more diligent in completing the points. Am sure our not so friendly friends are happier to keep us there and longer we stay there more luddos's they will consume and its loss to us economically. Silly attitude adopted by few members who are claiming who cares about FATF needs enlightenment and needs growing up as it's costing us in investments and jobs to our country.
Nice analysis... You agreed to comply... Put all efforts to achieve it.

Got inspired boss to achieve something which I agreed myself...

india is a large supporter of terrorism ... then again infidels are hypocritical by nature.

that has got to be biggest the BS of the decade.

You are a funny man,

India was caught red handed in terrorism, Israel created ISIS and so on.
And you are leader of Caliphate...

Shooting into thin air results in wastage of ammunition.... Terrorism charges against India.... Either you prove it beyond doubt or keep silent... No of so called Indian terrorist doesn't require 2nd hand to count... So don't try create stories out of thin air
UAE is the hub of money laundering and is not on any list. That is the double standard of FATF. Good progress but Pakistan should fight the colonial French and the Indians on every front.

Pakistan will defeat them, In Shaa Allah.
Your beloved minister said that Pak is yet to comply with all rules.... Doe to which it is still in grey list....

Where does India come in to picture??
  • French lobbying
  • Indian lobbying
Pakistan please keep your mouth shut from now on!
Didn’t Pakistan expose all the Indian lies by digging up huge disinfo lab etc?
Is FATF an Indian controlled organisation?
Didn’t Pakistan dig up about Indian involvement in all subversive activities in Pakistan and expose it to the entire world?

There were some huge threads on these aspects on PDF and it appeared that next step would be that Pakistan would move out and India would move directly into the FATF black list.

Rather than wasting your energy on blaming India, please use that to do some meaningful work towards getting out of FATF.

Few FMs appear to be very happy to remain on FATF. ?? These dudes appear to be removed from the realities of what is required for Pakistan economy

But Pak government is more sane and knows that getting out of it is for its own good and that’s why taking all the steps towards it.

Hope that Pakistan meets all the criteria and gets out soon. A prosperous neighbour is better than an economically unstable one.
Brothers stand strong 24/27, Pakistan will be out. The chains are loosening.
Just imagine the heartache it has caused to people like Aditya Raj Kaul and Maj. Guarav Arya. They were telling people that Pakistan is definitely going to blacklist. Haha
Yeah whatever, its just a political pressure puppet organization anyway, Pakistan's investments are coming from China and GCC which don't care, i bet Indian will be jumping on Twitter and presenting as another Modi Victory, hey lets hope they keep electing modi :D
US doesn't have a pliable, puppet bootlicker at the govt. in Pakistan currently.

Wikileaks have had this info about Madeline Albright(US consular to Pak then) writing to US that PM IK govt. cannot be controlled and coerced like Nawaz and Zardaris.

Also how BCCI bank, an intl' financial bank started by a Pakistani was scuttled by US/West citing money laundering allegations, the rise of BCCI bank was phenomenal and west was perturbed then...how can there be a fin. institution outside of the western domain.

FATF is a financial tool used politically.
I don't know why this FATF gets so many backs up in Pakistan. Just read the wikipedia page - most of the world is compliant to these anti money laundering guidelines. Think about how much damage money laundering has caused us. By implementing stricter regulations regularly - we as a nation stand to benefit. The thieves ill find it much harder to get money out - the enemy will find it much harder to get money in.

I live in the UK and within the last few years I've come across the following new rules when sending cash back to Pakistan through forex guys;

- You have to provide current forms of ID if you send higher than a certain amount (£2000)
- Your transactions can be blocked if people from the same address are sending regular amounts of money
- Your transactions can be blocked if people are sending money regularly from the same location to the same recipient
- Your transactions will be investigated if you send more than £10,000 a year
- If you send money from a location which is not near your home address your transactions get flagged.

I came across all these problems when my family tried to send cash to my mamu who needed it for cancer treatment (he is getting better now).

This was because i was sending cash - i could have bank transfered without a problem.
For what it's worth and though not to the same degree, I face a dilemma on this count with Indians as well. BJP brings in the whole economic liberalization angle, which is a prerequisite to Indians leaving the socialist paradise of poverty they have become comfortable with, but also bring an identity grounded in religiosity.

Join the club. We seem to be swimming in the same waters. :welcome:
Imran Khan did nothing to copy Musharraf model of killing hundi business overnight.
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