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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

This fatf is yet another instrument of neo-imperialism, headed by a rotting colonial-p!g, france. I wonder when the day would come when Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh and the Continental Africa create an International Law Organization that Prosecutes france for it's criminal, imperial theft, murder, lies, thuggery and mafia of plundering resources in Africa and around the world. Of criminal meddling in the political establishment of other sovereign nations. Of lying to the world that it's a democracy when in essence it is a narcissistic, feudal, imperial state that is owned and controlled by zionists, in it's totality.

Pakistan, if you really are listening and doing so with a liberated mind. Then I suggest that you take a long hard look at france's theft of Pakistan's fisheries. Because this scum, which is the french state, is outright stealing Pakistan's fish at rock bottom prices, by paying off (bribes, kickbacks) local traitors who identify themselves as Muslim and Pakistani.

The only reason why imperialism and colonialism still thrive, is because we the people, have not taken these imperialist scum to the chopping block and cut off their heads for their crimes against humanity.

Even if I was paid $1 million, I would not go to that zionist, prostitute state called france.
This fatf is yet another instrument of neo-imperialism, headed by a rotting colonial-p!g, france. I wonder when the day would come when Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh and the Continental Africa create an International Law Organization that Prosecutes france for it's criminal, imperial theft, murder, lies, thuggery and mafia of plundering resources in Africa and around the world. Of criminal meddling in the political establishment of other sovereign nations. Of lying to the world that it's a democracy when in essence it is a narcissistic, feudal, imperial state that is owned and controlled by zionists, in it's totality.

Pakistan, if you really are listening and doing so with a liberated mind. Then I suggest that you take a long hard look at france's theft of Pakistan's fisheries. Because this scum, which is the french state, is outright stealing Pakistan's fish at rock bottom prices, by paying off (bribes, kickbacks) local traitors who identify themselves as Muslim and Pakistani.

The only reason why imperialism and colonialism still thrive, is because we the people, have not taken these imperialist scum to the chopping block and cut off their heads for their crimes against humanity.

Even if I was paid $1 million, I would not go to that zionist, prostitute state called france.

Bro, you are a true warrior.
At the moment that identity seems to be largely grounded in being the 'fortress of Islam'
Yes, I agree this where all the issue is. Everything flows from this and is the reason all politicians in Pakistan will sweeten their speeches that goes with thos ridicalous idea of 'fortress of Islam'.

I wish more Indians start believing what Deng Xiaoping said perfectly - to be rich is glorious.
If only our people espoused this idea instead of freaking idealogies - worst part being they don't even live by them.

I bet most of this thread will have rants about, either that this FATF is Jewish conspiracy, politically motivated and we don't give a flying frigg about it. Entirely ignoring that if FATF does not matter why is this thread rolling, why has Pak government spent lot of energy trying to get out of the grey list and being on it is like having a heavy chain around the countries neck.
As predicted. Pakistan won't be coming off this list.
UAE is the hub of money laundering and is not on any list. That is the double standard of FATF. Good progress but Pakistan should fight the colonial French and the Indians on every front.

Pakistan will defeat them, In Shaa Allah.
Even if I was paid $1 million, I would not go to that zionist, prostitute state called france.
I think they would pay $10 million to keep you away from France.
UAE is the hub of money laundering and is not on any list.
Bingo. And last time I checked they are a Muslim country. Saudia Arabia is also home of major financial rackets. KSA, UAE, Kuwait are also centre of modern slave trading but not a blip will come out.
UAE is the hub of money laundering and is not on any list. That is the double standard of FATF. Good progress but Pakistan should fight the colonial French and the Indians on every front.

Pakistan will defeat them, In Shaa Allah.

It is political. There are no easy solutions for Pakistan. What does the Western world seek from Pakistan?

1. Fulfil all conditions in Afghanistan. Accept India as police officer of region.
2. Halt all Chinese projects and cooperation.
3. Give the US unconditional access to Baluchistan.
4. Provide full access and insight to US regarding nuclear facilities.
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we are on the FATF grey list of these bc's, mian piggy and that sialkoti merasi khaja.

UAE is the hub of money laundering and is not on any list. That is the double standard of FATF. Good progress but Pakistan should fight the colonial French and the Indians on every front.

Pakistan will defeat them, In Shaa Allah.

who gives 8787 about other important thing is due to this pressure may be pak can progress ans get rid of crooks and thieves when your banks launder money it’s a concern
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I was ready the tribune which claimed thay Pakistan lost some 38$ billion due to FATF. keeping that aside it was clear that we were not coming out of grey list just yet. Oct might be the time for us but till than we aint coming out in june either. As of now our main goal must be to get out of the grey list. It might be just a tool but still it is something to pressure us. Just come out of the list once. It's a really bad sight to be in the grey list man.

I have read somewhere that it's costing Pakistan $10 billion a year. Hopefully, it will be over in the next plenary meeting.
1. Fulfil all conditions in Afghanistan. Accept India as police officer of region.
2. Halt all Chinese projects and cooperation.
3. Give the US unconditional access to Baluchistan.
4. Provide full access and insight to US to nuclear facilities.
Rubbish. Why have they not placed China on the list then? Why not Iran?

We don't have nearly the level of corruption of these countries. Why are we on this list?
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