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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

The remaining three as termed as Partially Addressed. The point is they are addressed, the FATF just want to keep us in a little longer.

Sure, but they can only do so for so long, it's only a matter of time now

Everyone has the wrong end about FATF, Indians and afghanis think it's some terrorism list😂

Use that propaganda to our favour, I reckon by June or October this year we will be out
Sure, but they can only do so for so long, it's only a matter of time now

Everyone has the wrong end about FATF, Indians and afghanis think it's some terrorism list😂

Use that propaganda to our favour, I reckon by June or October this year we will be out
Lets bet i think oct will be our time😂
Yes that was expected. Next meeting will be in June and then I think Oct. Pakistan has done really well.
FATF is not a political tool, The conditions to stop terror financing through loopholes is a real threat and the conditions a ARE IN CLEAR UNAMBIGUOUS LANGUAGE.
Pakistan HAS made progress in closing many of the loopholes that allows terror financing to use legal avenues due to the nature of poorly defined laws and procedures.
Pakistan is nearly there . Close those loopholes in procedures through passing relevant legislation and proper means of monitoring that prevents leakages and avenues that terrorists routinely use and Pakistan will be struck off Grey list.

Its not rocket science and there is no world conspiracy . Pakistan reluctance to pass the necessary legislation and monitoring procedures is due to internal pressure from the various groups that have benefited from those loopholes.

I think everyone here knows who these people are.
Unless FATF adds to the list, we have made significant progress and should be out soon. PAK Gov must drill down on the remainder - go above and beyond etc - remove any grey area where we are questioned during evaluation.
Not how it works. Political leaders calculus depends largely on domestic politics and what they can gain there, even at the cost of the country's interests. There is no dearth of that behaviour in India either.
Sadly you are right about the internal political calculus. But that is where the problem is. Having been brought up in the west and intimately understand the western mind and it's political structures. From the outside I can see the tragedy of Pakistan. It is a poor country where large % is living below the poverty line. You know know barely 100 miles outside of Karachi in places like Thar Parker and Balochistan people are living in primitive conditions. Not that the fat cats on PDF living in relative prosperous urban areas are bothered.

But a country in extremely weak financial position needs to tread with care. Instead Pakistan literally is out to pick a cause to fight. The result is Pakistan is just left with the athiest Chinese who only stand by us for their own strategic reasons. Other than that most Chinese avoid Pakistan like it's coronavirus. Then we have secular Turkey. Even that is running into stormy weather. Turks are uber-nationalists which revolves not around Islam but Turkic nationalism. Which means they stand by the Uighur Turkic peoples. That places tension on the Pakistan friendship because we have to balance Chinese with Turks. You saw the mass exodus of Turks from PDF precisely for this reason.

I only wish if Paks just concentrated on Pakistan and minded their own business using all their energy on building Pakistan. But alas ...

white skin worshipers are so naïve :)
Yes guilty as charged. I am partial to Turks, Azerbaijanis, Bosnians ...
FATF is not a political tool
Please spare me. At this level even legal cases overlap into politcs. FATF members are countries and their interests end up being interpreted in the decision making. That is how the world is. Just look at the countries that are soft on Pakistan? China, Turkey. That should tell you something.
At this point, it should be clear to anyone that the FATF is nothing more than a political organization.

Come June, when Pakistan is in full compliance to all 27 points, it will still be voted to remain on the Grey list.
Sadly you are right about the internal political calculus. But that is where the problem is. Having been brought up in the west and intimately understand the western mind and it's political structures. From the outside I can see the tragedy of Pakistan. It is a poor country where large % is living below the poverty line. You know know barely 100 miles outside of Karachi in places like Thar Parker and Balochistan people are living in primitive conditions. Not that the fat cats on PDF living in relative prosperous urban areas are bothered.

But a country in extremely weak financial position needs to tread with care. Instead Pakistan literally is out to pick a cause to fight. The result is Pakistan is just left with the athiest Chinese who only stand by us for their own strategic reasons. Other than that most Chinese avoid Pakistan like it's coronavirus. Then we have secular Turkey. Even that is running into stormy weather. Turks are uber-nationalists which revolves not around Islam but Turkic nationalism. Which means they stand by the Uighur Turkic peoples. That places tension on the Pakistan friendship because we have to balance Chinese with Turks. You saw the mass exodus of Turks from PDF precisely for this reason.

I only wish if Paks just concentrated on Pakistan and minded their own business using all their energy on building Pakistan. But alas ...

Yes guilty as charged. I am partial to Turks, Azerbaijanis, Bosnians ...
Please spare me. At this level even legal cases overlap into politcs. FATF members are countries and their interests end up being interpreted in the decision making. That is how the world is. Just look at the countries that are soft on Pakistan? China, Turkey. That should tell you something.
I open pdf sparingly. From my understanding of your posts, your animus, at the end of the day, is with how Pakistanis perceive their identity. It all flows from that.

At the moment that identity seems to be largely grounded in being the 'fortress of Islam'. Till that cultural grounding shifts, there isn't much that would change. For better or worse, Pakistanis (and by extension Pakistan) want their purpose to be the vanguard of a global Islamic military might and as an 'extra' better economic prosperity. Ideally, it should be the opposite.

For what it's worth and though not to the same degree, I face a dilemma on this count with Indians as well. BJP brings in the whole economic liberalization angle, which is a prerequisite to Indians leaving the socialist paradise of poverty they have become comfortable with, but also bring an identity grounded in religiosity.

I wish more Indians start believing what Deng Xiaoping said perfectly - to be rich is glorious.
I think pakistan will stay on this list indefinitely, even after going beyond what is required by this body. It is a political move, that will keep pakistan under pressure until pakistan capitulates on other strategic and regional concessions sought by the great powers.

And that will never going to happen, the "great powers" are now again dividing into two spheres of influence and this time we will choose wisely.
Fox guarding the henhouse!

A task force whose original mandate was to stop money laundering and Hawala networks posing threats to banking system. Of course everything must benefit the western global liberal order... so, laundered money can head to west from poor countries all over the world, it's flow must be controlled if it happens in the reverse. Politicians and elite can skip taxes by using tax havens but regular joe must pay!
In comes Hawala networks that were threatening and circumventing western banking system and sanctions. Moving huge amounts of money without hitting the system, of course could be a conduit for all nefarious purposes but also a lifeline for many... but these are peripheral to banking woes and challenge to the existing order and pressure/sanctions regimes. Guess what Hawala is now legal, legitimate and reintroduced in the form of blockchain and crypto.

Pakistan staying on grey list is exactly the hanging sword that presses change, blacklist would be counterintuitive(per FATF). Blacklist is a bitter pill that helps Pakistan in being resourceful and independent, compliance makes it subservient and shackled. Pakistan is not a tax haven nor a destination for laundered money, in fact it is the other way round, the moneyed class launders its wealth out to Europe and North America. Most money coming in the form of remittances is from a bondaged labor working long hours in exacting conditions.

Pakistan should get used to grey list, it is here to stay and rosey moments just a pie in the sky!
Indian American pressure in action. How can Pakistan break this nexus?

Think either we can't read English properly or don't want to read.
Our own minister is admitting to last 3 items on the list partially completed either its incompetency on Pakistani part or due to time span available after amending the laws in the parliament is the problem. During last meeting it was stated to us clearly they will check on the ground inside Pakistan the implementation of the amended laws and then they will decide by June on our status. Why we created that hype of getting off the list in February in the first place which ends in the anti climax. Now its Pakistan duty to sit down with the FATF team and ask the probing questions for the method of completion and process of completion and goes ahead and completes it. Enough of all this crap on the Pakistan part that we have completed 18 points and then 23 points and now out of remaining 7 points completed 3 partially. We all know we have been put on the pedestal of FATF for a reason and they are demanding every pound of flesh and if we have agreed to implement then lets not make a joke of it and sort it out once for all.
When we don't do our home work properly then don't leave the blame at someone else door. It may have an element of politics involved in it, then common sense demands we should be more diligent in completing the points. Am sure our not so friendly friends are happier to keep us there and longer we stay there more luddos's they will consume and its loss to us economically. Silly attitude adopted by few members who are claiming who cares about FATF needs enlightenment and needs growing up as it's costing us in investments and jobs to our country.
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