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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

And you are leader of Caliphate...

Shooting into thin air results in wastage of ammunition.... Terrorism charges against India.... Either you prove it beyond doubt or keep silent... No of so called Indian terrorist doesn't require 2nd hand to count... So don't try create stories out of thin air

nope... just stated hard facts...

looks like you have been brained washed with lies... have no fear Prado is here..

Indian terrorism 101

" When war between Sri Lankan Tamils and the Sinhalese majority -- about three-fourth of Sri Lanka's 21 million people -- erupted in 1983, India under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi took an active role. It hosted militant Tamil training camps in Tamil Nadu, from which the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) emerged as the most lethal group."

So don't try create stories out of thin air

Under stand this....... unlike RSS hindu and Indians in general we are not liars that create fake news outlet blaming Pakistan for terrorism
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Do you have proof that the US and her allies are out to keep Pakistan in the FATF list? No you don't you are leaning on the usual conspiracy theory crutch. The average Pakistani's default position on all Pakistans ills. The US and her allies have zero benefit from keeping Pakistan in the FATF list.

Did you know the US financial system was also reviewed along with the UAE and Pakistan in February 2020. The report is on the FATF website, the US and UAE passed but Pakistan failed and the reason is simple. Both the US and UAE have adequate internal financial controls while Pakistan is deficient. The areas in which Pakistan is deficient is public and easily verifiable. The only entity that can pass or fail Pakistan is Pakistan itself. The point is simple, China chaired FATF and failed Pakistan because Pakistan is non compliant - simple.

Hafiz Saeed, Do More, I rest my case.

I know someone paradoxically made you TTA of this forum, ignoring your anti-Pakistani tilt (in full bloom during Galwan,) but that doesn't make you an authority on Pakistan affairs.

It is a fact that FATF is used by Western countries to bully Muslim countries and extract concessions and policy.

The sooner we give big slap to them, the better.

China is supporting Pakistan tooth and nail, and they have really gone out of their way to help us, recently repairing our relationship with Iran. If you expect us to turn against our best ally and friend, you have lost it.
Hafiz Saeed, Do More, I rest my case.

I know someone paradoxically made you TTA of this forum, ignoring your anti-Pakistani tilt (in full bloom during Galwan,) but that doesn't make you an authority on Pakistan affairs.

It is a fact that FATF is used by Western countries to bully Muslim countries and extract concessions and policy.

The sooner we give big slap to them, the better.

China is supporting Pakistan tooth and nail, and they have really gone out of their way to help us, recently repairing our relationship with Iran. If you expect us to turn against our best ally and friend, you have lost it.

once again, do you have any proof? You fail to comprehend a simple fact, the FAFT financial requirement is standard for all countries. Pakistan isn’t special, implement the necessary controls and get out of the FATF list. It is that simple, no politics ..no conspiracies just a simple compliance checklist. There is no influence China or anyone outside of Pakistan can exert to remove or keep Pakistan in the list.
once again, do you have any proof? You fail to comprehend a simple fact, the FAFT financial requirement is standard for all countries. Pakistan isn’t special, implement the necessary controls and get out of the FATF list. It is that simple, no politics ..no conspiracies just a simple compliance checklist. There is no influence China or anyone outside of Pakistan can exert to remove or keep Pakistan in the list.
once again, do you have any proof? You fail to comprehend a simple fact, the FAFT financial requirement is standard for all countries. Pakistan isn’t special, implement the necessary controls and get out of the FATF list. It is that simple, no politics ..no conspiracies just a simple compliance checklist. There is no influence China or anyone outside of Pakistan can exert to remove or keep Pakistan in the list.

BS. There are a dozen nations that would be on this list if we look at things from a neutral stand point. FATF is a Western tool to bully brown nations. Not a single Western nation would make this list.

The problem for Western nations and yours in particular is to play nicely with Pakistan. You need Pakistan in Afghanistan and beyond. Putting Pakistan on the blacklist won't serve your purpose. The greylist is as far as you can go.
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BS. There a dozen nations that would be on this list if we look at things from a neutral stand point. FATF is a Western tool to bully brown nations.

prove it, which other nations belong in the FATF list but isn’t ..

Israel was in the FATF BLACK list from 2010 to 2018...so much for western conspiracy nonsense ..:blah::blah:

I think pakistan will stay on this list indefinitely, even after going beyond what is required by this body. It is a political move, that will keep pakistan under pressure until pakistan capitulates on other strategic and regional concessions sought by the great powers.

When you have a PTI Government barking day and night inside and outside of the country that Pakistan is extremely corrupt, what can you expect from others?
When you have a PTI Government barking day and night inside and outside of the country that Pakistan is extremely corrupt, what can you expect from others?

before 2018 when we were not barking day and night about the corruption in Pakistan it was leading us to the land of milk and honey?
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