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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

To moderator who gave me warning..

Looking away from problem doesn't solve the problem.. I shared the news related to Fatf, if my information which is the opinion of "The Economist" is not correct, put counter argument. Issuing warning, trying shut critics shows desperation to avoid discussion.
Your government is trying to come out of grey list and your various arms of governance are not on same page to resolve this issue.
In this forum itself ppl think fatf is a political tool rather than a tool to stream line and control you economy. Implementation of fatf is a win win situation and this forum doesn't even discuss how to improve the situation.
off-late ppl restore to sexually explicit and this ensues similar comments from other...
I Have joined this forum after being a passive reader for 3 yrs.. now quality has gone to gutters, inaction by moderators is the sole reason... Even myself started trolling because it is allowed and passively encouraged. No one cares warnings because it's trolling most of the time..

You can counter me by showing good threads where discussions are logical, knowledge sharing which are started in last 1 month...
if you have nothing to counter you are free to warn/ ban or not respond... Life goes on....
Implementation.... And on time tantrums of your SC which are ensuring the countries which are indifferntial also turning against your country...
Pak is the only country where everyone else is powerful than parliament.
Supreme Court of Pakistan is apex predator. If it has a problem with it based on constitutional interpretation, FATF has no chance in hell.
So where do the problem lie?

Legislation done by the government or failure of government to implement laws?

Some of the conditions put forward by FATF are unrealistic given politics and pandemic.
When other countries can implement why they are unrealistic to Pak... Point out the unrealistic provisions and discuss to find a way out... Did your govt explained the impact of grey listing to your public? No... For domestic consumption they blame India and World
Indian American pressure in action. How can Pakistan break this nexus?

Don't be silly, FATF was Chaired by iron bro China until Germany took over in July 2020.
Under China's leadership Pakistani banking controls were deemed deficient in the February 2020 review and apparently once again a year later.
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Shooting the messenger is the easiest... Do you want me to post Pakistani source on same matter... It is you minister who said that Pak is sustaining 10billion loss every year... Now whether you like it or not... That is the cost Pak paying for its tantrums.
India is you Enemy, it will use every weapon available including propaganda... Pak is also using it... Now don't cry rivers when we share news of your defects... Prove that what I have shared is incorrect if you can.
Off late PDF doesn't discuss things logically...

india and indians have FAR FAR more BIGGER problems to worry about than Pakistan and fatf. Worry about the following before you concern yourself with the issues of non-indians:

india and indians have FAR FAR more BIGGER problems to worry about than Pakistan and fatf. Worry about the following before you concern yourself with the issues of non-indians:

Who is denying that India has its own share of problems... You open relevant thread we can discuss... Now current thread is about Pak and that too fatf... So what else is expected to be discussed???
...it goes on, and so does indians coming to PDF to troll
Pakistani come to troll then why cant we???
If you don't want Indians, start expelling all Indians and run the show...
Who is denying that India has its own share of problems... You open relevant thread we can discuss... Now current thread is about Pak and that too fatf... So what else is expected to be discussed???

Would it then not make sense for you indians to go away and solve ALL your SEVERE problems first before you and your ilk concern yourself with the issues of non-indians?
Would it then not make sense for you indians to go away and solve ALL your SEVERE problems first before you and your ilk concern yourself with the issues of non-indians?
So do you practice what you preach?? So you are going to absentain from all threads which doesn't pertain to Pak... Tell me hero....
So do you practice what you preach?? So you are going to absentain from all threads which doesn't pertain to Pak... Tell me hero....

I am a Pakistani on a Pakistani forum. Pakistanis and our friends/allies can talk about WHATEVER we want WHENEVER we want. It is our prerogative to do so. If you don't like it or are an enemy of Pakistan and Pakistanis, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you and your ilk to be here on PDF.
Who is denying that India has its own share of problems... You open relevant thread we can discuss.

who invited the indians to join the discussion on Pakistan on PDF?

Pakistani come to troll then why cant we???

Pakistanis troll indians on PDF because indians show up like the uninvited guests that they are. if indians didnt stick their nose in everything there would be no one to troll.
I am a Pakistani on a Pakistani forum. Pakistanis and our friends/allies can talk about WHATEVER we want WHENEVER we want. It is our prerogative to do so. If you don't like it or are an enemy of Pakistan and Pakistanis, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you and your ilk to be here on PDF.
Who are you to advice what I have to do.... This is open forum any one can come and discuss relavent topics...
Don't be silly, FATF was Chaired by iron bro China until Germany took over in July 2020.
Under China's leadership Pakistani banking controls were deemed deficient in the February 2020 review and apparently once again a year later.

In answer to your anti-China jihad, I will say that I agree 100% with China and definitely Pakistan has to improve transparency of its banking sector.

However it is clear US and allies are using FATF as some sort of hammer to keep Pakistan from supporting pro-Kashmir groups in Pakistan, which is interference in our internal affairs.

We should just tell them to get lost, it will have no negative effect on us. I doubt that these Western countries can even afford to not do business with Pakistan.
Everyone is bashing FAFT as a political tool ( which it is without doubt) but we can act cleverly and build a strong financial system in Pakistan for our own benefit.

even french Paris stock exchange where I work had to comply to new rules and had to update accordingly whole its IT system for tracking all financial movements at individual level (who , when, why etc) .

as I have said many times on PDF forums, that the fight against criminality, terrorism etc, themilitary action is not enough in itself. It’s a multi spectral coordinated fight.
It’s in our own interest to upgrade and modernise our financial system.

Listen what are others critics against you, and see if they are valid or not at your own level independently about its political nature.

It is this, Kashmir is no business of FATF. If they will not solve the Kashmir dispute, then let us deal with it.

Kashmiris deserve a life free of occupation and normalcy. I read this week BJP is now engaging in cultural warfare on Kashmiris by advocating banning pherans. Absolutely ridiculous how evil these people are.
In answer to your anti-China jihad, I will say that I agree 100% with China and definitely Pakistan has to improve transparency of its banking sector.

However it is clear US and allies are using FATF as some sort of hammer to keep Pakistan from supporting pro-Kashmir groups in Pakistan, which is interference in our internal affairs.

We should just tell them to get lost, it will have no negative effect on us. I doubt that these Western countries can even afford to not do business with Pakistan.

Do you have proof that the US and her allies are out to keep Pakistan in the FATF list? No you don't you are leaning on the usual conspiracy theory crutch. The average Pakistani's default position on all Pakistans ills. The US and her allies have zero benefit from keeping Pakistan in the FATF list.

Did you know the US financial system was also reviewed along with the UAE and Pakistan in February 2020. The report is on the FATF website, the US and UAE passed but Pakistan failed and the reason is simple. Both the US and UAE have adequate internal financial controls while Pakistan is deficient. The areas in which Pakistan is deficient is public and easily verifiable. The only entity that can pass or fail Pakistan is Pakistan itself. The point is simple, China chaired FATF and failed Pakistan because Pakistan is non compliant - simple.
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