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Pakistan will remain in FATF grey list

It was expected ...FATF is just a political tool...apart from FATF our own record is not that much great regarding the issues ...
Looks like Indian wish for blacklisting Pakistan will remain a wish. Now its impossible for Pakistan to get blacklisted as compared to 2019.
Removing us from grey list wont give us any benefit either. This thing been hyped for no reason.
Hype by dawn news and Indian media
Pakistan remained in grey list from 2009 till 2013 but no one knew about it
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I am curious, which countries voted in favor of Pakistan?

If I remember correctly, Pakistan needed 3 votes to avaoid Black list.
boycott this chutaa organization, we don’t have a trillion dollar economy which will be suffered if blacklisted :lol: And start banging indians and Americans in afghanistan and kashmir…
Look we were 21 out of 27 complied with

Now we are 24 out of 27

Thus far compliance has been to our benefit

What are the final 3 regulations?
'Grey List'...we can take it as a badge of honor, as to the opposite of pandering to the west.

Wasn't China the 'Pariah' the 'Outcast' nation for the US and the West for a long time....and look where China is now.
I am curious, which countries voted in favor of Pakistan?

If I remember correctly, Pakistan needed 3 votes to avaoid Black list.
Turkey, Malaysia and China. Our Arab "Brothers" as usual did nothing. @BATMAN
Look we were 21 out of 27 complied with

Now we are 24 out of 27

Thus far compliance has been to our benefit

What are the final 3 regulations?
Yeah French would have fallen in love with Pakistan and Macron would have given rishta of his baji to Shiekh Rasheed if Pakistan wouldn't have objected to their racist islamophobic BS

The desi white skin worshipers are so naïve :)

PS: Nothing surprising. Everyone knows that FATF is a political tool and has nothing to do with financial regulation and terrorism. Only Pakistanis are stupid enough to take it seriously

okay why punish sheikh Rasheed for macrons mistakes, marry a French women our sheikh Jee deserves better

Let's be honest to ourselves, we have some compliance to do and ensure that our monitoring of compliant point is intact. If that happens, Pakistan will get out of grey list by the end of 2021. To the people who wanted us blacklisted should know that there is no chance of blacklist now.

it’s a political institution, where compliance is not what changed the outcome. The only way to really get out of this is to grow economically and get more votes. If Pakistan has a lot of trade with Europe via the paksitan Turkey train link we will be out of this list

Removing us from grey list wont give us any benefit either. This thing been hyped for no reason.

I respectfully disagree, I think it’s time we focus on our economy so we have trade with our Asian, European , americas and Indian partners.
We should learn from the Chinese and fight India and conduct trade with India at the same time.
I was ready the tribune which claimed thay Pakistan lost some 38$ billion due to FATF. keeping that aside it was clear that we were not coming out of grey list just yet. Oct might be the time for us but till than we aint coming out in june either. As of now our main goal must be to get out of the grey list. It might be just a tool but still it is something to pressure us. Just come out of the list once. It's a really bad sight to be in the grey list man.
Look we were 21 out of 27 complied with

Now we are 24 out of 27

Thus far compliance has been to our benefit

What are the final 3 regulations?
The remaining three as termed as Partially Addressed. The point is they are addressed, the FATF just want to keep us in a little longer.
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