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Pakistan was created on the basis of group nationalism and not religion

India has a huge Muslim population who opted to stay with India and today look at their plight.

one of the reason for creation of Pakistan was economic uplift of Muslims along with other factors.

What plight are you talking about ? Poor muslims suffer the same life that any other poor Indian. No special treatment is given to anyone in India on the basis of religion. Indian muslims have achieved great feats on their own and have been an example to the world. What economic uplift has Pakistan given to Muslims ? Even after 63 odd years of Independence, even the basis of the country is not defined and discrimination within muslims in Pakistan is rampant. A country ruled by its army and landlords, what uplift are you talking about ? Please keep India out of this argument as Pakistan really has nothing to argue about when it comes to Muslim welfare.
A potentially great thread already shot to sh*t by Indians who more interested in their own baggage than discussing the issues of the thread -- damn shame

Look at who brought India into this argument then go around blaming Indians.

india was also created in 47 so no question of breaking away from something which never existed.


BTW propaganda you had posted not me

India very much existed before 1947, please check your facts. The concept of Pakistan came up only in the late 1930's.
and if your society is not sick then why you are trying to pollute islamic beliefs by advocating that Hindu-Muslim marriages are allowed which is not according to our faith.

BECAUSE before anything in a democrat country comes LAW and nothing is before that...and according to law you can not force anyone for his or her marriage , so if he/she wishes to marry a person from another religion that will be excepted by law ...i told you your level of ideology is limited to a certain extent.
muslim population in india in 138 million according to india's consensus report ! media statistics are somewhat different from actual...

^ as per 2001 census.

Current estimate is 165 million. 15% of the country's population.
What plight are you talking about ? Poor muslims suffer the same life that any other poor Indian. No special treatment is given to anyone in India on the basis of religion. Indian muslims have achieved great feats on their own and have been an example to the world. What economic uplift has Pakistan given to Muslims ? Even after 63 odd years of Independence, even the basis of the country is not defined and discrimination within muslims in Pakistan is rampant. A country ruled by its army and landlords, what uplift are you talking about ? Please keep India out of this argument as Pakistan really has nothing to argue about when it comes to Muslim welfare.

Pakistan has always maintained higher growth rate than India, It was only after 2002 that India growth rate overtook pakistan's growth rate, India's meager success in the past decade doesn't guarantees it will always be able to maintain the same growth rate.

At independence Pakistan's basic physical infrastructure was extremely limited. It had only one seaport, Karachi. In Pakistan's eastern province, East Bengal, there were no port facilities. During the British period East Bengal's exports and imports had movedthrough the Indian port of Calcutta. Rail transport was almost nonexistent in East Pakistan and in the western provinces, and the railways ran from the interior to Karachi but not between the provinces. The world's largest irrigation system, developed by the British, was bifurcated due to the division of Punjab Province between India (which received the eastern portion) and Pakistan (which received the western portion).

Pakistan's private sector consisted of a small-scale trading class.Government services were also limited because few senior civil servants had opted for Pakistan. In short, Pakistan "was not only politically, socially, and administratively backward compared to the rest of India but was, economically, also the poorest part of the British Indian Empire" (Burki 1999: 95). The economy of the new nation was rural, with three-fourths of its gross domestic product(GDP) contributed by the agricultural sector. By 1949–1950 agriculture accounted for 53 percent of the GDP, while the services sector accounted for 39 percent. Industry was a low 8 percent of GDP.

Pakistan had done a lot in past 60 years more than what indian media shows, As soon as war is over situation will become better in pakistan
Pakistan's main problem is obsession with India and its confusion over why the country even exist. On one side people cry for an Islamic revolution and on the other the liberals want to create a modern Turkey like state. The problem is that there is no consensus over what is actually good for the country and couple that with an all powerful army and a non-functioning political system who sole purpose it seems is the insight people over India to get votes. The sorry state of the country is a result of a weak foundation laid on the basis of religious difference and hate which mocks the country till today. There is no easy fix for Pakistan is any and from what can be seen, it will only get worse.
lol conditional dependecies do not always work out.

:what: what it has to do with comments here??? or you lack understanding of strategic alliances and how the modalities i guess

How much afghans are in love with you we all know.

:what: again your comments is strange nothing to do with US packing from the region.

btw they are as much in love with us as Bangladeshis are in love with bharatis lolzz

Lol 100 year free electricity nor the minimum of all tution fees was not there before independece. No other university in India has president of India as its chacellor.

:lol: :lol: Aligarh Muslim University is only the name and its not necessarily ONLY for Muslims.
secondly how a a president as VC of an institution which was formed before 47 with name Muslim name, proves that plight of millions of Muslims in India is fair enough ???

No the 2 things are not diffrent but it is a classic case of looking glass half empty and glass half full.

:lol: how these are same? were there drone attacks in Pakistan since 47???? (btw i find this comparison by you of drone with plight of muslims in India something very funny but khair) so how it is compared to treatment of Muslims in India since 47?? how its the same ?

Oops sorry ask any indian we dont have the slightest feeling of guilt for any of the people within india nor any grduges for the sect per se. Isolated incidents in 63 years do not make the entire community discriminated.

yes we know you dont feel guilty for burning thousands of Muslims alive neither for destruction of babri mosque and nor for calling Indian Muslims as traitors

There are many adivasi and other backward sections within India who are in much worst condtion then muslims. as far as muslims go they are not in the worst condition. The reserved seats are for muslims and muslims only no one else can take them what soever.

yes surely . Muslims are your citizens and i have no concern if you look away but the again they had been avoided just because of their faith in majority of the cases.

The question here is that they had sided with you they showed loyalty to you and you guys are still not bringing them in mainstream you still stress on country before religion slogan which in now way is disloyalty to India by Muslims.
India very much existed before 1947, please check your facts. The concept of Pakistan came up only in the late 1930's.

How does india existed before 47, there were 570 princely states, 13 provinces which british empire called India,
Before 47 there was an empire not a country called india,
There is a difference between an empire and country, Are you trying to say you are the continuation of british empire
you were the slaves of british indian empire not the rulers of British India
Pakistan's main problem is obsession with India and its confusion over why the country even exist. On one side people cry for an Islamic revolution and on the other the liberals want to create a modern Turkey like state. The problem is that there is no consensus over what is actually good for the country and couple that with an all powerful army and a non-functioning political system who sole purpose it seems is the insight people over India to get votes. The sorry state of the country is a result of a weak foundation laid on the basis of religious difference and hate which mocks the country till today. There is no easy fix for Pakistan is any and from what can be seen, it will only get worse.

We dont have any confusion and we cant help few morons like MJ akabar either who has more obsession with us surely he is still loyal to his hindu roots. and as far as liberals and conservatives surely we have our share of morons.

as far as India is concerned its you who is obsessed with Pakistan and still dream of bringing back Pakistan to be one with India just like nehru who bitten the dust at end btw. its you who still talk of whether two nation theory was right or wrong as if its going to end Pakistan as a separate country.

the fact is you should accept we are a reality thats it.

as far as our internal issues are concerned it should not be of any of indian business if we favour our forces or parliamentary system or any other.
How does india existed before 47, there were 570 princely states, 13 provinces which british empire called India,
Before 47 there was an empire not a country called india,
There is a difference between an empire and country, Are you trying to say you are the continuation of british empire
you were the slaves of british indian empire not the rulers of British India

You should check UN Membership. India was member before 1947 while Pakistan became member only in 1948-49. Moreover, all treaties signed by British India became defacto treaties of India itself.
India very much existed before 1947, please check your facts. The concept of Pakistan came up only in the late 1930's.

:lol: and the tricolor country dates back to 1947 not even 30 so we are still ahead with starting from 1930s.
Pakistan has always maintained higher growth rate than India, It was only after 2002 that India growth rate overtook pakistan's growth rate, India's meager success in the past decade doesn't guarantees it will always be able to maintain the same growth rate.

At independence Pakistan's basic physical infrastructure was extremely limited. It had only one seaport, Karachi. In Pakistan's eastern province, East Bengal, there were no port facilities. During the British period East Bengal's exports and imports had movedthrough the Indian port of Calcutta. Rail transport was almost nonexistent in East Pakistan and in the western provinces, and the railways ran from the interior to Karachi but not between the provinces. The world's largest irrigation system, developed by the British, was bifurcated due to the division of Punjab Province between India (which received the eastern portion) and Pakistan (which received the western portion).

Pakistan's private sector consisted of a small-scale trading class.Government services were also limited because few senior civil servants had opted for Pakistan. In short, Pakistan "was not only politically, socially, and administratively backward compared to the rest of India but was, economically, also the poorest part of the British Indian Empire" (Burki 1999: 95). The economy of the new nation was rural, with three-fourths of its gross domestic product(GDP) contributed by the agricultural sector. By 1949–1950 agriculture accounted for 53 percent of the GDP, while the services sector accounted for 39 percent. Industry was a low 8 percent of GDP.

Pakistan had done a lot in past 60 years more than what indian media shows, As soon as war is over situation will become better in pakistan

While the issue here is Pakistan so I will in relation with Pakistan. It does not matter if Pakistan's growth rate is higher or lower than India, talking in relation with Jana's comment on the plight of Indian muslims, my question was what heavenly setting has Pakistan given to muslims in return ?

As I said in another post Pakistan's foundations are very weak. Its landlords were never curbed unlike what Nehru did first. Right after coming to power Nehru got rid of all the landlords and put strict control on businesses so that India does not get taken over by corporations or individual interest. While it can be argued that Jinnah's demise did not give him the time to make these changes, his short sightedness in regards to these issues is what has lead to Pakistan's downfall. The leaders after him only solidified the control of a few individuals over Pakistan and that has continued till today.

The WOT is just a symptom and even after its end, the economy wont see a drastic increase. While pockets of growth are always present, the very foundations of economics within the country are weak. Pakistan central regulatory agencies have little say in the economic conditions of the country and unlike India where the government pull all the strings, Pakistan has no clear strong hand which regulates the market. In India the budget is a huge exercise with major ramifications to business, in Pakistan the budget does not mirror the economy and the government does not have the strength to guide the country. Couple that with corruption and a general mistrust in the political system and you get a nice mix for a failed nation.

If Pakistan really has to change then change your whole political stance. Get rid of the India obsession and forget Kashmir. You are spending huge amount in a lost cause against a giant who has an economy almost 10 times that of you. You tell me who will win in the end ?

Start changing you personal agendas and only then maybe will Pakistan emerge from the ashes, if everything continues till now then the CIA's prediction that Pakistan will be engulfed in full blown civil war by 2015 will surely come true.
More than 90% of your posts are in India related threads and "you" are saying this..:agree:

1. prove that.

2. Not india related thread. make it threads started by bharatis against Pakistan.

3. i am on my own forum and you bharatis are coming here to poke your nose in our affairs :) so take a pick
You should check UN Membership. India was member before 1947 while Pakistan became member only in 1948-49. Moreover, all treaties signed by British India became defacto treaties of India itself.

How does this make the prensent india as the continuation of british empire

And as far as the treatise are concerned i read somewhere that all the treatise signed by british before 47 becames null and void after independence of pakistan
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