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Pakistan was created on the basis of group nationalism and not religion


63 years they have not been converted and they never will be ....there are many muslim indian members here try ur discrimination theory on them and they will make you clear what is right and what is wrong.... THAT'S all crap in your mind not on ground ...

already Sikh , Hindus are running away from Pakistan ... we all know who will be converted if they will not run away... and minorities pay to live in Pakistan , what a utter shame ...in every prospect India is far far more better to live and without daily harassment and offcourse free practice of religion

oh not converted ?? distortion of their faith by advocating Hindu Muslim marriages, ban on cow slaughter asking Muslims to abandon their beliefs in favour of Hindus and many more if you want i will post one by one.

and as far as daily harrasment is concerned please read it for Indian Muslims from different sources and you will know or let me know i will post
Well there are many soons which we hear everyday

kashmir banega pakistan soon.
we will rule India soon.
Blah blah soon.....
blah blah soon....

Wake up smell the coffee.

lolzzzz idiotic notion to compare Indian invasion and situation of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir with regional issue in Afghanistan region which surely is indeed going to end soon as US is already packing.

yeah and thats the reason they have reservations. and the biggest islamic university is india.

reservations and one Islamic university which was already there even before independence and plight of millions of Muslims there are two different things. meager reservations do not mitigate the guilt of keeping Muslims suppressed for all these 63 years

Lol the population of muslims has increased after independence unlike pakistan where the population has been reduced to almost nil. I guess its other way around.

again a silly faceplam because population increase nowhere proves that plight of Muslims in India is better economically, socially and otherwise
oh not converted ?? distortion of their faith by advocating Hindu Muslim marriages,

we dont live in a sick society which does not allow you to choose your partner by law.

ban on cow slaughter asking Muslims to abandon their beliefs in favour of Hindus
we dont also allow eating pork by the side of a masjid either. does that mean pork eating hindus are abondoning their belief for the sake of muslims.
and many more if you want i will post one by one.

Please do
and as far as daily harrasment is concerned please read it for Indian Muslims from different sources and you will know or let me know i will post

As far as the daily harrasment goes i can give you equally number of articles from the muslim states including yours about the harrasment. So please ............ save me the trouble cuz i can give you equal number of articles of harrasment. Mukhtarin mai incident is no less a shame if it is done by a muslim or a hindu or people killed in karachi by a muslim or killed in godhra by a hindu are equally humans.
pathetic facepalm. because the drone attacks will halt soon but Indian Muslims may see another 63 years of discrimination by Hindu majority and after next 63 years there might be fully converted to Hinduism. and them may be they are accepted as true Indian citizens .

Another pathetic rant.The % muslim poupulation in india has increased in the past 63 years.Forceful conversion is what u guys did to hindus in pakistan.
U also asked for statistics regarding migration of rich zamindars and stuff,here's best i could find.This is per capita gdp from 1950
india $597
Plz note that 50$ in 1950 is worth much more by todays standard.Take any book on partition and u will find that m the partition movement was started by the elite and they were the ones to migrate.So the people who migrated were richer than the common indians[read indian muslims,i couldn't find satats on indian muslims per say,but obviously division would have led to weakening of the community financially as well]
ban on cow slaughter asking Muslims to abandon their beliefs in favour of Hindus and many more if you want i will post one by one.

a nation after 63 years does not know what's the idealogical values and what is the foundation of nation , citizen of that nation will never know what is secular believes and why cow slaughter is ban ( not in all country) in some parts to avoid ugly situations ,it goes both the way... people from muslim and hindu community try to maintain secular harmony. You go to south India , both communities eat beef from the same shop.... but sorry you will not understand coz your ideology is restricted to a certain extent.

and as far as daily harrasment is concerned please read it for Indian Muslims from different sources and you will know or let me know i will post

I mean it !! everyday harrasments are very high in Pakistan , at least minorities do not pay in India to live .
In pakistan minorities even pay to do business , to open shops ...
and Offcourse they are much safer in India then in Paksitan....
lolzzzz idiotic notion to compare Indian invasion and situation of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir with regional issue in Afghanistan region which surely is indeed going to end soon as US is already packing.

lol conditional dependecies do not always work out. How much afghans are in love with you we all know.

reservations and one Islamic university which was already there even before independence and plight of millions of Muslims there are two different things.

Lol 100 year free electricity nor the minimum of all tution fees was not there before independece. No other university in India has president of India as its chacellor.
No the 2 things are not diffrent but it is a classic case of looking glass half empty and glass half full.
meager reservations do not mitigate the guilt of keeping Muslims suppressed for all these 63 years

Oops sorry ask any indian we dont have the slightest feeling of guilt for any of the people within india nor any grduges for the sect per se. Isolated incidents in 63 years do not make the entire community discriminated.

again a silly faceplam because population increase nowhere proves that plight of Muslims in India is better economically, socially and otherwise

There are many adivasi and other backward sections within India who are in much worst condtion then muslims. as far as muslims go they are not in the worst condition. The reserved seats are for muslims and muslims only no one else can take them what soever.
New Delhi: Observing that education is the key to reaping the benefits of the demographic dividend in the form of a young population, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee Monday announced a 24 percent hike in the budget allocation for education. He also announced more funds for Maulana Azad Education Foundation and Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) off campus centers in West Bengal and Kerala.

This is a simple extract from an article this 2011 budget .
India has a huge Muslim population who opted to stay with India and today look at their plight.

one of the reason for creation of Pakistan was economic uplift of Muslims along with other factors.

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Well there are many soons which we hear everyday

Lol the population of muslims has increased after independence unlike pakistan where the population has been reduced to almost nil. I guess its other way around.

Before 1947 the non- muslim population was around 15-20% in the region today known as pakistan, More than half of them were sikhs, Most of the hindus were brought to sindh by british because of Karachi's economic boom, after partition most hindus left for gujrat and rajasthan. By 1951 there were around 500,000 hindus and today there are around 3 million hindus, The hindus which stayed in Pakistan were low caste hindus and their population has increased from around half a million to 3 million which is 6 times the original number while muslim population in india was 40 million 1947 now it is around 160 million which is an increase of 4X

So hindu population in pakistan is incresing at faster rate than muslim population in india
we dont live in a sick society which does not allow you to choose your partner by law.

:cheesy: really prove it. the personal laws in even western countries are different for us so its not not anything out of this world you had done and oh BTW what you are going to say about not marrying to your cousins according to your faith . whats your law says about.it.

and if your society is not sick then why you are trying to pollute islamic beliefs by advocating that Hindu-Muslim marriages are allowed which is not according to our faith.

we dont also allow eating pork by the side of a masjid either. does that mean pork eating hindus are abondoning their belief for the sake of muslims.

:lol: first of all neither Muslims in India are slaughtering cows by the sides of mandirs.

2. you are free to sell, serve and eat pork by the side of a mosque Muslims or Islam has no issue with that if Hindus do that.

3. Muslims are not forcing Hindus not to sell or eat pork whereas you are banning cow slaughter through law. so the better would be let the Muslims decide by their will not by force. thats the difference.

Please do

As far as the daily harrasment goes i can give you equally number of articles from the muslim states including yours about the harrasment. So please ............ save me the trouble cuz i can give you equal number of articles of harrasment. Mukhtarin mai incident is no less a shame if it is done by a muslim or a hindu or people killed in karachi by a muslim or killed in godhra by a hindu are equally humans.

surely who denied that instead it was YOU who came up with daily harassment taunt which was uncalled for specially when you see the same in India more than any other regional country.

as far as rape is concerned India is far worst in this just read only today's and yesterdays newspapers and you will find 4 to 5 cases reported each .

as far as people killings is concerned the history of riots on the basis of religion and massacres in India has a long long history .

anyway the bottom line is you on to your way and we on to ours we are an independent country and blabbering about creation of two countries is a useless . lets accept the reality and move on
Before 1947 the non- muslim population was around 15-20% in the region today known as pakistan, More than half of them were sikhs, Most of the hindus were brought to sindh by british because of Karachi's economic boom, after partition most hindus left for gujrat and rajasthan. By 1951 there were around 500,000 hindus and today there are around 3 million hindus, The hindus which stayed in Pakistan were low caste hindus and their population has increased from around half a million to 3 million which is 6 times the original number while muslim population in india was 40 million 1947 now it is around 160 million which is an increase of 4X

So hindu population in pakistan is incresing at faster rate than muslim population in india

muslim population in india in 138 million according to india's consensus report ! media statistics are somewhat different from actual...

This was a Pakistan specific thread, by engaging the indians you have helped in taking the thread south -- lets leave Indians to their own forum, it's good for them and good for us -

:) sir first of all Indians love to troll around and poke their nose in our affairs where its not needed.

above all my point was that creation of Pakistan was based on many factors including uplifting of general plight of Muslims socially and economically which is obvious by looking at plight of majority Muslims in india currently.

now this was not aimed at engaging bharatis here but to give an example which is not at all that wrong.
Before 1947 the non- muslim population was around 15-20% in the region today known as pakistan, More than half of them were sikhs, Most of the hindus were brought to sindh by british because of Karachi's economic boom, after partition most hindus left for gujrat and rajasthan. By 1951 there were around 500,000 hindus and today there are around 3 million hindus, The hindus which stayed in Pakistan were low caste hindus and their population has increased from around half a million to 3 million which is 6 times the original number while muslim population in india was 40 million 1947 now it is around 160 million which is an increase of 4X

So hindu population in pakistan is incresing at faster rate than muslim population in india

:) their lies had been answered many times but these people come again and again with posting lies.
:) sir first of all Indians love to troll around and poke their nose in our affairs where its not needed.

above all my point was that creation of Pakistan was based on many factors including uplifting of general plight of Muslims socially and economically which is obvious by looking at plight of majority Muslims in india currently.

now this was not aimed at engaging bharatis here but to give an example which is not at all that wrong.

More than 90% of your posts are in India related threads and "you" are saying this..:agree:

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