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Pakistan was created on the basis of group nationalism and not religion

I thought Pakistan was created on the basis of two nation theory, where is the nationalism in two nation theory?
A request to Indian members.

I think this thread is not about pre partition scenario but about post partition Pakistan ideology. So plz kindly let us discuss amongst ourselves and refrain from posting. I meant no disrespect.
I can also write something similar about india's economy but i dont want to start an arguement. Pakistan has surmounted many challenges in the last 60 years, and it will face many more in the future but it will never fall. Pakistan has seen indian terrorsim in 1971 east pakistan it still survived, India immediately blocked all rivers after partition to teach pakistan a good lesson, India will continue to fuel insurgency in pakistan it will still survive,

If you ask me you people have nothing to be proud of your economy, you have a gdp of 1.4 trillion, divide this by 1 .2 billion indian and see what you get, India has 6 times the people pakistan has, and if one multiplies pakistan 6x, we both get a similar GDP, Pakistan was a provincial backwater during british times while india had all the industries and ports and factories and still it hasn't touched the sky but we have compared to what we started from, China became independent two years after india and today it is the wealthiest country in the world and its econmy is 4 times that of india while both countries have similar no. people.

The 3 tiny benelux countries with population 20 million has a bigger economy than india.

And as far as Kashmir and bangladesh are concerned, History tells us that a people and a nation cannot endure if they are split apart from each other. It may, therefore, have been a blessing in disguise when East Pakistan went its own way in 1971 to become Bangladesh. By doing so, Bangladesh paved the way for West Pakistan to become a more unified nation-state. Similarly Kashmir has been a part of pakistan, geographically, culturally and religious wise, India is not a God and it cannot defy history. Kashmir will join its mother land Pakistan whatever happens

Sure go on and write something about India, if that makes Pakistan a better nation, I have no problems.

Dude you are heavily into Zaid Hamid like conspiracy theories which I can see, so Im not even sure if I should continue this debate. Pakistan has used terrorism as a state policy not India. Your opinion can differ but the WOT is in Pakistan not India.

Pakistanis will never understand India, India is not a nation like Pakistan. India is so diverse that it functions like a the many body parts that make up a human body. Each part is independent yet dependent on the larger self. India's diversity is its strength. India has grown through many wars, economic downfalls and domestic problems but never was the essence of India questioned. You can go around with the usual Pakistani rant over poverty but no one can deny that India today is an emerging world power. Yes we are not a China sized economy but our model is different and we are proud of India's achievements. We are the fourth largest economy in the world so we arnt that far back.Even while be surrounded by rouge nations, India has maintained a strong democracy and has managed to set an example to the world in how to live in religious harmony.

If you are comparing India with China, please also compare yourself with nations much smaller than you who are ages ahead of you. Even Bangladesh today is much better off that Pakistan, if that does not open your eyes then I dont know what will.

How has Kashmir been a cultural and religious part of Pakistan ? Are you saying just because of a muslim majority Kashmir should be with Pakistan ? Then your logic is wrong and I cant help it. Geographically ? What is that ?

Well its good for India if Pakistan continues to chase Kashmir as eventually it will be consumed by it. Whatever argument you give me in regards to Kashmir does not make a difference as just remember that Pakistan is taking on the giant who has enough resource to keep this proxy war going for decades. As you said that India is destabilizing Pakistan from the inside. Well the fact is that India sheer size makes it impossible for Pakistan to affect India but India little prod in even one of Pakistan's provinces has huge ramifications on the country. So my advise will be to stop living these dreams and work on the betterment of your own people.
History of Pakistan by Najam Sethi on Duniya TV

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india was a name given by the greeks to subcontinent !!

and never forget nehru requested Jinnah to let Bharit be called India in english and hindustand in urdu...

perhaps Jinnah shouldnot have allowed...

Please stop smoking what ever you are, its making you delusional.
oh and it proves that current day India dint come into being in 47 by your criteria then Pakistan came into being many hundreds years back probably 1453 keeping in view the symbol on our flag. and keeping in view the colour it dates back to early days of Islam

The green color was originally used in many religions that even pre-date Hinduism,it has been the symbol of harvest in egyption religions which pre-date Islam by hundreads of years, so are you saying that Islam has a monopoly over green ?
It is not for me to judge Sethi.

I rather hear it from a Pakistani editor than from any other source,
oh man, this india vs pakistan is the most boring thing in this forum. just give it a rest.
Pakistan and the present day india both shared the humiliating name of india during british raj.

Do you people even know that british used to equate indians with dogs. signs of “dogs and Indians not allowed” were often posted at private clubs
and even some public spaces, like waiting rooms at railway stations.

If Nehru had any dignity he would never named his country india.

Pakistan and Bharat both shared the name India, Bharat doesn't have the monopoly over the name "india"
and according to ancient designation we pakistanis have more right over this name as it came from our river indus

Sorry I dont want to debate with you anymore, you can only wake up a person who is sleeping not someone who is faking his sleep. Your forefathers fought for India, so your actions are in turn discrediting them. Its obvious you hate India so lets not take this argument any further.
hen these Bhartis say they're not obsessed with us

It's actually worse - it makes the foruma place where you don't want to be, because these Indians seem like they are here with some kind of general idea, where it does not matter what the subject is, we must tolerate Indian point of view of Pakistan, which needless to say is.... well, we can see what it is -- and the net effect is that thread after thread is derailed -- mods and admin think that kind of thing is good for business??
It's actually worse - it makes the foruma place where you don't want to be, because these Indians seem like they are here with some kind of general idea, where it does not matter what the subject is, we must tolerate Indian point of view of Pakistan, which needless to say is.... well, we can see what it is -- and the net effect is that thread after thread is derailed -- mods and admin think that kind of thing is good for business??

Please check who brought India into this debate in the first place before you go around finger pointing.
It's actually worse - it makes the foruma place where you don't want to be, because these Indians seem like they are here with some kind of general idea, where it does not matter what the subject is, we must tolerate Indian point of view of Pakistan, which needless to say is.... well, we can see what it is -- and the net effect is that thread after thread is derailed -- mods and admin think that kind of thing is good for business??

to be honest with you, this troll/derailing stuff is coming from both(pakistan and indian members) sides, as i said before, it is really getting boring, at the same time this derailing posts(most of the time), do derail the real topic badly.

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