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Pakistan to fence border after terrorist attack in Iran: Army

Tokhme khar

Feb 25, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Pakistan to fence border after terrorist attack in Iran: Army
Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:30AM [Updated: Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:50AM ]
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An Iranian border guard looks through binoculars at a post in Sistan and Baluchestan province.

Pakistan has promised to boost security cooperation with Iran, saying that the two neighboring countries are considering fencing the common border to keep terrorists in check.

“We both are considering fencing the border so that no third party could sabotage the brotherly and friendly relations through any nefarious act,” Army spokesperson and director-general of Inter-Services Public Relation (ISPR) Major General Asif Gafoor said.

Islamabad plans to fence 950 kilometers of the border linking Pakistan’s Balochistan Province with Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Pakistani media quoted him as saying.

Gafoor’s comments came days after a terrorist attack originating from inside the borders of Pakistan killed 27 members of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Iran.

On February 13, a bomber identified by the IRGC as Pakistani national Hafiz Mohammad Ali slammed his explosives-laden vehicle into a bus carrying off-duty IRGC members in Sistan and Baluchestan.

The Pakistan-based Jaish ul-Adl Takfiri terrorist group, which has ties to al-Qaeda and the Al Saud regime, claimed responsibility.

Several attacks by Pakistan-based terrorist groups have in the past targeted Iranian security forces. Iran has always complained that Pakistan is not serious in confronting the terrorists.

But the latest attack appeared to be the final straw, with several Iranian officials warning that their patience with Islamabad was wearing thin.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has said Pakistan should be held accountable for the attack. IRGC chief Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari doubled down on that, urging Islamabad to change its policy toward Jaish ul-Adl instead of sheltering the terrorists.

Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Baqeri has said a “fiery revenge” awaits Jaish ul-Adl and other terrorist groups funded by regional Arab regimes such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

PressTV-Iran presses Pakistan, vows 'fiery revenge' after bombing
Iran says it is pressuring Pakistan to secure its borders and prevent terrorist groups operating from its soil to cross into Iran.

In order to allay Iran's concerns, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmoud Quraishi immediately sent a high-level delegation to Tehran to provide assurance of a thorough investigation and all-out cooperation in hunting down the culprits.

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Pakistani media also said the country is keen to address the issue, particularly at a time when India and Afghanistan are blaming it for orchestrating attacks against them.

The attack in Iran coincided with a terrorist bombing in Indian-controlled Kashmir which left more than 40 troops dead, plunging rocky relations between the nuclear-armed neighbors to a new low.
Islamabad plans to fence 950 kilometers of the border linking Pakistan’s Balochistan Province with Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Pakistani media quoted him as saying.

Iran got terrorist attack and Pakistan putting up fence ...strange ...feels like pakistan is trying to control terrorists from its land to cross over into Iran. If Iran did, it could make sense that Iran is trying to secure itself...Strange world ...:girl_wacko::girl_wink:
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Iran got terrorist attack and Pakistan putting up fence ...strange ...feels like pakistan is trying to control terrorists from its land to cross over into Iran. If Iran did, it could make sense that Iran is trying to secure itself...Strange world ...:girl_wacko::girl_wink:
The attacks occur from both sides. They are not as frequent as the BLA/BRA terrorist attacks inside Pakistan, but occasionally terrorists have taken advantage and crossed across the Iran-Pakistan border into Pakistan to conduct attacks, and vice versa of course.

Pakistan is being pro-active here. For years Pakistan had pushed both the US and Afghanistan to enact stronger border control measures, including significantly more border posts, patrols, fences, walls etc, only for the Afghan's to reject the proposals and then continue blaming Pakistan for 'cross border terrorist attacks'. Even now, when Pakistan is funding the entire Afghan-Pakistan border fencing project, the Afghan's can do little other than whine and cry about it. Pakistan taking the initiative on the border fence/wall is to address Iranian criticism. Hopefully the Iranians will not take the Afghan route and bitch, moan and whine about it and instead cooperate and help fund and patrol the Iran-Pakistan border fence.
The attacks occur from both sides. They are not as frequent as the BLA/BRA terrorist attacks inside Pakistan, but occasionally terrorists have taken advantage and crossed across the Iran-Pakistan border into Pakistan to conduct attacks, and vice versa of course.


What? When was the last time any group attacked Pakistan from Iran? Sorry mate, but you're just making stuff up here. The fact is, these terrorists have a foothold in Pakistan and not Iran. Their bases are in Pakistan and not Iran.
I think its just a ruse by Pak, real objective is to keep RAW agents infiltrating thru Iran. Seems Iran is failing ( or perhaps ) assisting RAW in its objective, may be ? what do you think Viny?
What? When was the last time any group attacked Pakistan from Iran? Sorry mate, but you're just making stuff up here. The fact is, these terrorists have a foothold in Pakistan and not Iran. Their bases are in Pakistan and not Iran.
Maybe if the Iranian media was actually free and made an effort to debate and introspect Iran's own domestic problems and issues instead of just blaming Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, US, Israel, Martians, Klingons etc you would actually know that the security and terrorism issues exist on both sides of the border.


I think its just a ruse by Pak, real objective is to keep RAW agents infiltrating thru Iran. Seems Iran is failing ( or perhaps ) assisting RAW in its objective, may be ? what do you think Viny?
It would serve both purposes. The fence alone isn't going to be enough, additional border post and jointly coordinated patrols are necessary to maximize the impact.
Maybe if the Iranian media was actually free and made an effort to debate and introspect Iran's own domestic problems and issues instead of just blaming Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, US, Israel, Martians, Klingons etc you would actually know that the security and terrorism issues exist on both sides of the border.

"radioliberty" :lol:
So we are suppose to buy into your news and if not then our media is not "free"? The fact remains, these terrorists have no base in Iran, they're from your own nation.
"radioliberty" :lol:
So we are suppose to buy into your news and if not then our media is not "free"? The fact remains, these terrorists have no base in Iran, they're from your own nation.
That is precisely the problem with Iran, and utter 'ostrich with its head buried in the sand' view of her domestic situation - a complete refusal to accept her own shortcomings and domestic problems so that the Iranian regime can remain immune from criticism.

No insurgency can exist without domestic support. Only when Iran recognizes that and cooperates instead of hiding Iran's problems by blaming the rest of the world will you actually address the issue. The Sistan attacks occur because there is local support for them. And RFE is no friend of Pakistan's either.
That is precisely the problem with Iran - no insurgency can exist without domestic support. Only when you recofnize that and cooperate instead of hiding your own problems by blaming the rest of the world will you actually address the issue. The Sistan attacks occur because there is local support for them. And RFE is no friend of Pakistan's either.

This is not the complete reality, the fact is, even if there is some support for these groups within some Iranian region, they would still never be allowed to take a foothold in Iran itself. Why do you think these groups keep coming from Pakistan to Iran? I am not saying Pakistani government is directly supporting them, I am just saying Pakistan does not appear to have the capability to do something about it's soil being used as a base...

Both Iran and Pakistan should do alot more to develop their Baluch region. Poverty makes it much easier to get the populace to joins the cause of such malign groups.
This shows how serious we are to stop terrorism in the region we already develop afghan border fence and now iran. Good decisions. World are watching and will learn from us how we defeated terrorism from our neighbors.
This is not the complete reality, the fact is, even if there is some support for these groups within some Iranian region, they would still never be allowed to take a foothold in Iran itself. Why do you think these groups keep coming from Pakistan to Iran? I am not saying Pakistani government is directly supporting them, I am just saying Pakistan does not appear to have the capability to do something about it's soil being used as a base...

Both Iran and Pakistan should do alot more to develop their Baluch region. Poverty makes it much easier to get the populace to joins their cause.
You do realize that Pakistan is still fighting an insurgency against Baloch and TTP (who are virulently anti-Shia) terrorist groups in Balochistan, don't you? Do you recall the almost 200 people killed in the suicide bombing during the elections last year in Balochistan? The multiple suicide attacks on police and paramilitary forces in Balochistan? Of course Pakistan has a problem in Balochistan and has deployed hundreds of thousands of security forces there to combat it. We are continuing to fight these terrorist groups and continue to suffer casualties. The Iranian government and military attitude towards attacks in Iran (even if they originated from Pakistan) is the problem.

Instead of recognizing that the same kinds of terrorist groups are inflicting far more damage on Pakistan and quietly cooperating with Pakistan, the Iranian government and military throws a tantrum and whines and insults and attacks Pakistan.
Ur country is involved in terrorism in Syria Yemen directly supporting Hezbollah

Terrorists only according to your saudi/arab masters and their masters the Americans and Zionists.

You do realize that Pakistan is still fighting an insurgency against Baloch and TTP (who are virulently anti-Shia) terrorist groups in Balochistan, don't you? Do you recall the almost 200 people killed in the suicide bombing during the elections last year in Balochistan? The multiple suicide attacks on police and paramilitary forces in Balochistan? Of course Pakistan has a problem in Balochistan and has deployed hundreds of thousands of security forces there to combat it. We are continuing to fight these terrorist groups and continue to suffer casualties. The Iranian government and military attitude towards attacks in Iran (even if they originated from Pakistan) is the problem.

Instead of recognizing that the same kinds of terrorist groups are inflicting far more damage on Pakistan and quietly cooperating with Pakistan, the Iranian government and military throws a tantrum and whines and insults and attacks Pakistan.

The best way forward then is to remove any ambiguity and have Iran and Pakistan cooperate in dealing with them. You love to keep trying to pretend as if this is all Iran's fault, let me know when you people actually get serious regarding jointly fighting these groups with Iran. So far all you have done is drag your feet.
The best way forward then is to remove any ambiguity and have Iran and Pakistan cooperate in dealing with them. You love to keep trying to pretend as if this is all Iran's fault, let me know when you people actually get serious regarding jointly fighting these groups.
At no point have I said anything along the lines of 'this is all Iran's fault'. At no point has the government of Pakistan or the Pakistani military said anything along the lines of 'this is all Iran's fault'.

What I have pointed out is that Pakistan has, occasionally, suffered terrorist attacks on her troops from the Iranian side, that Pakistan continues to combat multiple terrorist groups in Balochistan that have inflicted far more damage on Pakistan than any attacks in Iran, and that Iran and Pakistan need to engage in quiet diplomacy and cooperate on border controls and intelligence sharing rather than the anti-Pakistan insults and attacks on Pakistan that we saw recently from the Iranian military and government leadership.

The Iranian government and military leadership needs to calm down before they destroy whats left of the Iran-Pakistan relationship.
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