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Pakistan should replace F-16 with F-35 ?

Pakistant need to replace F16 with F35 by 2020?

  • YES

    Votes: 61 42.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 84 57.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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as israel has sign deal to get 20 f-35 for 2.75 billion that is around 138mil per plan i dont think it will be a problem for pakistan in long term
as israel has sign deal to get 20 f-35 for 2.75 billion that is around 138mil per plan i dont think it will be a problem for pakistan in long term
The issue of Cost is only comes second..The first issue is U.S. Says okay to this deal..Especially a fighter like this, which alters the military balance of the region..Let us discuss about a Future deal of FA-18/SH then jump into this Elephant :wacko:
This is a funny thread.

Its taken 20 years for Pakistan the Key strategic ally in South Asia to get a handful of F16/52s and a MLU on their 20 years falcons from 1990.
Even this has come with rumoured limitations and warnings as to their use.

AT THE SAME TIME pakistan is in serious financial trouble propped by USA grant aid and IMF loans.

Even the 42 Thunders from China had to come on easy credit terms as PAF could not find $650m in one go

YET SOMEBODY start s a thread and there 66 posts as to the merits of PAF acquiring the F35 lightening at $125m each.

THATS LIKE 8 TIMES THE COST OF THUNDER or 3 times a single block 52..

just how many are PAF buying

And which year for delivery since UK and Nato & Israel are first inline from 2015-2022..
StormForce: Simple: Ain't gonna happen. End of story. :)
LATEST LINKS F35 to acheive IOC in 2013-2015..

There are 9 different air powers who will receive the first 2000 F35

UP UNTIL 2022-2025 because IOC has slipped by 7 YEARS

F-35 Delivery Schedule (OFFICIAL)

The link below is good confirms other likely new orders from kOREA south Singpore Israel & Japan.
The issue of Cost is only comes second..The first issue is U.S. Says okay to this deal..Especially a fighter like this, which alters the military balance of the region..Let us discuss about a Future deal of FA-18/SH then jump into this Elephant :wacko:

with the induction of pakfa india is changing the balance in this region not pakistan .To balance the region usa may offer this to pakistan or pakistan may want it.
with the induction of pakfa india is changing the balance in this region not pakistan .To balance the region usa may offer this to pakistan or pakistan may want it.

Dont dream about it..The balance will already change once the MRCA deal is finalized..its better to wait for a Chinese stealth fighter than the F-35.
What is funny in thread?

40% members are in favour of F35, which is considered 100% because

60% members of PDF are Indian , i guess?

Be realistic here. just to have desire to get F-35 will not change situation buddy, whether 100% guys agree to have it in PAF.
First of all USA and its close allies have a long list for F-35, secondly they should have trust on PAF to give such a state of art machine. If all goes well and Uncle SAM gives :tup: then PAF/Pak. Govt. can think of its price and maintenance costs(by looking at current economic condition). Moreover Uncle Sam has already declared "There are no free Lunch any more". And there are no good sign in current situation to get F-35 in coming yrs. Chineese Stealth Fighters have better chance if PAF is intrested in them once they are in production.
If you still want to dream of having F-35 on the basis of forum members %age desire, then best of luck.
Dreaming is very good but worst part is, it finishes when one wakes up. ;) I thing a dreaming section should also be added. :agree:
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What is funny in thread?

40% members are in favour of F35, which is considered 100% because

60% members of PDF are Indian , i guess?

No buddy I voted No and I am as Pakistani as the next person.
And the reason i voted no is because....

A) We can't afford it.
B) We only just got blk52s
C) F-35s are still in development stages
D) The US won't sell them to us any time soon.
E) By the time F-35s are available to countries like Britain, Israel and the US we will have J-XX as an option a much wiser option.

Balance ???

125 MKI, 70 Mig 29 and 60 Mirages.. its havily Tilted on Indian Side and then no talk of balance after MMRCA, PAK FA..

On Topic :

The only real hope is JXX that too not before 2035.
No buddy I voted No and I am as Pakistani as the next person.
And the reason i voted no is because....

A) We can't afford it.
B) We only just got blk52s
C) F-35s are still in development stages
D) The US won't sell them to us any time soon.
E) By the time F-35s are available to countries like Britain, Israel and the US we will have J-XX as an option a much wiser option.

Same here Yahya Bhai... I voted No for the above reasons.
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