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Pakistan should replace F-16 with F-35 ?

Pakistant need to replace F16 with F35 by 2020?

  • YES

    Votes: 61 42.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 84 57.9%

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What is wrong in it ? make correction.

If we want to protect our Nukes from enimies , F35 is only solution and also it will reduce our operational cost .

From the same people that wanted to to get rid of your nukes are the same people that made the F-35.

why do you go in circles about it ? haven't you not learn about your f16 ficasco back in the 90s ?
This scenerio has the most probability of us going ballistic, i think.:angel:

no need for any planes to counter that:undecided::whistle:

Hypothaticaly, a high altitude nuclear blast can cause and EMP burst that can fry all electronic circuts within a certain radius:blah::blah::blah:

Do Fighter planes have any countermeasures for EMP's??:undecided:

Unless optimized for solely EMP generation, the same high altitude blast will also obliterate hundreds, if not thousands of square miles of land below it.

These weapons are NOT toys, and their use MUST NOT be advocated so flippantly.
Your right we can't counter f-35s with f-16s and JFT.....
Thats why we have J-XX as an option!!!

tell me how you are planning on getting F-35s??


Especially in light of recent events...

Pakistan is better off waiting for the J-XX. It will take a while for 4th gen fighters to be completely phased out. In the main time Pakistan should work to enhance her aviations industry so factories could produce 5th gen. fighters once they are available.
Unless optimized for solely EMP generation, the same high altitude blast will also obliterate hundreds, if not thousands of square miles of land below it.

These weapons are NOT toys, and their use MUST NOT be advocated so flippantly.

Pakistani Nuclear Installations are not toys either so attacks agains them MUST NOT be advocated so flippantly either.

yeah:hitwall: i :hitwall: know :hitwall: about :hitwall: the :hitwall: obliteration :hitwall: part; i watched "Trinity and Beyond" a couple of hundred time and it covers obliteration very well, but, pakistan will use a nuclear device if it is in the same or worst situation US was in in WWII

our nuclear installations are like our pearl harbor, and if its use em or lose em

I'd say use em

But my question is, how effective one or more tactical EMP devises can be against a small/large airstrike with the likes of F35 and F22 or lets go back 30-40-50 years USSR attacks USA with lots of planes.. EMP anyone???

and concidering pakistans offencive defence stretagy (i am asuming its still valid), will pakistan launch a surgical strike against the air field the F-35's are stationed at if the time comes before they takeoff for an attack in pakistan??

PS: surgical could mean
Air strike
Cruise Missile
Shaheen/other ballistic missiles (conventional warhead)

and please answer the question, dont tell me its stupid and pakistan cann't do it and if it does a war will start and than the losing one fire nukes and than the other fire nukes and than its

world population = world population -1 billion (if no one else jumps in)

i know all that, I am talking about a hypothatical strike!!:hitwall:
Especially in light of recent events...

Pakistan is better off waiting for the J-XX. It will take a while for 4th gen fighters to be completely phased out. In the main time Pakistan should work to enhance her aviations industry so factories could produce 5th gen. fighters once they are available.

Yeah i think we should not be dependant on other countries for anything. JF-17 is a start take it forward and start producing your own 5 gen fighters in 10-15 years
I think Paksitan will use a nuclear weapon if majority of it's air force was knocked out, it's ordanance factories have been destroyed, it has lost several strategic land positions and it's ground forces are being bombarded. That is called a worst case scenario. However, I doubt it will come to that any time soon, as the stakes are far too high for any such conflict. Pakistan has influence in many Arab countries, along with the backing of China, so it will not be easy to wage a war against such odds unless someone is willing to start WW-III. However if both countries are fighting at about the same level and neither has any decisive advantage over the other, the war will continue, and probably end, without resorting to nuclear weapons. If India maintains air-superiority and Pakistan maintains ground dominance, it will be condisered an equal match. Nuclear weapons are used in desperation, as the final card in the deck, not like an artillery shell. And when one side does use a WMD, the other side will, by default, get the clear for also using a similar weapon. So it's a lose-lose for both sides, unless one side has nothing more to lose.
I think Paksitan will use a nuclear weapon if majority of it's air force was knocked out, it's ordanance factories have been destroyed, it has lost several strategic land positions and it's ground forces are being bombarded. That is called a worst case scenario. However, I doubt it will come to that any time soon, as the stakes are far too high for any such conflict. Pakistan has influence in many Arab countries, along with the backing of China, so it will not be easy to wage a war against such odds unless someone is willing to start WW-III. However if both countries are fighting at about the same level and neither has any decisive advantage over the other, the war will continue, and probably end, without resorting to nuclear weapons. If India maintains air-superiority and Pakistan maintains ground dominance, it will be condisered an equal match. Nuclear weapons are used in desperation, as the final card in the deck, not like an artillery shell. And when one side does use a WMD, the other side will, by default, get the clear for also using a similar weapon. So it's a lose-lose for both sides, unless one side has nothing more to lose.

Right , no nation can take risk to attack a nuke nation , my question is we need to plan for 5th Gen Fighter for next 50 years of advance and stronge Air defence or not?
Ofcourse Pakistan should be looking for the best reliable counters to hostile countries for it's own national security. Either a new SAM system or a new aircraft should be in consideration if India gets the 5 gen. T-50. It's never a good idea for rivals to be dis-proportionately equiped. To maintain a power balance is vital for peace. I think I remember the Pakistan's Chief of Air Force mentioning that the PAF will continue inducting 4th and 5th generation planes. It was either on the occasion of confirming the purchase of FC-20 or the induction of the JF 17. Which led me to speculate that he already has his eyes on a 5th gen plane, probably the JXX.
Ofcourse Pakistan should be looking for the best reliable counters to hostile countries for it's own national security. Either a new SAM system or a new aircraft should be in consideration if India gets the 5 gen. T-50. It's never a good idea for rivals to be dis-proportionately equiped. To maintain a power balance is vital for peace. I think I remember the Pakistan's Chief of Air Force mentioning that the PAF will continue inducting 4th and 5th generation planes. It was either on the occasion of confirming the purchase of FC-20 or the induction of the JF 17. Which led me to speculate that he already has his eyes on a 5th gen plane, probably the JXX.

Not either we need both SAM or THAAD and FIFTH GEN FIGHTERS ,F35 is the best uptill now
Do you konw dilvery time ? it will be minimum five years , 2 Billion per year cost for strong Air Defence for 50 years is not bad decision .

F35 is not Shelf Item :lol:

We have better options (would have in time F-35 is available for sale)
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US is replacing F16 with F35 in 2013.PAF need to work on replacement of F16 with F35.

What is opinion of our defence professionals of forum?

Lol..Never expected such a funny thread from a senior member like you..Do you know how much a single F-35 would cost??
Even if you have the money, they will not send it to pakistan..it would have been better, if you have chose FA-18 (not SH) even though this deal is also not feasible..
Lol..Never expected such a funny thread from a senior member like you..Do you know how much a single F-35 would cost??
Even if you have the money, they will not send it to pakistan..it would have been better, if you have chose FA-18 (not SH) even though this deal is also not feasible..

there are too many grim stories at this point so having a bit of a laugh doesnt hurt

I think we should only accept the offer of F22 raptors (key chains) if US offers the complete ToT of F 35 (Legos)
there are too many grim stories at this point so having a bit of a laugh doesnt hurt

I think we should only accept the offer of F22 raptors (key chains) if US offers the complete ToT of F 35 (Legos)

Thats a good one
there are too many grim stories at this point so having a bit of a laugh doesnt hurt

I think we should only accept the offer of F22 raptors (key chains) if US offers the complete ToT of F 35 (Legos)

hey y not F/A-XX?? We can eat grass for it! sounds like a good idea to me :lol:
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