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Pakistan Rangers taunt ‘hungry’ BSF jawans

[UOTE="National Socialist, post: 9172321,"].
We could tease them back by highlighting what a ragtag undisciplined military they are but we are far more proffesional:

Two Soldiers Convicted in Musharraf Assassination Attempts

PNS Mehran attack: Navy commando arrested

Five IS linked Navy officers get death sentence in dockyard attack case

‘PAF airmen sabotaging F-16s’


Nice one bro.

See the creep is back with another fake ID.
The idiot is quoting his own posts which were earlier deleted. :lol:
These guys have really made ISI a brand name. If ISI starts business using its name, the products will sell like hot cakes in Pakistan.

and in India!

We don't need to fire bullets at Indian soldiers, we just offer them food and win the war ... hahaha .. and these warmongers want to fight us with these soldiers!
Human or not I don't mind two penny opinion from a Pakistani.
Good or bad or worse India will be amazing to us Indian citizens like Pakistan to Pakistanis.
BTW factually there is no comparison between India & Pakistan to start with.
Two penny opinion gave you more respect than your own countrymen where lower casts like you are killed for merely drinking water from a Brahmin well. But I guess Indian education and media would rather let you believe it's better to be a toilet cleaner Indian than your own king elsewhere. Enjoy life where you but why the attitude? Is it your age or simply you type before you think

See the creep is back with another fake ID.
The idiot is quoting his own posts which were earlier deleted. :lol:
You know there are more twitter & FB IDs of ''Oppressed Baloch People'' than total population of Balochistan?
There is good reason for it. You ban them, they will create a new email address, new ID and start acting like New comer but start their BS from exact same spot from where their previous ID was banned.
Our neighbor nation is too free to spend time on internet and they can cross every limit to bash Pakistan on any forum (reasons : Obsession + inferiority complex) :coffee:
Two penny opinion gave you more respect than your own countrymen where lower casts like you are killed for merely drinking water from a Brahmin well. But I guess Indian education and media would rather let you believe it's better to be a toilet cleaner Indian than your own king elsewhere. Enjoy life where you but why the attitude? Is it your age or simply you type before you think
Rather you have two penny assumption.
I lived long enough in India two know what it is.I also know how media & political system work here..
Obviously better than a Pakistani..
Yes we have problem & education is cleaning up such social bs.Now it's not like what used to be 10 years ago..
Don't you people carry a little shame when you put such consumed theory on different Indian elements & get humiliated?
حمد آباد (اُردو پوائنٹ تازہ ترین اخبار۔04 فروری 2017ء): سرحد پر موجود بھارتی بی ایس ایف جوانوں نے شکایت کی ہے کہ پاکستانی رینجرز انہیں بھوکا ہونے کا طعنہ دیتے ہیں۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق ٹائمز آف انڈیا میں شائع ایک رپورٹ میں بتایا گیا کہ پاکستانی رینجرز کی جانب سے بی ایس ایف کے اہلکاروں کو ''بھوکا'' ہونے کا طعنہ دیا جاتا ہے۔ یاد رہے کہ کچھ دیر قبل بی ایس ایف کے جوان کی ایک ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل ہوئی تھی جس میں بھارتی اہلکار نے کھانا نہ ملنے ، ناقص کھانا ملنے اور سہولیات کی عدم فراہمی کے خلاف آواز بُلند کی تھی ۔

تیج بہادر نامی اس بھارتی فوجی کی اس ویڈیو کے بعد بھارتی جوانوں کو شے ملی اور ایک دو ویڈیو اور بھی جاری ہوئیں جن میں سے ایک میں شکوہ کیا گیا تھا کہ فوجی اہلکاروں کے لیے آنے والی شراب ہمیں دینے کی بجائے باہر مارکیٹ میں فروخت کر دی جاتی ہے، جس میں اعلیٰ افسران ملوث ہیں جبکہ تیسری ویڈیو میں بھارتی فوج کے اعلیٰ افسران کو پیغام دیا گیا کہ وہ فوجیوں پر غصہ نکالنے کی بجائے ان افسران کو طلب کریں جو اس سب کے ذمہ دار ہیں کیونکہ بھارتی
فوج میں بے چینی کی وجہ یہی افسران ہیں
بھارت کے بھونڈے دعوے سرجیکل اسٹرائیک کے مضحکہ خیز دعوے کے بعد ہی سے ثابت ہو گئے ہیں۔ تاہم اب بھارتی اخبار کی ایک رپورٹ میں پاکستان رینجرز کی جانب سے بی ایس ایف کے جوانوں کو بھوکا ہونے کے طعنے دینے کا دعویٰ کیا گیا ہے۔ گجرات فرنٹئیر کے ایک اہلکار نے ٹائمز آف انڈیا سے گفتگو میں بتایا کہ سرحد پر موجود ایسی جگہیں جہاں بھارت اور پاکستان کی چوکیاں آمنے سامنے ہیں وہاں پاکستان رینجرز کے اہلکار بی ایس ایف کے اہلکاروں کو یہ کہتے ہیں کہاگر آپ بھوکے ہیں تو ہمارے پاس آ جائیں اور کھانا کھا لیں۔ بی ایس ایف کے ایک اعلیٰ افسر نے یہ بھی بیان دیا کہ پاکستان کی ایجنسی آئی ایس آئی بھارتی جوانوں کی اس قسم کی ویڈیوز سوشل میڈیا پروائرل ہونے کے بعد خاصی خوش ہے۔ بی ایس ایف حکام کا کہنا ہے کہ آئی ایس آئی بھارتی جوانوں کے بھارتی فوج پر عائد کیے جانے والے الزامات کا فائدہ اٹھا رہی ہے۔

AHMEDABAD: Pakistan's spy agency, the ISI, is apparently delighted with the social media posts of jawan Tej Bahadur of the BSF's 29th Battalion who has alleged that essentials meant for them were being illegally sold in the market by their higher-ups and officers.

"At sectors where Indian and Pakistani border posts are located opposite each other on either side of the border — such as some places in Barmer sector of the Gujarat frontier — the Pak Rangers taunt our men with jibes like, 'If you are hungry, please come over. We have food here,'" a top BSF official (Gujarat Frontier) said


come on we were just being good neighbors and offering em free good food which should have been provided by yr gov
Rather you have two penny assumption.
I lived long enough in India two know what it is.I also know how media & political system work here..
Obviously better than a Pakistani..
Yes we have problem & education is cleaning up such social bs.Now it's not like what used to be 10 years ago..
Don't you people carry a little shame when you put such consumed theory on different Indian elements & get humiliated?

I spoke with you with respect but a low caste like you deserves to clean Brahmin Shit. I guess until you people are abused you don't get it. Remember this is a Pakistani forum. You spend so much time here becAuse you are infatuated with us. Keep cleaning Shit just like your soldier that complained is now on plumbing duties. Which means cleaning Shit.
NEVER FORGET WE TOOK PAKISTAN FROM YOU AND WE WILL NEVER GIVE IT BACK. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY HAVE LOW CASTE LIKE YOU WHO WANT TO STAY LOW. Enjoy Brahmin Shit and whilst you are there wash up with some cow urine. We will throw you some food come to the border.
You are an ***

P.S.. I have been to India from Delhi all the way to Jaipur. But your small mind is based on Bollywood wet dreams and media which is drama
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Material, drafting and contents put by Times of India in OP, are actually seems to be necessary to shake GoI etc that the sleeping elite even after viral leaked videos of Indian Soldier may wake up to do the needful after reading about ISI delighted and Pak Rangers taunt.

Mentioning the both subjects and the way it is painted was actually necessary to do so to be worthy of reading however, we still wish best of luck that at-least the false and concocted story may somehow benefit them. Furthermore, for such low level reporters, soldiers do not insult or taunt the way it is tried in article to fuel more hatred and boost nationalism by the way that populace may forget the real problem and PA/ISI obsession would take over the sane minds.
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