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Pakistan passes anti-rape bill allowing chemical castration of repeat offenders

Madressas advocate for shariah so why not punish rapists according to shariah and stone them to death publicly?

Stoning has nothing to do with Islam, it is the law of Moses and was abolished by Jesus.... I know its a controversial issue and I have done quite a bit of research on it. Below is when Jesus put an end to it and this is where Islam followed the same practice.

John 8:1-11
A Woman Caught in Adultery
8 Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, 2 but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. 3 As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd.

4 “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

6 They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. 7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” 8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.

9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

11 “No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
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Madressas advocate for shariah so why not punish rapists according to shariah and stone them to death publicly? Its liberals who would be the first ones to cry human rights if we do that. If Mullahs and madressas are threatened with this bill than why not implement shariah and see those so called Mullahs get stoned to death?
Which we all agree on from both sides of the spectrum BUT, when you have the COUNCIL OF ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY opposing such a move, who do we blame, liberals? Universities? This for goes for all posts here btw not this specifically, let me know when a liberal alliance decides to prevent punishment of Rapists and bring the government to their knees. Last time i checked, it wasn't liberals who rioted their way to Islamabad.
When 'Maulana' Aziz brazenly was recorded raping a boy, did any Madrassa or Islamic organization condemn it or take the boy's side? Hell at least in Universities you can band together and put pressure just like in IBA recently students pressured IBA for punishing a student calling out Harassment. Not once have i seen any Madrassa/Islamic institute banding together like this even in the student level which is unfortunate.
Unfortunately these 'Madrassas' and 'Islamic' organizations advocate a selective Shariah.

So rather than cherry picking incidents and ignoring the larger picture, introspection is required, IT'S BEEN DECADES and this liberal trope keeps being used, despite majority of Pakistanis being conservative somehow liberals are the 'bane of Pakistani society' despite having a small sway in policies. I wonder, once there are no liberals who will there be to blame next?

The bill was passed by the National Assembly of Pakistan on November 17.

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN)Sex offenders convicted of multiple rapes could face chemical castration in Pakistan after lawmakers on Wednesday passed new anti-rape legislation that aims to speed up convictions and impose tougher sentences.

It comes in response to a mass public outcry over a recent surge in rapes against women and children in the country, and growing demands to ensure justice for victims of sexual assault.

The bill states that Pakistan's government must establish special courts nationwide to expedite rape trials and ensure sexual abuse cases are decided "expeditiously, preferably within four months."

Those found guilty of gang rape will be sentenced to death or life in prison.

Chemical castration is the use of drugs to reduce libido or sexual activity. It is a legal form of punishment in countries including South Korea, Poland, the Czech Republic and in some US states.

Amnesty International said the penalty of chemical castration was "cruel and inhuman" in a statement last December, when the bill was announced.

"Instead of trying to deflect attention, the authorities should focus on the crucial work of reforms that will address the root causes of sexual violence and give survivors the justice they deserve," Amnesty said.

Fewer than 3% of sexual assault or rape cases result in a conviction in Pakistan, Reuters reported last December, citing Karachi-based non-profit War Against Rape.

In a landmark ruling in January, virginity tests on sexual assault survivors were outlawed in Pakistan's most populous province, Punjab.

The so-called virginity tests, which include inspecting the hymen or inserting two fingers into the vagina, are invasive examinations conducted under the belief that they can determine whether a female is a virgin.

There is question, why no castration for single rape?
Man this law too woke and vanilla
Madressas advocate for shariah so why not punish rapists according to shariah and stone them to death publicly? Its liberals who would be the first ones to cry human rights if we do that. If Mullahs and madressas are threatened with this bill than why not implement shariah and see those so called Mullahs get stoned to death?

It’s easy to put all the blame on madressas and Mullahs even though their a small percentage of rapes there. Why does everyone ignore the elite and universities where most the rape happen?

In Lahore where 400 men groped a woman in public were they madressa kids? Were they Mullahs?
The woman who was raped in Lahore motorway at night on the road in front of her children was she raped by Mullahs or madressas?
The store owners who put cameras in woman’s dressing rooms and video woman changing are they madressa or Mullahs?
The woman who get gang raped walking on the streets at night are they raped by Mullahs or madressas?
The woman raped at work are they raped by Mullahs or madressas?
The lady doctors who are raped by their co workers are they raped by Mullahs or madressa?
The woman raped by waderas in sindh are they raped by Mullahs or madressa?

People like you always find a way to blame madressas and Mullahs while ignoring facts because facts is more rapes happen outside of madressas in universities and elite peoples homes but you guys love ignoring that.

Also did you forget the reason imran khan gave why we can’t hang rapists in public? It wasn’t cause of Mullahs or madressas in fact they supported hanging rapists in public. It was because of EU and our local liberals crying human rights.

And just want to remind you madressa students are one of the smartest in Pakistan go look at the Pakistani winners when they won at international competitions they were almost all madressa kids
because Mullahs are already against the current bill.
any further tightening of law will be seen as a direct threat to their MADrassahs .
they will join hands with opposition to stage violent protests..
Jammat e _______ is still against it, they know, their rapist mullah in madarsahs will be affected..

Mullahs were actually demanding death penalty. I am also in favor of death penalty, though lots of mullahs will be hanged.
In a high population country like Pakistan, death penalty should be made common.
Jammat e _______ is still against it, they know, their rapist mullah in madarsahs will be affected..

Keep an eye on the convents and local churches too lest the liberal mania causes kids from a certain background to get ignored- -------- Save not just muslim kids but kids .
Physical castration has also not solved the problem...the rape offences change into sexaul assault and harrasment. The solution is capital punishment.
Wait, I thought a guy without his balls wouldn't have a sex drive, like the eunuchs of old?
Mullahs were actually demanding death penalty. I am also in favor of death penalty, though lots of mullahs will be hanged.
In a high population country like Pakistan, death penalty should be made common.
well the punishment clause has been removed on pressure from council of islamic ideology.
for them rape is islamic but chemical castration has been deemed inhumane and unislamic. no mullah or commoner should fear losing his dick now after raping a boy on madrasah or a girl elsewhere
Stoning has nothing to do with Islam, it is the law of Moses and was abolished by Jesus.... I know its a controversial issue and I have done quite a bit of research on it. Below is when Jesus put an end to it and this is where Islam followed the same practice.

John 8:1-11
A Woman Caught in Adultery
8 Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, 2 but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. 3 As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd.

4 “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

6 They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. 7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” 8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.

9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

11 “No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

With regard to stoning:

Al-Bukhaari (6830) and Muslim (1691) narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) said, when he was sitting on the minbar of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): Allah sent Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) with the truth, and He revealed the Book to him. One of the things that Allah revealed to him was the verse of stoning. We recited it, memorized it and understood it, The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) stoned [adulterers] and we stoned them after him. But I am afraid that with the passage of time, people will say, we do not find stoning in the Book of Allah, so they will go astray and forsake an obligation that Allah revealed. Stoning (is mentioned) in the Book of Allah as a duty which much be carried out on those who commit zina if they are married, men and women alike, if proof is established or if there is pregnancy or a confession.

Muslim (1692) narrated that Jaabir ibn Samurah said: I saw Maa‘iz ibn Maalik when he was brought to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), a short, well-built man who was not wearing a rida’ (upper garment). He testified against himself four times, saying that he had committed zina, and the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Perhaps you (kissed her or embraced her)?” He said: No, by Allah, this ignoble one has committed zina. So he stoned him…

Views of the imams on this:

Imam Maalik (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

In our view the man who rapes a woman, whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a “dowry” like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case. End quote.

Al-Muwatta’, 2/734

Shaykh Salmaan al-Baaji (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

In the case of a woman who is forced (raped): if she is a free woman, the one who forced her must pay her a “dowry” like that of her peers, and the hadd punishment is to be carried out on him. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i, and it is the view of al-Layth, and it was also narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him).

Abu Haneefah and al-Thawri said: the hadd punishment is to be carried out on him but he is not obliged to pay the “dowry”.

The evidence for what we say is that the hadd punishment and the “dowry” are two rights, one of which is the right of Allaah and the other is the right of the other person. So they may be combined, as in the case of a thief whose hand is cut off and he is required to return the stolen goods. End quote.

Al-Muntaha Sharh al-Muwatta’, 5/268, 269

Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

The scholars are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that. Otherwise, he is to be punished (i.e., if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess, and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him). There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her, which may be proven by her screaming and shouting for help. End quote.

Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146

Hadd punishment for zina is either lashing or stoning. Some scholars say all rapists should be stoned.
let me know when a liberal alliance decides to prevent punishment of Rapists and bring the government to their knees

PPP also apposed this
Which we all agree on from both sides of the spectrum BUT, when you have the COUNCIL OF ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY opposing such a move, who do we blame, liberals? Universities? This for goes for all posts here btw not this specifically, let me know when a liberal alliance decides to prevent punishment of Rapists and bring the government to their knees. Last time i checked, it wasn't liberals who rioted their way to Islamabad.
When 'Maulana' Aziz brazenly was recorded raping a boy, did any Madrassa or Islamic organization condemn it or take the boy's side? Hell at least in Universities you can band together and put pressure just like in IBA recently students pressured IBA for punishing a student calling out Harassment. Not once have i seen any Madrassa/Islamic institute banding together like this even in the student level which is unfortunate.
Unfortunately these 'Madrassas' and 'Islamic' organizations advocate a selective Shariah.

So rather than cherry picking incidents and ignoring the larger picture, introspection is required, IT'S BEEN DECADES and this liberal trope keeps being used, despite majority of Pakistanis being conservative somehow liberals are the 'bane of Pakistani society' despite having a small sway in policies. I wonder, once there are no liberals who will there be to blame next?

Them apposing this bill is purely political just like ppp apposed it.
Maulana Aziz should get the shariah punishment for rape but of course liberals will cry human rights.
Im not cherry picking sides but facts is most rapes in Pakistan happen in these elite universities and in the roads rather than madressas. Facts is rapes in madressas make up a small percentage only. Facts is out of the millions of madressas and millions of Mullahs on a handful have done rapes. Numbers don’t lie go look up stats. I don’t blame in vain neither am I biased I’m just looking at official numbers and stating facts. You are being biased and blaming all millions of madressas in Pakistan because of what a few black sheep did. Pakistan has more madressas than schools but less rapes than schools. Stop cherry picking sides and look at facts
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well the punishment clause has been removed on pressure from council of islamic ideology.
for them rape is islamic but chemical castration has been deemed inhumane and unislamic. no mullah or commoner should fear losing his dick now after raping a boy on madrasah or a girl elsewhere
How will they “marry” 9 year olds then as they claim the age of Hazrat Aisha to be?
PPP also apposed this bill
Is ppp Mullahs or from madressas?
ppp is probably the most secular liberal party in Pakistan.
Acting secular and liberal doesn’t mean you don’t want your feudal lords that use rape as an oppression tool to be caught. Thus entire Mullah-Feudal nexus loves its zinah bil jabar
With regard to stoning:

Al-Bukhaari (6830) and Muslim (1691) narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) said, when he was sitting on the minbar of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): Allah sent Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) with the truth, and He revealed the Book to him. One of the things that Allah revealed to him was the verse of stoning. We recited it, memorized it and understood it, The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) stoned [adulterers] and we stoned them after him. But I am afraid that with the passage of time, people will say, we do not find stoning in the Book of Allah, so they will go astray and forsake an obligation that Allah revealed. Stoning (is mentioned) in the Book of Allah as a duty which much be carried out on those who commit zina if they are married, men and women alike, if proof is established or if there is pregnancy or a confession.

Muslim (1692) narrated that Jaabir ibn Samurah said: I saw Maa‘iz ibn Maalik when he was brought to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), a short, well-built man who was not wearing a rida’ (upper garment). He testified against himself four times, saying that he had committed zina, and the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Perhaps you (kissed her or embraced her)?” He said: No, by Allah, this ignoble one has committed zina. So he stoned him…

Views of the imams on this:

Imam Maalik (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

In our view the man who rapes a woman, whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a “dowry” like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case. End quote.

Al-Muwatta’, 2/734

Shaykh Salmaan al-Baaji (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

In the case of a woman who is forced (raped): if she is a free woman, the one who forced her must pay her a “dowry” like that of her peers, and the hadd punishment is to be carried out on him. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i, and it is the view of al-Layth, and it was also narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him).

Abu Haneefah and al-Thawri said: the hadd punishment is to be carried out on him but he is not obliged to pay the “dowry”.

The evidence for what we say is that the hadd punishment and the “dowry” are two rights, one of which is the right of Allaah and the other is the right of the other person. So they may be combined, as in the case of a thief whose hand is cut off and he is required to return the stolen goods. End quote.

Al-Muntaha Sharh al-Muwatta’, 5/268, 269

Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

The scholars are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that. Otherwise, he is to be punished (i.e., if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess, and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him). There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her, which may be proven by her screaming and shouting for help. End quote.

Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146

Hadd punishment for zina is either lashing or stoning. Some scholars say all rapists should be stoned.

PPP also apposed this

Them apposing this bill is purely political just like ppp apposed it.
Maulana Aziz should get the shariah punishment for rape but of course liberals will cry human rights.
Im not cherry picking sides but facts is most rapes in Pakistan happen in these elite universities and in the roads rather than madressas. Facts is rapes in madressas make up a small percentage only. Facts is out of the millions of madressas and millions of Mullahs on a handful have done rapes. Numbers don’t lie go look up stats. I don’t blame in vain neither am I biased I’m just looking at official numbers and stating facts. You are being biased and blaming all millions of madressas in Pakistan because of what a few black sheep did. Pakistan has more madressas than schools but less rapes than schools. Stop cherry picking sides and look at facts
I know all these references and a lot more and counter references too but then what's the point, I stick with Jesus and his noble decision.
Acting secular and liberal doesn’t mean you don’t want your feudal lords that use rape as an oppression tool to be caught. Thus entire Mullah-Feudal nexus loves its zinah bil jabar

Blaming all Mullahs for the crimes of a handful is like me blaming all secular and liberals for the crimes of a few
People on this thread hating on Mullahs and madressas while there are millions of madressas and Mullahs in Pakistan
Do you see me hating on all secular and liberals just because ppp is against this rape bill?
You said Mullah-Feudal nexus but by saying that your blaming all Mullahs. You should change that to Mullah-Liberal secular nexus than if you want to blame a whole group for the crimes of a few

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