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Is India a country only for Criminals & Rapist?


the figure you're posted is estimation too..nobody gets the actual figure,not even the state,as many crime goes unreported..

they collected data from various sources and leading newspapers used its data....

Numbeo.com in the news

no ... just read NCRB process of DATA collection they gathered it from registered FIR from police stations ..... more reliable than this site ..... I am not saying because I quoted these figures, NCRB mention their process at their reports, have historical data and access to 'official raw data' from other department, this makes it more reliable than any other web based statical services in Indian context.

BTW I have already visited the link you have posted, before te opening of this thread.
no ... just read NCRB process of DATA collection they gathered it from registered FIR from police stations ..... more reliable than this site ..... I am not saying because I quoted these figures, NCRB mention their process at their reports, have historical data and access to 'official raw data' from other department, this makes it more reliable than any other web based statical services in Indian context.

BTW I have already visited the link you have posted, before te opening of this thread.

I didn't denied it.but the same kind of data is used by this kind of websites to rank.you gather similar kind of data from USA,Pakistan,and any other countries and use the per population amount of crime,you'll get the picture.
A genocidal criminal will be their PM soon. But i would call India a country of xenophobic communals.

whether we are communal or not what is your problem .Our election ,our decision all are our internal issues.So what you want?

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http://ncrb.nic.in/CD-CII2012/Additional_Tables_CII_2012/Additional Tables.htm

India officially undercounts all crimes including rape

The National Crime Records Bureau, India’s official source of crime data, is systematically undercounting virtually every crime in India on account of a statistical shortcoming, The Hindu has learnt.

The NCRB, under the union Home ministry, compiles its annual ‘Crime in India’ publication based on data that comes to it from state crime records bureaus, which in turn get their data from the First Information Reports (FIRs) filed with every police station in that State. What few know, however, is that the data published by the NCRB only takes into account the ‘principal offence’ in every FIR, that is, the charge that attracts the maximum penalty, a fact confirmed to The Hindu by R. Rajasekaran, deputy director of the NCRB. In the case of a rape-and- murder, such as the December 16 Delhi case, the ‘principal offence’ is murder since it attracts a maximum penalty of death. As a result, rapes that end in murder are recorded only as murders in NCRB’s statistics. “We are trying to improve our system. New editions could include categories like ‘rape-and- murder’ and ‘attempt to rape’,” Mr. Rajasekaran said.

This statistical shortcoming, however, extends beyond rapes-and-murders to virtually all crimes short of murder. Since a typical FIR contains several charges, it is clear that the NCRB statistics are an under-counting of all crimes, but the extent of under-counting is impossible to estimate. Moreover, the four “disclaimers” and four “limitations” that the NCRB lists in its 2012 publication make no mention that the numbers are restricted to ‘principal offences’.


Only 1% of sexual violence victims in India report crime: Lancet

Sexual violence affects as many as 27.5 million women in India, though only one per cent of the victims report the crime to police, says a report in the latest edition of British medical journal, The Lancet.

According to the report, rape incidents in India are receiving extensive media coverage in the aftermath of the December 16, 2012 gang rape and murder case and the recent gang rape of a young woman on the order of the village panchayat.

Low reporting of sexual violence might in part be because marital rape is not a crime in India, says the report. “Most sexual violence in India occurs in marriage with 10 per cent of married women reporting sexual violence from husbands,” says the report “Sexual Violence and Rape in India,” written by Anita Raj and Lotus McDougal.

Adolescent girls

“Adolescent wives are most vulnerable, reporting the highest number of marital sexual violence in any age group. Adolescent girls also account for 24 percent of rape cases in the country, although they represent only 9 percent of the total women population. An estimated 2·5 million adolescent girls [between 15 and 19 years] are victims of sexual violence in India,” it says.

Quoting National Crime Records Bureau data, the report suggests a rise in reporting of rape to police, particularly in 2013. “Past year, increases have been attributed to better support for victim disclosure, but actual rape incidence might be increasing.”

“The substantial number of gang rapes suggests a social and peer support for men perpetrating sexual violence in India. In view of youth involvement in rapes, young men might be particularly vulnerable to such negative peer influence,” it added.

Good. keep it up.Our transformation is in second stage.We got a stable ,vibrant growing ,powerful country .Our second stage is complete elimination of social evils .And our media initiate it by reporting incidents timely.
What is better? Facing ones problems and talk about them openly or just sticking ones head into the sand, switch to denial mode and pretend that everything is perfect?????
What is better? Facing ones problems and talk about them openly or just sticking ones head into the sand, switch to denial mode and pretend that everything is perfect?????

Hope The Hidu news article will clear some of your doubts regarding crime reporting & denial mode ....

India officially undercounts all crimes including rape

The National Crime Records Bureau, India’s official source of crime data, is systematically undercounting virtually every crime in India on account of a statistical shortcoming, The Hindu has learnt.

The NCRB, under the union Home ministry, compiles its annual ‘Crime in India’ publication based on data that comes to it from state crime records bureaus, which in turn get their data from the First Information Reports (FIRs) filed with every police station in that State. What few know, however, is that the data published by the NCRB only takes into account the ‘principal offence’ in every FIR, that is, the charge that attracts the maximum penalty, a fact confirmed to The Hindu by R. Rajasekaran, deputy director of the NCRB. In the case of a rape-and- murder, such as the December 16 Delhi case, the ‘principal offence’ is murder since it attracts a maximum penalty of death. As a result, rapes that end in murder are recorded only as murders in NCRB’s statistics. “We are trying to improve our system. New editions could include categories like ‘rape-and- murder’ and ‘attempt to rape’,” Mr. Rajasekaran said.

This statistical shortcoming, however, extends beyond rapes-and-murders to virtually all crimes short of murder. Since a typical FIR contains several charges, it is clear that the NCRB statistics are an under-counting of all crimes, but the extent of under-counting is impossible to estimate. Moreover, the four “disclaimers” and four “limitations” that the NCRB lists in its 2012 publication make no mention that the numbers are restricted to ‘principal offences’.
Hope The Hidu news article will clear some of your doubts regarding crime reporting & denial mode ....
India officially undercounts all crimes including rape

The National Crime Records Bureau, India’s official source of crime data, is systematically undercounting virtually every crime in India on account of a statistical shortcoming, The Hindu has learnt.

The NCRB, under the union Home ministry, compiles its annual ‘Crime in India’ publication based on data that comes to it from state crime records bureaus, which in turn get their data from the First Information Reports (FIRs) filed with every police station in that State. What few know, however, is that the data published by the NCRB only takes into account the ‘principal offence’ in every FIR, that is, the charge that attracts the maximum penalty, a fact confirmed to The Hindu by R. Rajasekaran, deputy director of the NCRB. In the case of a rape-and- murder, such as the December 16 Delhi case, the ‘principal offence’ is murder since it attracts a maximum penalty of death. As a result, rapes that end in murder are recorded only as murders in NCRB’s statistics. “We are trying to improve our system. New editions could include categories like ‘rape-and- murder’ and ‘attempt to rape’,” Mr. Rajasekaran said.

This statistical shortcoming, however, extends beyond rapes-and-murders to virtually all crimes short of murder. Since a typical FIR contains several charges, it is clear that the NCRB statistics are an under-counting of all crimes, but the extent of under-counting is impossible to estimate. Moreover, the four “disclaimers” and four “limitations” that the NCRB lists in its 2012 publication make no mention that the numbers are restricted to ‘principal offences’.

I see no contradiction here..
.. the undercounting is a problem, but our media does not hide it, it highlights it, criticizes the authorities and makes sure that we get to know about it.
Good. keep it up.Our transformation is in second stage.We got a stable ,vibrant growing ,powerful country .Our second stage is complete elimination of social evils .And our media initiate it by reporting incidents timely.

I would suggest you to study the economic growth rate and crime growth rate for every Indian state to have 'an understanding of the situation' rather than passing these comments .....
In all these stats, why are there decimal place? Do you have half crimes? It's looking weird!
I would suggest you to study the economic growth rate and crime growth rate for every Indian state to have 'an understanding of the situation' rather than passing these comments .....

For guys like you this comment is enough..You dont have time to check the reality in your own country.But you are always in your eastern neighbours situation.
No nation in this world is enough.At least we Indians have a vibrant democracy and civilian government is controlling all affairs in India and they dont beg to IMF or aid for our budget.At least World considers our country as emerging power not a failed state.
whether we are communal or not what is your problem .Our election ,our decision all are our internal issues.So what you want?

But u seem to forget that while commenting on BD issues. Your GOI screwed with our country to install some puppet maggots in power while i simply stated some facts and commented on a open forum. Its feels great to see pissed of hypocrites. :lol:
The hypocrisy among Bangladeshis is unbelievable.

Every single one of them is a Jamaati, except few excpetions.

The difference is they are not as bright or articulate as their Pakistani counterparts.

Just compare the mind boggling intellectual gap between Indian Bengalis on the forum and BD ones. While I expect dogmatic religions to stunt mental growth to an extent, this level of decay is really stuff for anthropologists to study.
For guys like you this comment is enough..You dont have time to check the reality in your own country.But you are always in your eastern neighbours situation.
No nation in this world is enough.At least we Indians have a vibrant democracy and civilian government is controlling all affairs in India and they dont beg to IMF or aid for our budget.At least World considers our country as emerging power not a failed state.

Found nothing to counter the argument talking about the irrelevant things .... open a thread about Indian economic vibrancy and test me ....

future supapower India ...... :lol:

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