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Pakistan Navy to Purchase Frigates from China

This would be ideal. The integrated mast could have an APAR as well as OTHR, with the latter providing long-range surveillance. The APAR can support AAW capabilities via HQ-16 and HQ-9.

What about DK-10 its said to be quad packable and have decent range??

no use, just bigger targets, and requiring more maintenance expenditure. numerous frigates+missile boats+corvettes are enough for area denial, supported by coastal AShM batteries and a dedicated air wing, they are more than enough for area denial

No, equipped with latest weapons and sensors they can be primary area air defence, ASW ships with secondary Anti Ship role.

That is what PN need to protect fleet far from shore.
What about DK-10 its said to be quad packable and have decent range??

No, equipped with latest weapons and sensors they can be primary area air defence, ASW ships with secondary Anti Ship role.

That is what PN need to protect fleet far from shore.
Not sure what the latest is on the DK-10's development.
I am also wondering about what's happening with dk10s development ...by the looks of it seems like it's more advanced than hq 16
To be honest,we don't care buy or not,nor from china or turkey
Only if it is good for your military
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You know what would be funny, if the retired Navy chief came out and said "sorry I meant to say corvettes not frigates and that too from turkey not China, my mistake... Pakistan zindabad"
Now imagine: "sorry, not corvettes, I mean fleet tanker."
Dk-10 is based on sd-10, but there is no evidence of it being quad-packable at this point. It may turn out to be the case but for now the only basis for this is the statement tha6 it is meant to be like the ESSM is for USN... that could mean a number of things (including being their standard medium range missile).

That being said, i hope that whatever PN buys, they find a quad-packable medium range SAM. A 32 cell VLS could be set up with 12 LR-SAMs (hq-9) and 80 medium ranged quad packed SAMs backed by 24 short range SAMs (in FL3000N). With 8 AShM, an antisub rocket (like rdc32), 6 torpedo tubes and an ASW helicopter and you have the makings of a great multirole frigate.
For CPEC we do need 8 Type054D frigates becase it protects Chinese - Pakistani , national interest and also valuable trade goods are going thru and that really requires 4-8 High Clibre ships so that other "non-regional" players do not have to bother with bringing their own navy near our Borders

It may create confusion and unnecessary tension

We need to look beyond the F22P Sword class frigates becasue these are support Ships but they really need a Leadership Ship which the F22P can work closely with for greater defensive posture


It would make sense the TYPE054D would act as Pivot for Defence , and the F22P / Stealth Missile boats would be used in support capacity for the main Ships


Ideally this should be part of the CPEC defence strategy Lease of Ships GRANT for 30 years
There is no TYPE-54D:disagree: i think you are trying to say TYPE-52D and what is you talking about single TYPE-52D price is 1-1.2 billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and you are talking about 8:lol::disagree: No chance:disagree:



Type 054C

I can see why China would Donate 8 Frigates for Safe Guard CPEC
Becasue a secure GAWADAR port is for benefit of Pakistan-China economic gateway
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What ever frigate is being chosen should at least have PESA radar, medium range SAM with stealth features.
And how do you know that China is going to donate 8 ships to PN ? any proof or logic behind it ?




Type 054C

I can see why China would Donate 8 Frigates for Safe Guard CPEC
Becasue a secure GAWADAR port is for benefit of Pakistan-China economic gateway



Type 054C

I can see why China would Donate 8 Frigates for Safe Guard CPEC
Becasue a secure GAWADAR port is for benefit of Pakistan-China economic gateway
No sir just @AZADPAKISTAN2009 wishful thinking:p:
No it's not China when it comes to CPEC you can expect anything. China will earn billions of dollars from it giving few ships won't do any harm to them since 1965 till 1990 China almost gave us weapons for free they can do a lot when it comes to their long term benefits
The reason is fully justify in case of war , China needs to have 8 Destroyers available on CPEC port and the best solution is a Grant to Pakistan of 8 Destroyers to safeguard any illegal trouble makers

China has to protect the China Southern Sea
and now also has to protect Western Gawadar port

And it would be easier if Pakistan maintains 8 destroyers :) To help ease the burden of looking after CPEC

Also the destroyers would help , against any illegal Battlistic missile coming from unwanetd nations

Really in both Russia / China's interest

Russia wants to sell oil and China has lot of trade

Lease for 30 years would be also realistic figure

This would be a ideal choice 8
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