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Pakistan finally given up on Saudi Arabia?

Your understanding is not correct. Secularism was added in India's Constitution in 1976 by Indira Gandhi to appease a section. Equality etc will remain even when we remove Secularism. 1976...remember not 1947.

Too much propoganda results in suppressing of facts conviently.

Even if the word secularism was added Indian Muslims nor Indian minorities signed up for a hindutva extremist communal state in 1947

Jinnah always warned and predicted that India would be a disaster and would end up as a hindutva state

He WASN'T against a hindutva state,, he was FOR IT

He was adamant that India needed separation so there could be a
Muslim state
Hindu state
Sikh state
Christian state
Multiple ethnic states

So he worked for and broke India

The problem was Indians were idiots

Rather then understand JINNAH

They tried to convince everyone including Indian Muslims of ONE UNITED INDIA FOR ALL

The idea that India would be a united state for all cultures equally where Indian Muslims, sikhs, xtians could celebrate their cultures and history without restriction

Jinnah and PAKISTAN always knew india was a crock of shit and eventually the hindutva extremist will try to force hindutva domination on everyone

That's what's happening now Modi, yogi, beef lynchings,,
Judiciary allowing hindutva mobs to attack historical mosques without punishment, Riots where your police join hindutva mobs

This is why Partition happened,, you can't trap hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims and minorities in such a state

If India was a lie in 1947 then Partition India so Indian Muslims and minorities can get freedom and Indians can build a hindutva state

1 million Pakistanis working in saudi Arabia. Does the common wisdom of pdf advise their prompt return to Pakistan ?
GOP needs to initiate a exit-transition strategy for them, start opening venues for them to shift to places like Japan and Qatar.
Lol ..i have not mentioned oil..I am saying we can not until we find a replacement of 20 billion dollar more or less generating from GcC and yes they can replace workers within month while we can't generate such billions ...we already have more then millions unemployed in country ... Aziri oil was available even before there conflict in which we pay lop service ... We just begged 6 billions two years back...let's be rationale our economy can't survive our alif laila based ambitions
We have a lot of leverage on Saudi Arabia, we are playing this tug of war to not let it get to this stage, even a mention of calling back our troops from Saudia will send shivers down there spine. The Arabs are trying to bully Pakistan into serving there interests, they have failed to do so and this has resulted in frustration promting acts like asking for money back to blackmail us, this is a slow stare down at the end of which Saudis will come beggin to mend ties, they cannot afford to loose the military might of Pakistan. There Monarchy is propped up and secured by the US, the day the US wants to do away with them, they will go up in flames within in a week by the hands of locals. they know this and hence rely on Pakistan in such a situation to secure them. The Saudis also fear pushing Pakistan totally towards Iran, if we get involved in the Yemen war against the Saudis, ISI will make short work of there coalition in Yemen in months, Iran is just a kid in this domain, we basically invented succesful proxy wars.
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Agree, this is the reason for shift in many people's heart. They have sold Palestinians and there is zero stopping on Israeli aggression towards Palestinians.

IMO, we can continue to have ties with them but don't expect much.
Check Today's interview of PMIK to imran khan at GNN. He clearly sai "Our Future is with China"
Lol ..i have not mentioned oil..I am saying we can not until we find a replacement of 20 billion dollar more or less generating from GcC and yes they can replace workers within month while we can't generate such billions ...we already have more then millions unemployed in country ... Aziri oil was available even before there conflict in which we pay lop service ... We just begged 6 billions two years back...let's be rationale our economy can't survive our alif laila based ambitions

We are going to HAVE to find an alternative one day. Might as well start now.
This is not a zero sum game we can still have good relations with the GCC and the economic growth that relation might bring and still be in the Chinese camp, refuse any "requests" the GCC will bring that will be against our own self interests and still have a good economic relationship that will boost our economy, let the GCC themselves decide if they want to kick us out which I know they won't, why do we have to?

You said it yourself to keep emotions out of it so why bring yours when it comes to Pakistan's geo-politics?
GOP needs to initiate a exit-transition strategy for them, start opening venues for them to shift to places like Japan and Qatar.

We have a lot of leverage on Saudi Arabia, we are playing this tug of war to not let it get to this stage, even a mention of calling back our troops from Saudia will send shivers down there spine. The Arabs are trying to bully Pakistan into serving there interests, they have failed to do so and this has resulted in frustration promting acts like asking for money back to blackmail us, this is a slow stare down at the end of which Saudis will come beggin to mend ties, they cannot afford to loose the military might of Pakistan. There Monarchy is propped up and secured by the US, the day the US wants to do away with them, they will go up in flames within in a week by the hands of locals. they know this and hence rely on Pakistan in such a situation to secure them. The Saudis also fear pushing Pakistan totally towards Iran, if we get involved in the Yemen war against the Saudis, ISI will make short work of there coalition in Yemen in months, Iran is just a kid in this domain, we basically invented succesful proxy wars.

A kid who is doing a very good job in the levant.

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Listen to today's interview of PM with anchor Imran khan. Pay special attention to what he was trying to say between the lines on the subject of pressure from some countries to let Nawaz go and to accept Israel. It is very clear that a silent understanding between the two countries has already been in place...to each his own. The most revealing part was when PM said that just wait a bit for Pakistan to stand on its feet and then ask me all these questions.
If Pakistan did not matter, we would not be seeing this kind of pressure nor all the sudden articles coming out of Jewish press on Pakistan accepting Israel. Regardless of our current economic situation, which we can change, the fact is it is the only nuclear Islamic country and every Muslim regardless of affiliation does look up to Pakistan to some extent. Simple fact if the matter is, if tomorrow SA recognizes Israel but Pakistan does not, most of the Islamic world will probably not either. Remember most of the Muslim population does not reside in the ME nor are paranoid about Iran.
This in turn also shows Pakistans stature and importance, even if it might not be apparent. Pakistan should not succumb to pressure, not for something that everyone in the world recognizes as an illegitimate annexation of Palestinian territories. Besides there is no rush. Let's see what fruitful changes to the status-quo come out of the backstabbing by UAE and Bahrain. (Will be waiting for a long time).
Pakistan needs to define areas of cooperation with friend countries. Unfortunately we are very emotional people, we tried to drag KSA into Kashmir issue when they were with Indian on their own interests. Our emotional attachment with all countries should go and our interests should be the front runner. We have seen our friendships with India centric lense which costs us later on. We need to handle India on our own without involving others.
Pakistani and emotional are two words I thought I would never see in the same sentence. Every white person I've seen told me that Pakistanis are the most reserved people. If you think Pakistani's are emotional you've probably never been to Texas.
Pakistan need a balancing act here...doesn't have to throw out the GCC countries, most of 24 billion uSD i remittances comes from these GCC countries.

Was reading it is not the common Saudis /laymen who hates Iran or Turkey, rather the Monarchs/Kings of Saudia. Being part of the Ottoman empire the people there have affinity and brotherhood for the Turks...and yes not the Aal-e-Sauds.???

Sauds, the monarchs are the US/west puppet.


The "common" saudi is just as pro-Western if not more than their government. Just look at the way saudi and gulfi oily arab citizens treat Pakistani workers and then see the way they worship white european peoples.
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No such possibility, Saudia is a critical member of Pakistan's friends

We have a universal policy to promote a peaceful region and develop friendly ties with many countries in region

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