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Pakistan finally given up on Saudi Arabia?

Bhai, using big words and english like PMIK will not change things on ground. If you being Islamic is kosher, India Being Hindu will br on a higher pedestal for the simple reason that in Hinduism there is no concept of Kaafir and killjng Kaafirs and the world does not see the manisfestatations like ISIS and Terrorism in the name of religion all across the world.

Indian Constitution is secular. Indian Army and all institutions take oath under Indian Constitution. Period.

What are you on about? Keep on changing your narrative. Your constitution is secular, yet you want to become a Hindu country? Specially at a time when hindu fanatics and terrorists are ruling you. As I said, put your money where your mouth is, change your constitution and declare yourself as a hindu country. No issues with that. You cant be secular and hindu country at the same time, when a butcher of Gujrat is your prime minister. Father of your nation, Gandhi, never publically declare India as a hindu nation.

Let me categorically put it across to you, so you dont have confusion left. We in Pakistan are all for India to rebrand itself as Hindu country. It will nothing but vindicate our two nation theory , and secondly, we will enjoy the show from distance with our pop corns. Enough said.
I would also like to bring readers attention on this very important fact. Now confirmed in yesterday press briefing by FM and ISPR. Though not directly linked to Saudi Arabia, but GCC and UAE in particular has been the launching pad of terrorism against the citizens of Pakistan.

Please see the screenshots of the audio conversation between Indian state terrorists, their intelligence operative and Baluch terrorist. Dubai is clearly mentioned.


the more some of you here intentionally throw in Iran’s new leaf the less we believe in this nations honesty towards us Pakistan. Shah was a good friend what came after is a lot more nastier very self interested in it’s own interests at all costs to others!!! Iran’s aggressive courting of India to disregard our national interests and worries sums them up and there U- turn ? On India how long will that last before they make up again ?

Be very careful before you dislodge Saudis and gulf we did promise them earth and all until Yemen came and we started to get caught out

Turkey and China I got no issues with but with Iran I have no trust in what the fck they stand for they support asad , and Armenia go figure that out and where the fck Pakistan fits in this Iranian mind set ???

This is why need a stable and friendly Regime in Afghanistan to form a “Turkic Corridor” through Afghanistan and Turkmenistan across the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and onwards to Turkey and Europe. Preferably a rail route that cuts Iran out of our calculations. When the Iranians know they can be sidelined if they undermine us, they will come around. Turkish persuasion of allies in the Turkic world and Afghanistan (like Dostum) should help this come to pass. With a corridor like this, and FDI in to the mining sector of Pakistan and Afghanistan, both countries can be rebuilt and we won’t need Iran at all, so as not to risk GCC relations. In fact they may even invest if they know it will screw over Iran. Considering it’s a non-Iranian, non-Russian, and non-Chinese route, many countries in the west may invest as well. There is a lot of lithium there and the labor force to build value-added industries (so this is not about exporting raw materials)
This is why need a stable and friendly Regime in Afghanistan to form a “Turkic Corridor” through Afghanistan and Turkmenistan across the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and onwards to Turkey and Europe. Preferably a rail route that cuts Iran out of our calculations. When the Iranians know they can be sidelined if they undermine us, they will come around. Turkish persuasion of allies in the Turkic world and Afghanistan (like Dostum) should help this come to pass. With a corridor like this, and FDI in to the mining sector of Pakistan and Afghanistan, both countries can be rebuilt and we won’t need Iran at all, so as not to risk GCC relations. In fact they may even invest if they know it will screw over Iran. Considering it’s a non-Iranian, non-Russian, and non-Chinese route, many countries in the west may invest as well. There is a lot of lithium there and the labor force to build value-added industries (so this is not about exporting raw materials)

Great post, wow, I could not agree more.
If Pakistan is ready to f-off al-Sauds then I am convinced that Allah has started his blessing on Pakistan.

We don’t need to be that hasty. Yes, in the past, we have taken the easy way out and gone cap in hand to the Saudis and not reformed ourselves. Being out in the cold, will finally force our establishment to come up with an independent route to a prosperous future; I.e. the Turkic corridor and value added industries from mining.

Considering how dramatically US politics can see saw, Pakistan has learned to be more pragmatic and worked towards a more resilient development strategy; CPEC and SEZs. The Saudis and the rest of the GCC may learn this soon with the incoming Biden administration.

Couple this with the falling demand for oil, and the GCC will be looking for growth industries to invest in. This is where the mining and value added industriesalong with large scale organic farming may get them interested in enough in Pakistan again. In which case, they would need us more than we need them.

Add the final ingredient to this, cutting Iran out this corridor and they may come running to cement Iran’s isolation and encirclement, if Iran doesn’t mend its ways.

Don’t count the Saudis out, just taken in by a used car salesman selling them on a fantasy, which they will quickly be disabused of when the F-35 is taken off the lot.

In the mean time, we should take this as an opportunity to reform ourselves (the silver lining of similar predicament; I.e. FATF) and develop a stronger independent streak, because wether it is politics or economics, our people may not have that long to stay in the GCC countries as mere skilled labor.
Hijazi people are very beautiful
Saudi on the other hand it seems were fathered by Iblees himself in some man's form.
Saudi Arabia is a spineless country. We need to look towards Turkey and Iran for any sort of alliance and put aside any sectarian differences.

A valid criticism on Saudis has been confused as collusion and support for Iran by some Pakistanis.

those of us who dare to question Saudis have clarify to that we are not excusing Iranian regime by criticizing Saudi destructive policies. just like people have to declare that they are not Ahmedis and believe in finality of Prophet Muhammad PBUH whenever they express grief over the persecution of Ahmedi minority.

we have been always viewed as useful idiots at best by Saudi royal family and their extended associates in KSA. Some Pakistanis tell us that we must be grateful for Saudi air money to us. and Indeed we should be but going by that example we must be more grateful to the Americans who have aided us far more than any other country but we never in any inhibition to criticize them. Saudi "aid" was never out of compassion but their so called aid was always conditional with compound interest. only the Deobandi militant organisations received their aid without any need to repay to counter the Iranian influence in Pakistan and teach Pakistanis a lesson for their insolence.

And finally, my request to Pakistanis, please bear in mind that Saudis are not Prophet Muhammad PBUH or Sahabah RA. they happen to have possession of Hijaz thanks to the British Empire when they back stabbed the Turks before which their main source of income was robbing and killing pilgrims and caravans.

I would advise against an open and all out hostility towards the Saudis because they can hurt us a lot together with the help of their Indian and |Israeli allies. we need to play it gracefully and diplomatically. reducing our reliance on them. their biggest blackmailing point is our people working there and sending us the remittances which they now plan to replace with Indians.

only a self respect, self reliance and self belief will get us the respect among friends and foes we deserve. respectfully but confidently standing up to Saudis wont make us Shias, Qatar, Malaysia or Turky have not suddenly become Iranian Kohomeni agents by putting a front to the Saudis.
but before we take that road we need to get our house in order. self reliance completion and success of CPEC and look for better economic and defense alliances with dignity and mutual respect.
My message to the saudi gulfis:

this message can get you declared an Iranian spy.
some Pakistanis consider Saudi criticism as blasphemy
this message can get you declared an Iranian spy.
some Pakistanis consider Saudi criticism as blasphemy
Because it’s true most of the times? Evil Wahabi Terrorist Sunnis against brave Shiites killing evil ISIS is the narrative right now. And this is unfair!

You are badmouthing Saudis like they are the devils themselves (I am not a Saudi fan either) and you portray the Ottoman Empire as kind of holy kingdom (not true!), if I would criticize Iran that way you would start ten whataboutisms regarding gulfies and lock the thread. Shiites and Iran should get the same amount of criticism like us Sunnis. But this would be sectarianism, right?
No we have not and will not. Saudia Arab is a dear country to us. Though we may have slight difference in our thinking but by in large we are brotherly nations.
1 million Pakistanis working in saudi Arabia. Does the common wisdom of pdf advise their prompt return to Pakistan ?

That would be disaster for both countries; for Pakistan it would be a sustained disaster as we neither have the capacity to offload these expats nor do we have an alternate source of remittances as big as Saudi Arabia. However even Saudi Arabia would feel the sting, in the short term with the unavailability of trained, experience human resources until those places are filled up with Indians/Bengali.....and in the long term with the absence of Pakistani military protection to the monarchy and the country.
Reality is Saudi & UAE does not need Pakistan...

Because they think Iran is not enemy any more as it becomes weak due to US sanctions,

They think real enemy is Turkey and Pakistan-Turkey never share borders, so they not need Pakistan
What is an Extremist Hindus? Is it those kinds who go to other countries and commit suicide bombings, who kill in cold blood with guns leaders of other sects, who are on payroll to participate in other people wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Arab? What exactly are these Extremist Hindus? How many of these extremist Hindus have crossed into Pakistan and other countries and indulged in terrorists act and how many thousands of them have been killed and buried in unmarked graves? Do throw some light?

I think it is your common Hindu who goes 'extremist' in a swarm of similar minded Hindus against 1-2 Muslims; otherwise where would a Hindu find the courage to blow himself/herself up?

P.S. Why would the Hindus cross the border when he has an ample supply of ever-ready Muslims to carry out their dirty work in Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.?

If India becomes a Hindu State, what will happen? How does it affect a Christian USA, UK, FRANCE and Islamic Islamic Pakistan etc?

Hinduism does not seek conversion? It does not call other religions as Kaafir? It does not kill other religions other than as reaction or in self defence?

Why India with 80% Hindus and with a constitution which guarantees equality to every religion will be worse than a Country like Pakistan which is Islamic and which does not treat other religions as equal.

I just fail to understand the logic being highlighted.

Ever lived in Pakistan? Ever been to? What makes you think that Pakistan does not guarantee equality when someone from a 1.8% minority population in Pakistan (Hindu) has even served as the Chief Justice of Pakistan?
I think it is your common Hindu who goes 'extremist' in a swarm of similar minded Hindus against 1-2 Muslims; otherwise where would a Hindu find the courage to blow himself/herself up?

P.S. Why would the Hindus cross the border when he has an ample supply of ever-ready Muslims to carry out their dirty work in Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.?

Ever lived in Pakistan? Ever been to? What makes you think that Pakistan does not guarantee equality when someone from a 1.8% minority population in Pakistan (Hindu) has even served as the Chief Justice of Pakistan?

Hindu does not go country hopping to avenge HIS God? Or threaten beheadings etc. Its Muslims, irrespective of country of origin indulges in these action and you guys call Hindus as extremist?

If Hindu was extremist, all the temples destroyed and converted in to Masjid would have long been awesome temple. But it is not...that speaks who is extremist and who tolerant

Hust because PMIK has been yelling genocide, genocide, genocide...it does not mean gebocide is happening. What a laughping stock he has made himself infront of world leaders. Arab world kjows his theaterics. Funny , PMIK is blind to actual persecution of Muslims by China .

Test of Equality:
Does your Constitution allows a Hindu to be your PM?
How do you treat Ahmediyas?
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