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Pakistan finally given up on Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is a spineless country. We need to look towards Turkey and Iran for any sort of alliance and put aside any sectarian differences.
Leave alliances, leave look towards everyone. Let's make an alliance with our own people, let's look towards our own people.
Pakistan need a balancing act here...doesn't have to throw out the GCC countries, most of 24 billion USD in remittances comes from these GCC countries.

Was reading it is not the common Saudis /laymen who hates Iran or Turkey, rather the Monarchs/Kings of Saudia. Being part of the Ottoman empire the people there have affinity and brotherhood for the Turks...and yes not the Aal-e-Sauds.???

Sauds, the monarchs are the US/west puppet.
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1 million Pakistanis working in saudi Arabia. Does the common wisdom of pdf advise their prompt return to Pakistan ?
If Saudia can do it, then I will say just do it. Let's bear the unbearable... Let's throw away the heavy burden of heavy friendship.
I have been saying this for ages

Our ENEMY is Hindus and extremist Hindus in particular, India is just a state

We are far too emotional people and we put too much emphasis on relationship with other states when these relationships should purely be about SELF INTEREST!!

We should be centered on countering and hurting our enemy in India and ultimately doing it ourselves so dosent matter where we are we target them as long as we target them
1 million Pakistanis working in saudi Arabia. Does the common wisdom of pdf advise their prompt return to Pakistan ?

The correct figure is 2.7 million...

I will actually like to go as far as saying that this recent political non sense in Pakistan, the PDM, is also linked to this new shift of policy and geopolitical changes. They want to get rid of PMIK. Do these silly fkers sitting outside in foreign nation's establishments think that their petdogs like Nawaz and Bhutto/Zardari clan can be brought back to power?
Or maybe it’s MBS. Saudi policy has changed a lot under him. Perhaps the rest of the Saudis will see how the US will act under Biden because of MBS and it will bring them back to their old ways.

In the mean time, Pakistan should continue on with building its ties to China and Turkey (and the Turkic world). Iran may come around for the sake of the opportunity China is providing them, and then a trade and energy corridor through Iran will decrease Pakistan’s need for the Saudis, but not eliminate. We shouldn’t burn any bridges with the Saudis just in case then come to their senses.

saudis, sensibility and intelligence should not be used in the same sentence.
I have been saying this for sometime now, the relationship between Pakistan and GCC has come to the point of diminishing returns.

Now even prominent Pakistani anchors are saying this.

Orya Jan, who is a very pro Taliban and far right "sunni" media person, said the same thing. I have time stamped the video:

Finally Pakistani establishment have realised that the regardless of how much we can cajole these Sheikhs, they are neck depp, fully embedded into the western block with America and will never be part of new "Asian revival" led by China. China on its part, clearly favour Iran now for its energy needs and signed the treaty with Iran. For Pakistan, one thing is clear, it can never be part of the "board of governors" in the western lead alliance, infact, it is way down the pecking order , down the dumps in hierarchy where the crumbs come down from west, to the GCC and the onwards to Pakistan. On the Chinese side however, Pakistan is already in "board of governors", by default.

Its really no brainer now for Pakistan to grab this once a century opportunity and full integrate into China-Russia-Iran-Turkey emerging alliance, infact Pakistan is the pivot.

Iranian FM is in Islamabad for this reason. And while he was here, King Salman of Saudi Arabia urged the "world" to take decisive stance against Iran. Very convenient timing!

12 Nov 2020

Saudi king urges world to take ‘decisive stance’ against Iran

Apparently China is pushing Iran for it to clear its territory of any Indian presence which can be used against Pakistan and CPEC.

No one can say that this has not been coming, GCC has crossed many red lines when it comes to Pakistan core national interest, biggest of it all Kashmir, and their support to India.

But at the end of the say, on the global scale, it is the fight between two giants, China and America, and this time, Pakistan and GCC are standing on the opposite camps.
Iran, Turkey are independent countries. While SA is not. India is semi independent.
The correct figure is 2.7 million...

No matter what, they will have to come home one day. Might as well do it now rather than later.
Iran, Turkey are independent countries. While SA is not. India is semi independent.

India was never independent. Infact the name of the country was given by the colonial masters. Its a continuation and extension of the colonial rule through proxy. Its an illogical country, which should have never existed in the size it is thanks to the western powers.
Neo conservative propaganda should not be given a platform on this forum in my professional opinion.
1 million Pakistanis working in saudi Arabia. Does the common wisdom of pdf advise their prompt return to Pakistan ?

Saudis have been lately using this as a leverage against Pakistan. Erdogan himself confirmed that when he revealed that Saudi threatened IK not to attend the Malaysian summit and used expats as a crude leverage.

Thing is, Saudi cant make these people redundant and bring people from other countries specially India when pandemic is rampant. This should give Pakistan the time to start the industrialization process under the CPEC framework and hopefully we can absorb the expats with jobs at home.
India was never independent. Infact the name of the country was given by the colonial masters. Its a continuation and extension of the colonial rule through proxy. Its an illogical country, which should have never existed in the size it is thanks to the western powers.
The problem is, it seems Modi can stay in power for quite a few years, while Hindutva will be dominant ideology in foreseeable future.
Even Modi step down in 2025, which may not happen, BJP will still win election. I don't think Congress can do something significant. Congress as a party, secularism in India as ideology fade out.
Pakistan must get prepared for a more aggressive and more Nazi like India.

Back to topic, Pakistan has a heavy weight and pivot in China world view and world order. I hope more Pakistanis will do business and travel in China. We need more people to people connections.

I have Pakistanis friends in US by the way.
Israeli in the back of Saudi is twisting Pakistan arms to build pressure to accept Israel. a recent Bomb blast on WW1 ceremony in Jeddah, Saudi rulers are not learning any lesson but on Isreal back declared Afghan-Muslims with their muftis Ban this org. Lets see
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