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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance

Muslim nations call us Pakistanis naive when we talk about uniting the Ummah. But InshaAllah, i am hopeful that one day we will achieve that. And once the Ummah is united, the world will tremble.

Not just muslim states. Pakistan has that policy on all issues between any states, minus palestine/israel.

Here is the official Govt statement by Foreign office:
“Pakistan always stood for the unity of the Muslim Ummah. We do not look at Muslim Ummah through sectarian, racial or ethnic prism.”

Pakistan backs Ummah’s unity without sectarian or racial considerations: FO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

That said, Pakistan will not tolerate anyone daring to attack KSA. We are still allies.
PLEASE understand me no one wants, including saudi, for pakistan to get into any problem whether its political economical or whatever. ok ? those ppl commenting here are amateurs and talking out of emotion and hate. they simply hate saudi thats about it. nothing more
as for the government statement thats correct and the right thing to do.
but there are many past statements that shows how strong the relations is with the gulf and its security is a red line for pakistan. when your past forging minister defended bahrain and the intervention of GCC forces to protect strategic locations only in bahrain. iran went crazy.
so im telling you this
saudi wants a strong stable pakistan. every country in the world wants a strong stable ally.
this allience is a nightmare to iran. so they are working against it inside pakistan.
1st by spreading false propaganda against saudi in pakistan
2nd by destabilizing the country
we dont need any forces thats all BS. we need pakistan just to put an eye on iran cuz they are spreading their disease insid pakistan
let me add that US also is not confortable with saudi pakistani relations. and they too want to break or destabilize this relation. cuz they know if this relation keeps growing and gets stronger it might be a threat and against their intrest including Israel. so you got both iran and US playing dirty games inside pakistan.
Given the influences of Arabia-Iranian causing sectarian violence in the ME and Asia, but that section of Islam comes with this baggage already promoting harsher interpretation which does contradict Islam in many ways as the ideology of Islam is meant to be peaceful, tolerant, equality as practiced by the oldest section of Islam as well as attested by the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stating No Arab is superior to black and No black is superior to Arab.

It is time you put your hatred for Persian aside and find middle ground in this popular conflict, Sunni-Shia/Arabian-Persians. Enough is enough!

Time to act like Muslim more and less Arabian/Persian. Just in case if you have forgotten what it means to be Muslim, true Muslims don't hate anyone such as Shia/Ahmedhiya/Jews/Zionist/Persians/Black. Equality is part of the Islam. Start embracing true sense of Islam, not certain sect of Islam that never practiced by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His Companions (R.A), which in today's world is popular for promoting harsher interpretation, soft-corner for terrorists aka khawarij and known for sectarian violence in all over the ME.

Your reaction does indicate somewhat disapproval on Pakistan taking neutral's stand for the sake of unity. Pakistan is aware of the Iran too. Don't worry about it.
your problem and many ppl in PDF you dont know that this war was inforced on us by iran. for 36 years we have been taking sht from them. all kind of crazy attacks and many have been killed. not one step or retaliation attack was taken from our side. we tried to solve it peacefully and diplomatically and signed deals with them when king abdullah was alive. but few years later we find that they have been stabbing us in the back. now you got this mess in the ME all cuz of iranian interference. so dont point fingers on us when we are the victims. we are patient and until now didnt take any serious moves aginst them just for the sake of the stabilty of the region
your problem and many ppl in PDF you dont know that this war was inforced on us by iran. for 36 years we have been taking sht from them. all kind of crazy attacks and many have been killed. not one step or retaliation attack was taken from our side. we tried to solve it peacefully and diplomatically and signed deals with them when king abdullah was alive. but few years later we find that they have been stabbing us in the back. now you got this mess in the ME all cuz of iranian interference. so dont point fingers on us when we are the victims. we are patient and until now didnt take any serious moves aginst them just for the sake of the stabilty of the region
Summery of all your terrorist posts : Iran this Iran that , Shias are Jews , Iranians are blah , shias are not muslims , shia blah .

shia blah blah .

shia really blah .

Allah's curse be upon shia blah . extremely (to an enormous amount) holy jihad against shias & blah

The question is : DAFUQ you gonna do about it ?


@beast89 @Horus @Cheetah786 @Yazp

Bros , your country is doing the right thing , keep it up :tup:

haha! Elephant is going to sit on it knees. enjoy the Ride. :omghaha:

PressTV-Iran welcomes KSA readiness for talks

Summery of all your terrorist posts : Iran this Iran that , Shias are Jews , Iranians are blah , shias are not muslims , shia blah .

shia blah blah .

shia really blah .

Allah's curse be upon shia blah . extremely (to an enormous amount) holy jihad against shias & blah

The question is : DAFUQ you gonna do about it ?


@beast89 @Horus @Cheetah786 @Yazp

Bros , your country is doing the right thing , keep it up :tup:

These terrorists are Ignorant mammals and are only Beings but not human. Ignorant beings vs Human beings.

Only Shias have the capacity to deal these ignorant beings else no one has.
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The question is : DAFUQ you gonna do about it ?
A LOT. i told you 10 times before wait be patient. i also told you save my comments. you opened a door that cant be shot. not even world governments united can stop whats coming to you.
A LOT. i told you 10 times before wait be patient. i also told you save my comments. you opened a door that cant be shot. not even world governments united can stop whats coming to you.

Camel is readying to sit on its knees. Rest no one fear Camels.

Tehran welcomes Riyadh’s readiness to engage in talks
The only people destabilizing Pakistan are your takfiri dogs TTP. Shooting up schools, blowing up Shia Mosques and Churches.
LOL we behead such ppl
but who are you ? i dont think you are american. you must be a refugee rat! haha
Pakistan has a long standing policy. We will not intervene in a conflict between two Muslim states. Not joining such an alliance by no means we have picked Iran over SA.

Our narrative is quite straight forward, solve your issues diplomatically and build peace in the region. We are available to SA and Iran if they want to choose diplomatic means.

We are tangled in internal conflict, even if we weren't our inclusion into any such alliance while us being a nuclear power would have far reaching consequences in an otherwise low intensity conflict.

Enough war has taken place in the Muslim world,how much more of us need to die before its over?

given your dependence on Saudi Arabia and UAE do you really think Pakistan can afford to defy them ?

it is okay to be anti-Iran without being anti-Shia
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