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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance

bring drugs to saudi and il personally behead you

You behead foreigners but not your own princes who get caught red handed? Prince Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz al-Shaalan was caught red handed smuggling drugs 2 tons of cocaine into Paris. But Saudi government protects him.

Drug Smuggling Saudi Prince Gets 10 Years - ABC News

You will never ever stop drugs from entering KSA. Ever. Beheading drug traffickers will only bring you international scandals and headaches. Ask Indonesia.
thanks brother but there is no such thing as a local uprising.. the small demonstration that happened few years ago the orders came from iran. and it started as a protest supporting bahrain. but after the ppl discovered what they were dragged into by some imams like Nimr alNimr. they turned against them. and local shia called police and gave them the locations of those terrorists
the last attack on shia by ISIS was a proof how we both live in peace in saudi. shia went down to the streets calling for unity and peace. and that we are all one. a lot of enemies were disapointed cuz they didnt expect that to happen. but hamdulelah but again some extremist are loyal to iran. but you dont even see them on the streets anymore.

check my thread about saudi interior ministry.. hamdulelah we manage 5 million ppl in hajj. so we can deal with anything in shaa Allah

Saudi Ministry of Interior

bring drugs to saudi and il personally behead you

well i got plenty of stuff from iran. 1300 executions is big number so stay quiet please
but i enjoy how it hurts you when i show love to pakistan hahahahahaha

If saudis are so loyal then kings should not be afraid and no need to hire cheaper militaries. Let people protect their monarch.
No offense...but the first decision by the govt i really liked...it is not that we are at border of iran and we fear to lose a good neighbour...it is unethical and immoral by islamic principles to pick a side in this situation...they both are near to our hearts and we want them to settle issues peacefully....we are available if they want any backdoor diplomacy
your problem and many ppl in PDF you dont know that this war was inforced on us by iran. for 36 years we have been taking sht from them. all kind of crazy attacks and many have been killed. not one step or retaliation attack was taken from our side. we tried to solve it peacefully and diplomatically and signed deals with them when king abdullah was alive. but few years later we find that they have been stabbing us in the back. now you got this mess in the ME all cuz of iranian interference. so dont point fingers on us when we are the victims. we are patient and until now didnt take any serious moves aginst them just for the sake of the stabilty of the region

That is the problem. You are stuck on the past. Pakistan could have done the same given Iran involvement in Balochistan, but Pakistan chose for a largest interest putting its mixed feeling aside.

For all i know, ME is a mess goes back to Arab unions betrayed Ottoman Empire which unveiled all sort of problems Arab lands never knew they existed, and it is too late to go back now.

Given the involvement of Arabia-Iranian in ME, perhaps they should be last to complain about ME. If they are so concerned about ME, then they should leave ME instead of promoting sectarian violence furthering their agendas. It is kind of embarrassing despite of being on the same spectrum in the same wavelength, yet they are fighting each other, never mind Arabians-Persians, Arabians-Arabians fighting each other is biggest internal problem as well as becoming normal routine now. That may explains why Arabs will be minority after or during WW3 in accordance to Authentic hadith said by Prophet Muhamamd (PBUH).

The bottom line is that if you wanna get stuck on the past, then you will never resolve this conflict. Or put the mixed feelings aside and think for the greater interest in the long run which is not easy task, and hence Arabians-Persians are failing miserably at this skill requiring diplomatic manner of dealing in politics.
Salman specifically wanted a Pakistani military contingent to deploy to the kingdom to help defend the vulnerable southwest border with Zaydi Houthi-controlled north Yemen and serve as a trip-wire force to deter Iranian aggression. There is precedent for a Pakistani army expeditionary force in Saudi Arabia. After the Iranian Revolution, Pakistani dictator Mohammad Zia ul-Haq deployed an elite Pakistani armored brigade to the kingdom at King Fahd's request to deter any threats to the country. In all, some 40,000 Pakistanis served in the brigade over most of a decade. Today only some Pakistani advisers and experts serve in the kingdom.
Have the Saudi pdf's read this and what a joke their armed forces are and they post without shame a post glorifying their SF and their mythical exfiltration of their kidnapped consul....:cheers::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
@Militant Atheist If you remember, we were talking about this subject a few days ago in another topic when the leaders of those 4 countries met each other at KSA, and I predicted and explained what KSA expects from Pakistan, which turned out out to be true, but Pakistanis refused to join Saudis because it's really stupid for a country like Pakistan with 40 million shiites to open a new 1000km war front in her western border while is busy in East and fighting against Taliban goons in North West.
That is the problem. You are stuck on the past. Pakistan could have done the same given Iran involvement in Balochistan, but Pakistan chose for a largest interest putting its mixed feeling aside.

For all i know, ME is a mess goes back to Arab unions betrayed Ottoman Empire which unveiled all sort of problems Arab lands never knew they existed, and it is too late to go back now.

Given the involvement of Arabia-Iranian in ME, perhaps they should be last to complain about ME. If they are so concerned about ME, then they should leave ME instead of promoting sectarian violence furthering their agendas. It is kind of embarrassing despite of being on the same spectrum in the same wavelength, yet they are fighting each other, never mind Arabians-Persians, Arabians-Arabians fighting each other is biggest internal problem as well as becoming normal routine now. That may explains why Arabs will be minority after or during WW3 in accordance to Authentic hadith said by Prophet Muhamamd (PBUH).

The bottom line is that if you wanna get stuck on the past, then you will never resolve this conflict. Or put the mixed feelings aside and think for the greater interest in the long run which is not easy task, and hence Arabians-Persians are failing miserably at this skill requiring diplomatic manner of dealing in politics.
what past ?! irans interference is still happening !! some ppl are brainwashed that saudi government is involved in sectarian wars or something. and that we are thirsty for war.
1st thats not true lebanon is an examle before iran and syria destroyed it. they had a bloody secatrian fight and king fahad gathered them all in one place locked them up and told them we wont leave until we come up with a peace agreement. and it happened.
2nd right now we are still asking the houthies to come and take part in the yemeni peace talks in saudi, the same houthies we had war with and attacked saudi, houthies refused but then some wise ppl among them said we have to go. And they are fighting now if they should go or not. waiting irans approval.
3rd did you forget when king abdullah flew to syria and brought bashar al-asad on his plane to lebanon for another peace deal ?
thousand of examples and evidence that we didnt start a secatarian war we never joined a secatrian war. we always had a positive role in every problem in the ME. unless a war was forced on us. so we are suffering and paying the price as we speak. maybe you are in another world but we dont live in the past. we are dealing with real problems.
while saudi is taking care of millions of iraqi and syrian refugees iran is taking a militiary role in killing civilians and inflaming the war in all arab countries. even in yemen we are still sending them help and aid while iran is sending weapons to yemen as we speak.
we were stabbed a 1000 times by iran and we didnt retaliate. instead of respecting us for being responsible ppl start pointing fingers. they think we are weak and confused patience with weakness. but thats a deadly mistake.

they want a religious war ? fine they will get one. and if they think it started they are mistaken. and we say we dont want it to start but if you want one you will give you one. and when i say we here i dont mean saudi government i mean muslims.

and for those pakistanies who are taking irans side. i say take it easy and please dont get involved in something bigger than you. wallah i can come to your own country and take care of you. so please dont talk like you represent pakistanis or the majority. just an advice. i mean no disrespect

as for the hadith my friend i know plenty of hadiths hamdulelah. as long as we die in the sake of Allah we dont mind. we embrace it. and as allah subhanahu o taala said
إِنَّ الأَرْضَ لِلّهِ يُورِثُهَا مَن يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ
Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah . He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous
and the prophet promised us victory in the end as long as we follow the quraan and sunnah.

@Militant Atheist If you remember, we were talking about this subject a few days ago in another topic when the leaders of those 4 countries met each other at KSA, and I predicted and explained what KSA expects from Pakistan, which turned out out to be true, but Pakistanis refused to join Saudis because it's really stupid for a country like Pakistan with 40 million shiites to open a new 1000km war front in her western border while is busy in East and fighting against Taliban goons in North West.
first you have to prove it was true then we can discuss it further if such thing really happened. but its good to keep you busy and analyzing every step we do haha
I dont give a shit about irani or saudi mullahs.. but if you are into secterian shit slinging.. than its ironic... coz the man in your avatar pic is also a shia - former President and COAS of Pak army.. OOps..

The man in my picture can be a Jew.. i care less.
He was not brought up attending evening hate classes which are compulsory for shia kids SINCE holy revolution.
Neither, he go in streets, with knives and make live show, which should banned in civilized societies.

I'm not slinging any sect. neither i'm addressing you (post you quoted), but this does not take away the fact that your tribe here is the trouble starter.

you can start reading the posts after the OP, however I have all the right to support logically Pakistan's alliance with regional states to counter emerging enemy alliances.
Too many of these threads
Eventually these threads do turn into sectarian mudslinging
Either this should be closed or merged into one thread in the foreign relations section
first you have to prove it was true then we can discuss it further if such thing really happened. but its good to keep you busy and analyzing every step we do haha

I don't care about Sandistan, and really one does not need to be a genius to understand Saudi leader's acts.
PS. I was interested about Turkey; hence I read that news, otherwise I am not interested in Sandistan's news.
. for 36 years we have been taking sht from them. all kind of crazy attacks and many have been killed. not one step or retaliation attack was taken from our side. we tried to solve it peacefully and diplomatically and signed deals with them when king abdullah was alive.

Firstly, I will admit that I don't know a lot about the Iran vs KSA conflict. I do know that both are theocracies. I also think that Iran is more democratic and 'progressive' despite the ruling clergy. And I also BELIEVE that KSA is set in some outdated (by centuries) ideas of a society--the one you call 'pure Islam' in your post above.

Now, coming to your quote: I may be wrong but I don't think Iran--which seems almost desperate to strike a deal with Washington--would want to open new fronts, least of all against America's second most important ally in the Middle East (KSA).
Maybe a good bit of those real or imagined Iranian provocations are the work of some 3rd party? Who is going to benefit the most by the KSA vs Iran rivalry in the region? Neither of the two countries, for sure.

You are here as a patriotic Saudi and I respect that. I maybe one of those minority Pakistanis here who don't blame the GCC countries of spreading 'Wahabbism' as a policy in Pakistan. But I really think you need to SERIOUSLY question the a$$-backward nature of your ruling class--and perhaps the suffocating nature of your society.

A real patriot always questions, unquestionably.
I don't care about Sandistan, and really one does not need to be a genius to understand Saudi leader's acts.
PS. I was interested about Turkey; hence I read that news, otherwise I am not interested in Sandistan's news.
you love us or hate us.. you should read about us
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