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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance

Firstly, I will admit that I don't know a lot about the Iran vs KSA conflict. I do know that both are theocracies. I also think that Iran is more democratic and 'progressive' despite the ruling clergy. And I also BELIEVE that KSA is set in some outdated (by centuries) ideas of a society--the one you call 'pure Islam' in your post above.

Now, coming to your quote: I may be wrong but I don't think Iran--which seems almost desperate to strike a deal with Washington--would want to open new fronts, least of all against America's second most important ally in the Middle East (KSA).
Maybe a good bit of those real or imagined Iranian provocations are the work of some 3rd party? Who is going to benefit the most by the KSA vs Iran rivalry in the region? Neither of the two countries, for sure.

You are here as a patriotic Saudi and I respect that. I maybe one of those minority Pakistanis here who don't blame the GCC countries of spreading 'Wahabbism' as a policy in Pakistan. But I really think you need to SERIOUSLY question the a$$-backward nature of your ruling class--and perhaps the suffocating nature of your society.

A real patriot always questions, unquestionably.
well thats the problem with ppl like you. specially in the west. your assumptions are baseless. you think everyone should live like you or like the west.
let me tell you this and please understand it well and think about it.
the royal family are 100 times more liberal than the majority of the saudi population. we have the 2 holly lands. we want sharia law. we dont have a problem with modernization AT ALL. unless its going to make us a copy of the west or most importantly its against islamic believes. they (the west) are already starting to shove their believes down our throats.
not even the king him self with all his power can force the saudi ppl to do or be anything like the west specially if its against islam. so the majority of the ppl are conservative and we are happy that way it has nothing to do with the king or royal family. NOTHING! we saudies are well traveled. we are among top 10 travelers of the world. we know whats out there. we are not locked in caves. we are top 5 spenders when it comes to spending money on vacations.
we saw what the west has to offer and its not good for us. if want it we would have adopted it long time ago before any other country.
yes they have many great things but generally its not what we want and they failed in many issues.
think of saudi as the vatican. but a bit larger and with its own army companies banks etc..
trying to force saudi to be westernized or let go of its religion and values will back fire on the whole world. remember there are 1.7 billion muslims.
almost 25-30% percent of our population are foreigners. so lets say 8 million. do you think logically 8 million ppl will come and live in a country as bad as ppl think it is ?! they are not all muslims many are westerners. actually i know westerners and americans who with time appreciated the fact that their kids were raised up here before sent to colleges abroad. cuz of many issues teen go through in the states. im not saying those kids are dreaming to come live here again. but from a parent point of view they were happy that their kids were brought up in a safe environment. some of those kids after graduating from uni actually come back for work.
yes we are not perfect but statistically. we are better and safer than the US and many other western countries.
we are busy building our ppl and nation. so there is no reason for any nation to stick its nose in our business. specially when it comes to politics and religion. for us in some cases both are one. so the way we see it you are attacking our religion. anyway we all know islam is being targeted and attacked by the west. and thats why the west uses the phrase wahhabi. cuz they cant use islam. there is no such thing as wahhabi. its made up for political reasons since it started.
im saudi and ppl keep telling me im wahhabi day and night. i say ok. but please for god sake give me a break and show me this cult or sect show me their books. not what ppl said about them what imam mohammed bin abdulwahhab actually wrote. if i am a wahhabi then his books are like a quran to me. come show me in what book and what page did mohammed bin abdulwahhab innovate anything in islam. show me one line.
those who really know the dirty game say oh no we only meant he has strict interpretation of islam. well thats also innovation. they are just playing with words. show me this so called interpretation!! you wont find any. and 1000s have tried through out the years and failed. plus we dont worship him! he was a good muslim who brought islam back to some ppl who were practicing it wrong. like grave worshiping or taking blessings from a tree!
america prefers dealing with shia for political reasons. cuz shia is a political religion.
for example when paul bremer was asked why do you prefer dealing with shia than sunni. he answered cuz they got an adress. meaning sistani and khamenaei. make a deal with them and you dont have to worry about anyone else. sistany got paied 200 million dollars from the americans. and made a famous fatwa before americans landed in iraq that its forbidden to fight them. he is iranian not iraqi. and he has more power than the iraqi president.
when the iraqi official, i think the president, came to visit us in saudi few months ago.. he first went to visit sistani then he made a statement from sistani's place about his visit to saudi and next day he came. so you can see the clear message.
with us sunni you cant do the same. cuz if you do something forbidden no matter who you are even the youngest kid will come and tell you this is haram.

I may be wrong but I don't think Iran--which seems almost desperate to strike a deal with Washington--would want to open new fronts, least of all against America's second most important ally in the Middle East (KSA).
Maybe a good bit of those real or imagined Iranian provocations are the work of some 3rd party? Who is going to benefit the most by the KSA vs Iran rivalry in the region? Neither of the two countries, for sure.
america and iran have been working officialy together for 14 years.. by working i mean military planning, intel, fighting you name it. iran wont officially attack saudi cuz they know its a suicide mission but they want to destabilize saudi. they want to contain it and surround it. choke it. they want to take the leading role of the muslim world. they have their agenda its not secret they had a 50 year plan when the dead bastard child rapist khomeini came to power. and i have to admit they are working hard to achive that plan and in some cases they won. but we wont allow them to finish it. we wont allow them to remain a destabilizing factor in the arab world.
you think iran is democratic and thats what they want you to think but its not. they put a nice show.
the US isreal and iran have common interest in this plan since the 80s. its also not a secret. they are just worried that someone might have more control over the other. and thats what they are fighting for now. who would be americas police.

Yeah, I also read about intestinal worms. good progress for Sandistan.
good now you know how to take them out of your @$$ :enjoy:
what past ?! irans interference is still happening !! some ppl are brainwashed that saudi government is involved in sectarian wars or something. and that we are thirsty for war.
1st thats not true lebanon is an examle before iran and syria destroyed it. they had a bloody secatrian fight and king fahad gathered them all in one place locked them up and told them we wont leave until we come up with a peace agreement. and it happened.
2nd right now we are still asking the houthies to come and take part in the yemeni peace talks in saudi, the same houthies we had war with and attacked saudi, houthies refused but then some wise ppl among them said we have to go. And they are fighting now if they should go or not. waiting irans approval.
3rd did you forget when king abdullah flew to syria and brought bashar al-asad on his plane to lebanon for another peace deal ?
thousand of examples and evidence that we didnt start a secatarian war we never joined a secatrian war. we always had a positive role in every problem in the ME. unless a war was forced on us. so we are suffering and paying the price as we speak. maybe you are in another world but we dont live in the past. we are dealing with real problems.
while saudi is taking care of millions of iraqi and syrian refugees iran is taking a militiary role in killing civilians and inflaming the war in all arab countries. even in yemen we are still sending them help and aid while iran is sending weapons to yemen as we speak.
we were stabbed a 1000 times by iran and we didnt retaliate. instead of respecting us for being responsible ppl start pointing fingers. they think we are weak and confused patience with weakness. but thats a deadly mistake.

they want a religious war ? fine they will get one. and if they think it started they are mistaken. and we say we dont want it to start but if you want one you will give you one. and when i say we here i dont mean saudi government i mean muslims.

and for those pakistanies who are taking irans side. i say take it easy and please dont get involved in something bigger than you. wallah i can come to your own country and take care of you. so please dont talk like you represent pakistanis or the majority. just an advice. i mean no disrespect

as for the hadith my friend i know plenty of hadiths hamdulelah. as long as we die in the sake of Allah we dont mind. we embrace it. and as allah subhanahu o taala said
إِنَّ الأَرْضَ لِلّهِ يُورِثُهَا مَن يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ
Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah . He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous
and the prophet promised us victory in the end as long as we follow the quraan and sunnah.

first you have to prove it was true then we can discuss it further if such thing really happened. but its good to keep you busy and analyzing every step we do haha

A long futile lecture after simple point i have made clearly fazed you. I have said this before and i am gonna say it again.

Pakistan doesn't trust Saudi Arabia and Iran. Pakistan is not gonna get involved between the rivalry of Arabia-Iran. Hence, then the neutrality card Pakistan is playing. I have mentioned a sane advice that you have to be diplomatic in the dog-eat-dog world and friendly dialogue will go the long way to solve the conflict, but not instantly though.

If you guys don't wanna do it, then don't. ME is not Pakistan's problem, it is their as well as yours. Whatever it is you have problem with Iran, don't drag Pakistan in this game.

Arabs and Persians have been promoting sectarian violence all over in ME, and only they are responsible for what is happening in ME. Little do people know that their crimes will eventually catch up with them. Pakistan needs to stay sane for the future to come. There is no hope on ME now. Malhamah Kubra attests to that.
A long futile lecture after simple point i have made clearly fazed you. I have said this before and i am gonna say it again.

Pakistan doesn't trust Saudi Arabia and Iran. Pakistan is not gonna get involved between the rivalry of Arabia-Iran. Hence, then the neutrality card Pakistan is playing. I have mentioned a sane advice that you have to be diplomatic in the dog-eat-dog world and friendly dialogue will go the long way to solve the conflict, but not instantly though.

If you guys don't wanna do it, then don't. ME is not Pakistan's problem, it is their as well as yours. Whatever it is you have problem with Iran, don't drag Pakistan in this game.

Arabs and Persians have been promoting sectarian violence all over in ME, and only they are responsible for what is happening in ME. Little do people know that their crimes will eventually catch up with them. Pakistan needs to stay sane for the future to come. There is no hope on ME now. Malhamah Kubra attests to that.
Well you dont want to understand that saudi offerd peace in the past and is STILL offering peace now. while you are just sitting behind your keybord pointing fingers and making claims that has no facts. saudi government knows that iran is a neighboring country we cant move it and we cant move away. so i tried to explain that we are a responsible country that is doing its best to avoid wars. then you talk as if saudi is a lunatic state like iran. well get me one government official that made a hostile statmeant against iran. just one. in iran you got by the tons. including rohani in the past.
and as i said we the saudies dont want pakistan to get dragged into this cuz we ourselves are trying to end it. but i guess its too hard for some ppl here to understand.
but we see signs from iran that its dragging you and starting to spread propaganda inside pakistan. we know what iran is doing by sending pakistani shia mullas to iraq. and take shia ppl houses by force and rape the women.
so just watch out.
Well you dont want to understand that saudi offerd peace in the past and is STILL offering peace now. while you are just sitting behind your keybord pointing fingers and making claims that has no facts. saudi government knows that iran is a neighboring country we cant move it and we cant move away. so i tried to explain that we are a responsible country that is doing its best to avoid wars. then you talk as if saudi is a lunatic state like iran. well get me one government official that made a hostile statmeant against iran. just one. in iran you got by the tons. including rohani in the past.
and as i said we the saudies dont want pakistan to get dragged into this cuz we ourselves are trying to end it. but i guess its too hard for some ppl here to understand.
but we see signs from iran that its dragging you and starting to spread propaganda inside pakistan. we know what iran is doing by sending pakistani shia mullas to iraq. and take shia ppl houses by force and rape the women.
so just watch out.

It is too late to understand the problems now as ME is beyond the repair. Given your reaction towards Pakistan taking neutral standard for the sake of larger interest in the longer run is not exactly pleasing you at all. Saudi Arabia has nothing to lose while Pakistan has everything to lose given its geographical location with Iran. I guess you will not rest until Pakistan is embroiled in another civil war. :disagree:

I have nothing against Saudi Arabia and Iran, but they need to sort their own messes instead of dragging Pakistan in another civil war. Sunni-Shia war in Pakistan never did wonder for Pakistan in the past, hence the neutral card.
The man in my picture can be a Jew.. i care less.
He was not brought up attending evening hate classes which are compulsory for shia kids SINCE holy revolution.

I dnt give a shit about any revolution... why do you get butthurt over valid criticism though?

Neither, he go in streets, with knives and make live show, which should banned in civilized societies.

Religious freedom... nobody is asking you to do that?... remember Awais Karni RA?

Also there are alot of things civilised societies look down upon... most of them are related to you know whom..
I'm not slinging any sect. neither i'm addressing you (post you quoted), but this does not take away the fact that your tribe here is the trouble starter.

Pray tell me about my "tribe" first?
you can start reading the posts after the OP, however I have all the right to support logically Pakistan's alliance with regional states to counter emerging enemy alliances.

Did i suppress your rights? are you more patriotic than me? with half of my family serving this country n participating in every war since 47 n giving blood? unlike you my loyality lies with my country not in any middle eastern totalitarian sect .... state.
It is too late to understand the problems now as ME is beyond the repair. Given your reaction towards Pakistan taking neutral standard for the sake of larger interest in the longer run is not exactly pleasing you at all. Saudi Arabia has nothing to lose while Pakistan has everything to lose given its geographical location with Iran. I guess you will not rest until Pakistan is embroiled in another civil war. :disagree:

I have nothing against Saudi Arabia and Iran, but they need to sort their own messes instead of dragging Pakistan in another civil war. Sunni-Shia war in Pakistan never did wonder for Pakistan in the past, hence the neutral card.
iv said this a 1000 times. maybe even in this thread. no country in the world want a weak unstable ally meaning we dont want pakistan to get dragged in. its not good for you or us. but there are those who are working to drag you in. so whats hard to understand in my statement ?! im done here.
whos the man in my picture and what do you know about him ? and jihad is the most honorable thing in islam. with all its forms. so thank you sir i take that as a compliment
Yes, we saw your great jihad traditions in work against yezidi women and daughters. Amazing achievement and culture.
That's Khattab, he fought no Yazidis/Shias. He went to war with Russia, those are two giants butting heads. Iraqi/Irani's armies are beneath his level.
whos the man in my picture and what do you know about him
...was a Saudi-born Chechen terrorist in the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War- Wikipedia

Well I see another Jihadi Fanatic just like Osama bin Laden. Howeer I respect your opinion on him.
It's not jihad in Syria and Iraq what FSA, Nusra and ISIS are doing?
first you were talking to me accusing me of killing iraqies.
second FSA, NUSR, ISLAM ARMY, Iraqi Tribes etc.. are all in jihad against ISIS, iran and shia militia.
so dont get confused.

...was a Saudi-born Chechen terrorist in the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War- Wikipedia

Well I see another Jihadi Fanatic just like Osama bin Laden. Howeer I respect your opinion on him.
lol who declared him a terrorist ?!! on what base ?! and you forgot to mention his war in Afghanistan.
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