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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance

Still stood up to Russia and caused heavy loses to the Army. something you, who would not even stand to Iranian/Indian boarder control killing Pakistanis, could never do.

As I said, Irani-sympathizers are all bark but no bite.
first you were talking to me accusing me of killing iraqies.
second FSA, NUSR, ISLAM ARMY, Iraqi Tribes etc.. are all in jihad against ISIS, iran and shia militia.
so dont get confused.

lol who declared him a terrorist ?!! on what base ?! and you forgot to mention his war in Afghanistan.

I also think training Terrorists, funding them with Israeli captured AKs and Stingers was a bad decision. The same "Mujahideen" are now under another name known as the Taliban.

As I said, Irani-sympathizers are all bark but no bite.

I'm not an Iranian Sympathizer. I'm anti-Terrorist and "Jihaidism"

Still stood up to Russia and caused heavy loses to the Army. something you, who would not even stand to Iranian/Indian boarder control killing Pakistanis, could never do.

As I said, Irani-sympathizers are all bark but no bite.

Also, I'd like to suggest a book for you,
"The Oxford English Dictionary". Brush up on the spellings, Eh?
Good old Ad hominem to refute what I said. Like my spelling has anything to do with the validity of my arguments.

And Jihad against the oppressor is part of Islam, and in this case Chechnya vs Russia. If you're against this kind of Jihad then I have nothing more to say to you.
Good old Ad hominem to refute what I said. Like my spelling has anything to do with the validity of my arguments.

And Jihad against the oppressor is part of Islam, and in this case Chechnya vs Russia. If you're against this kind of Jihad then I have nothing more to say to you.

I don't see how bombing the capital of a country WHILE COMMITING SUICIDE and WRECKLESSLY KILLING NON COMBATANTS is a form of "Jihad" The Quaran clearly states:
{Nor kill nor destroy yourselves, for surely God has been to you Most Merciful.} (An-Nisaa' 4:29)
And in the Islamic Rules of Engagement:
According to all Muslim scholars it is not permissible to kill women or children unless they are fighting against the Muslims. It is not permissible to kill old men, monks, peasants, employees and traders (this meaning male non-combatants).
Harming civilian areas and pillaging residential areas is also forbidden (Moscow Apartment bombings, the Theater seige, Subway bombings ect,ect)
At the end Pakistan will do what's good for Pakistan, politically and economically. Your bias and jaded views on the so called "Jihadsim" really don't matter. Pakistan is one "F-17 Thunder" deal away from full Nuclear cooperation with SA.

Khattab never blew up civilians. Enemies have been known to demonize and defame their fallen enemies throughout history, from ancient roman reformers to moderate rebels.

Khattab is not Bin laden.
what past ?! irans interference is still happening !! some ppl are brainwashed that saudi government is involved in sectarian wars or something. and that we are thirsty for war.
1st thats not true lebanon is an examle before iran and syria destroyed it. they had a bloody secatrian fight and king fahad gathered them all in one place locked them up and told them we wont leave until we come up with a peace agreement. and it happened.
2nd right now we are still asking the houthies to come and take part in the yemeni peace talks in saudi, the same houthies we had war with and attacked saudi, houthies refused but then some wise ppl among them said we have to go. And they are fighting now if they should go or not. waiting irans approval.
3rd did you forget when king abdullah flew to syria and brought bashar al-asad on his plane to lebanon for another peace deal ?
thousand of examples and evidence that we didnt start a secatarian war we never joined a secatrian war. we always had a positive role in every problem in the ME. unless a war was forced on us. so we are suffering and paying the price as we speak. maybe you are in another world but we dont live in the past. we are dealing with real problems.
while saudi is taking care of millions of iraqi and syrian refugees iran is taking a militiary role in killing civilians and inflaming the war in all arab countries. even in yemen we are still sending them help and aid while iran is sending weapons to yemen as we speak.
we were stabbed a 1000 times by iran and we didnt retaliate. instead of respecting us for being responsible ppl start pointing fingers. they think we are weak and confused patience with weakness. but thats a deadly mistake.

they want a religious war ? fine they will get one. and if they think it started they are mistaken. and we say we dont want it to start but if you want one you will give you one. and when i say we here i dont mean saudi government i mean muslims.

and for those pakistanies who are taking irans side. i say take it easy and please dont get involved in something bigger than you. wallah i can come to your own country and take care of you. so please dont talk like you represent pakistanis or the majority. just an advice. i mean no disrespect

as for the hadith my friend i know plenty of hadiths hamdulelah. as long as we die in the sake of Allah we dont mind. we embrace it. and as allah subhanahu o taala said
إِنَّ الأَرْضَ لِلّهِ يُورِثُهَا مَن يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ
Seek help through Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah . He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous
and the prophet promised us victory in the end as long as we follow the quraan and sunnah.

first you have to prove it was true then we can discuss it further if such thing really happened. but its good to keep you busy and analyzing every step we do haha

It is all saudi ignorance that the region is suffering. No where Quran says to seek help from usa and other cheaper militaries to save your kingdom. Islam is againt monarchy.

you are not in position to talk about Quran/Hadith after these Quranic threats [5:54, 47:38,9:38-39] and the
Holy Prophets pbuh declaration [Bukhari 3220 and 2653]

مومن ہے تو بےتیغ بھی لڑتا ھے سپاھی ـ اقبالؒ

Islam doesn't fits on you. Every act of saud exposes it more. Seeking world militaries on Rent, OMG these so-called followers have no idea of Islam. Holy Prophet pbuh told the truth.

Pakistan is Better than Saud and more close to Islam and Holy Prophet pbuh. [Bukhari: 6625,1634,6628]

If Pakistan sticks to its decision then certainly Pakistanis will remain save from the consequences of such horrible terror alliances.
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Islam didn't provide a template for a perfect political system. Ever since the Prophet died there was no agreed upon governing system. It was all left to agreements between consenting adults, just like any trade agreement. And the Sahaba/Caliphates no matter how holy and saintly they were, they are not the Quran, so we are not obligated to follow their example in everything in life.

Saudi monarchy have a decent following from major tribes of Arabia, as far as Islam is concerned, that is as Islamic as it gets (binding agreement).

And one other thing, it's not your place to force upon us YOUR interpretation of what an Islamic rule should be. If you do that then you have to -by principle- accept SA's interpretation of what Jihad/Hijab should really be, and if you don't abide by their views then you should accept all kind of derogatory/inflammatory rhetoric from them just like the rhetoric you're spewing on us right now.
Islam didn't provide a template for a perfect political system. Ever since the Prophet died there was no agreed upon governing system. It was all left to agreements between consenting adults, just like any trade agreement. And the Sahaba/Caliphates no matter how holy and saintly they were, they are not the Quran, so we are not obligated to follow their example in everything in life.

Saudi monarchy have a decent following from major tribes of Arabia, as far as Islam is concerned, that is as Islamic as it gets (binding agreement).
just a correction brother ever since the death of the prophet peace be upon him and the 4 sahaba abu bakr, omar, othman and ali. rady allah anhum.

((قد تركتكم على البيضاء ليلها كنهارها لا يزيغ عنها بعدي إلا هالك ومن يعش منكم فسيرى اختلافا كثيرا فعليكم بما عرفتم من سنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين عضوا عليها بالنواجذ)).

Islam didn't provide a template for a perfect political system. Ever since the Prophet died there was no agreed upon governing system. It was all left to agreements between consenting adults, just like any trade agreement. And the Sahaba/Caliphates no matter how holy and saintly they were, they are not the Quran, so we are not obligated to follow their example in everything in life.

Saudi monarchy have a decent following from major tribes of Arabia, as far as Islam is concerned, that is as Islamic as it gets (binding agreement).

And one other thing, it's not your place to force upon us YOUR interpretation of what an Islamic rule should be. If you do that then you have to -by principle- accept SA's interpretation of what Jihad/Hijab should really be, and if you don't abide by their views then you should accept all kind of derogatory/inflammatory rhetoric from them just like the rhetoric you're spewing on us right now.
there is a lot of evidence that iranian propaganda is working hard these days in pakistan. this guy is an example
Still stood up to Russia and caused heavy loses to the Army. something you, who would not even stand to Iranian/Indian boarder control killing Pakistanis, could never do.

As I said, Irani-sympathizers are all bark but no bite.

Is that why your *** is getting kicked in Iraq and Syria?
We're not in a war with Iran or Iraq, actually we're a part of the alliance that's fighting ISIS right now, educate yourself you conspiracy-laden lunatic.
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