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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance

You give them facts and they come back at you with conspiracies and source-less propaganda.
You give them facts and they come back at you with conspiracies and source-less propaganda.

"Sourceless Propaganda and Conspiracies"
just a correction brother ever since the death of the prophet peace be upon him and the 4 sahaba abu bakr, omar, othman and ali. rady allah anhum.
((قد تركتكم على البيضاء ليلها كنهارها لا يزيغ عنها بعدي إلا هالك ومن يعش منكم فسيرى اختلافا كثيرا فعليكم بما عرفتم من سنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين عضوا عليها بالنواجذ)).
there is a lot of evidence that iranian propaganda is working hard these days in pakistan. this guy is an example

It is Pity that you approve it : "Islam didn't provide a template for a perfect political system." This is another evidence of your ignorance.

Iran is in hearts of majority of Pakistanis sunni and shia both and saudi or western propaganda cannot change it despite heavy investments.

Therefore majority of Pakistanis will not Fight against ISLAMIC IRAN.
Prophet's neighbor was a "Yahoodi." I judge people by their actions and not by their religion or race.

There's no black and white, good vs evil, everything is nuanced, generalization is a symptom of extremism.

In a different life you wouldv'e made a good ISIS sheaple.
Prophet's neighbor was a "Yahoodi." I judge people by their actions and not by their religion or race.

There's no black and white, good vs evil, everything is nuanced, generalization is a symptom of extremism.

In a different life you wouldv'e made a good ISIS sheaple.

Basically you're stating Israel is good by its "Good actions"?
We're not in a war with Iran or Iraq, actually we're a part of the alliance that's fighting ISIS right now, educate yourself you conspiracy-laden lunatic.

"Sourceless Propaganda and Conspiracies"
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Believe me you don't want to go there. Israelis as a source for Saudi news? might as well take what they say about Palestine as a credible source too. No cherry-picking.

When you say Saudi agreed to do this or that, it must be an official press release or an announcement from Saudi Arabia,

Same thing about Pakistani news, not gonna take Indian websites as a source for "Alleged" Pakistani foreign policy announcements.

Basically you're stating Israel is good by its "Good actions"?

You said that, don't put words in my mouth.

It is Pity that you approve it : "Islam didn't provide a template for a perfect political system." This is another evidence of your ignorance.

Iran is in hearts of majority of Pakistanis sunni and shia both and saudi or western propaganda cannot change it despite heavy investments.

Therefore majority of Pakistanis will not Fight against ISLAMIC IRAN.

Okay..? congratulations you have Iran in your heart and you will not fight them, so..?

I don't get it, what do you want from me?
You said that, don't put words in my mouth.
Listen mate, Fighting you over the internet is not going to make any difference to anyone and is a waste of time. I'm out of here.
just don't end up blowing civilians up, Otherwise good luck.
According to statistics you're 500 times more likely to blow yourself up that than me :)
@Rakan.SA bro dont take serious more Iranian then Iranians kind of Pakistanis they are less then even 1pc of Pakistanis and u can only find them on Internet, they actually does not exist in practical life.. @B@KH bro we have positive views of Iran bcoz of its Stand against Israel but it does not mean that we should start ridiculing other friend and ally at the sake of showing friendship to other friends.. u are acting like Iranian more then Pakistani... be neutral among both..
Rakan.SA bro dont take serious more Iranian then Iranians kind of Pakistanis they are less then even 1pc of Pakistanis and u can only find them on Internet, they actually does not exist in practical life.. BKH bro we have positive views of Iran bcoz of its Stand against Israel but it does not mean that we should start ridiculing other friend and ally at the sake of showing friendship to other friends.. u are acting like Iranian more then Pakistani... be neutral among both..

How come you talk like this? Posing Saudi more than the Saudis.

The Lovers of Islamic Revolution are not less in Pakistan. This is your mistake.
we hold the decisive street power. we are not like rag tag terror gangs that live and operate with blessings of our agencies.

Islamic Revolution and its allies are the real power brokers and decisive.

Get into your head the ERA of saud+israel hegemony is over. it is time for saud to change now and become friendly.

since when saud is friend of Pakistan. it is more friend of india than Pakistan and we know it very well even if ignorant do not.

the change is coming and unwillingly you too will witness it.

"Sourceless Propaganda and Conspiracies"
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Saudi did everything to recognize israel. their secret relations are not hidden anymore.

Had not there been Iran allies and supporters, the saudi peace plan would have succeeded.
saudi tried to sell palestine for free. warmongers cannot not decide anything.
Only Islam will shape the future now on.

It is in the best interest of the Pakistani Nation to stay away from the Evil. when evil will die it make several others to die.

if it changes and return to good then good luck for all.
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How many of you think SA wont arm twist fragile Pakistan?
it is more of a request
no arm twisting because if that happens then they wont have a willing ally to help them in need, just a spectator.
Pakistan military have not only been seconded it its personnel also volunteered in Arab Israel war, Jordanian war and Saudi war with the communist Yemen etc.

you cant expect someone to defend you if you bully or arm twist him to guard you. and this is even beyond money its more on the religious grounds.
iv said this a 1000 times. maybe even in this thread. no country in the world want a weak unstable ally meaning we dont want pakistan to get dragged in. its not good for you or us. but there are those who are working to drag you in. so whats hard to understand in my statement ?! im done here.

No offense. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia says the same, but their actions suggest otherwise. It is not in best interest for Pakistan to get involved given the blood history of Sunni-Shia civil wars in Pakistan. That memory is still fresh.

I am sure you want the best for Pakistan as much as you do for Saudi Arabia. If you do, then you shouldn't have problem with Pakistan taking the stand of neutrality, that way Pakistan remains committed to serve relationship better with Saudi Arabia and Iran diplomatically. :)
Iran is in hearts of majority of Pakistanis sunni and shia both and saudi or western propaganda cannot change it despite heavy investments. Therefore majority of Pakistanis will not Fight against ISLAMIC IRAN.

Exactly !!!!!!
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