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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance

i never saw you warning the iranians and the shia! do you want me to take you a toor around the forum to show you personal attacks ?! how about you dont take sides. and it wasnt a personal attack

you are right. go talk to the military and let us know what they think.

I hope you see who is the problem here. The topic is about Pakistan neutral stance visavi Iran-KSA, and here he is already making remarks about Shia this Shia that.
i never saw you warning the iranians and the shia! do you want me to take you a toor around the forum to show you personal attacks ?! how about you dont take sides. and it wasnt a personal attack

Approach me next time directly and follow forum rules at all times. We don't give two hoots about Shia or Sunni on this forum.

you are right. go talk to the military and let us know what they think.

Read This > Arab-Iranian dogfight for regional hegemony | Scoping Pakistan's options.

I hope you see who is the problem here. The topic is about Pakistan neutral stance visavi Iran-KSA, and here he is already making remarks about Shia this Shia that.


Pakistan must remain neutral at all costs.

We need to push on to create economic zone with China and Iran and establish central Asia trade route and build rail connection with Turkey.

It is time to rebuild. No more war and killing. Saudis can play Rome total war by themselves.
1st who said we want pakistan to get involved in any mess ?! if you use your brains and think about it. how will an unstable pakistan be a good strategic partner to any country forget saudi.
so stop believing this nonsense and if saudi or pakistan need any help or support from each other you wont be there to decide. whether its military need or economically or politically. so chill
This is why I say that Pakistan, as a brotherly country that maintains cordial relations with both Iran and KSA, should act as a neutral country that can mediate between the two parties.
Well done Pakistan. ;)

SA and Iran are like arms and legs for Pakistan, we won't choose at any cost. Here i must state again that any such conflict is only going to benefit our collective enemies who want to see all of us dead.
Iraq's sovereign government asked for Iran's assistance and they could not be more greatful for our help against Daesh.
yea same thing in lebanon syria and yemen.. who said that the iraqi government is fit to take any decisions?!. i already posted a link showing how the iraqi government was the reason behind all this. same goes to iran.
if iran leaves there will be no excuse for ISIS to exist. but as long as you are involved in arab countries everyday someone will come up with a new group to fight you. very simple.

SA and Iran are like arms and legs for Pakistan, we won't choose at any cost. Here i must state again that any such conflict is only going to benefit our collective enemies who want to see all of us dead.
you want a stable pakistan ? you should start watching iranian propaganda inside pakistan. otherwise i promise you iran will drag pakistan into this mess.
yea same thing in lebanon syria and yemen.. who said that the iraqi government is fit to take any decisions?!. i already posted a link showing how the iraqi government was the reason behind all this. same goes to iran.
if iran leaves there will be no excuse for ISIS to exist. but as long as you are involved in arab countries everyday someone will come up with a new group to fight you. very simple.

And who are you to decide whether Iraq is not fit to make decisions regarding its own national security?
You have a lot of growing up to do. lol
And who are you to decide whether Iraq is not fit to make decisions regarding its own national security?
You have a lot of growing up to do. lol
i didnt say it. the past and the current iraqi government officials said it. malki was the reason. even irans government said malki is the reason behind ISIS and this mess. :crazy::disagree:
the problem with you ppl you are too arrogant and emotional. you dont want to read or hear anything regarding iran. not even if it was from your own ppl or government lol
i didnt say it. the past and the current iraqi government officials said it. malki was the reason. even irans government said malki is the reason behind ISIS and this mess. :crazy::disagree:
the problem with you ppl you are too arrogant and emotional. you dont want to read or hear anything regarding iran. not even if it was from your own ppl or government lol

You are the one raging in this forum 24/7 about Iran, so I think we all know who is the emotional and reactionary one here. lol
It's not the Iranian funding or ideology that blows up churches and mosques and behead pakistani soldiers inside Pakistan.
again with the ideology old tape. i ask you what is this ideology you say wahhabi. i ask you define wahhabi and show me written texts that prove your claims from imam mohammed bin abdulwahhab own books ? no answers!! so please stop trolling and wasting our time and effort
i gave you ppl many times and chances to bring one line of innovation by him and yet nothing until this day. but i know whats the reason. you want to make a bogyman out of him and blame all your failures in your country on a guy who died 100s of years ago. thats how weak you are.
some other ppl are afraid of this so called ideology cuz its a pure form of islam. and it scares ppl to see islam controlling the world again.

You are the one raging in this forum 24/7 about Iran, so I think we all know who is the emotional and reactionary one here. lol
and why did you skip the first part of the comment ?! lol
and why did you skip the first part of the comment ?! lol

It doesnt matter because nothing you say can be taken seriously.
You call me a dumb fool before (unprovoked) but complain about others being too emotional and making personal attacks.
Dont you see how unreasonable you are being? lol

So thats why rest of your comment can not be taken serious at face value. :)
It doesnt matter because nothing you say can be taken seriously.
You call me a dumb fool before (unprovoked) but complain about others being too emotional and making personal attacks.
Dont you see how unreasonable you are being? lol

So thats why rest of your comment can not be taken serious at face value. :)
when someone choose to close his ears and eyes in front of facts what do you call him ? give me a polite word so i dont hurt you feelings next time lol let me show you proof. you see im not like you. i dont run away and i dont make up stories

Iranian official blames Maliki and Assad for ISIS creation
or is irans Foreign Ministry adviser and past ambassador to Lebanon is making up stories and you cant take him seriously ?! :sarcastic:

then watch this

ABC News investigate iraqi army war crimes
again with the ideology old tape. i ask you what is this ideology you say wahhabi. i ask you define wahhabi and show me written texts that prove your claims from imam mohammed bin abdulwahhab own books ? no answers!! so please stop trolling and wasting our time and effort
i gave you ppl many times and chances to bring one line of innovation by him and yet nothing until this day. but i know whats the reason. you want to make a bogyman out of him and blame all your failures in your country on a guy who died 100s of years ago. thats how weak you are.
some other ppl are afraid of this so called ideology cuz its a pure form of islam. and it scares ppl to see islam controlling the world again.

and why did you skip the first part of the comment ?! lol

You call bombing schools and places, killing more than 50,000 civilians in Pakistan that involves children, old people and women, not to mention attack on teenagers, barbaric treatments towards minority, mutilating the bodies of Pakistani soldiers, promote harsher interpretation qualifies as pure form of Islam? Pathetic post!

The day is not far when the divine punishments awaits Saudi Arabia as attested by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Authentic Hadith concerning the last signs of "The Hour"

On the topic;

Pakistan is not gonna choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran and rightly so. Neutrality is the best option for Pakistan since both Iran and Saudi Arabia are determined to drown themselves to the sea, so let them. Sunni-Shia is not new story, and a repeat of Sunni-Shia suggests they are stupid people who are willing to repeat Iran-Iraq scenario.

If they didn't listen the sane advice from late General Zia, former leader of Pakistan who was trying to stop Sunni-Shia war, despite of his best efforts unfortunately his advices fell on deaf ears. I doubt they will listen to Pakistan again.
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You call bombing schools and places, killing more than 50,000 civilians in Pakistan that involves children, old people and women, not to mention attack on teenagers, barbaric treatments towards minority, mutilating the bodies of Pakistani soldiers, promote harsher interpretation qualifies as pure form of Islam? Pathetic post!
are you hallucinating ?! are you high on drugs ?! where did i ever approve such sick acts or said it represents pure islam ??!!! whats wrong with you ?
the guy is implying that such teachings come out of saudi. and we have an invisible secret sect of islam called wahhabisim. im asking him to show me proof that we approve of such sick acts. or even more importantly please expose this wahhabi sect cuz in every debate they bring it up and run. im asking him for proof. show me his books and what page does he approve of such sick acts or a page that has innovation in islam. actually i asked for a line not a page.
so please understand before you talk
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