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Pakistan Closes Pak-Afghan Border

I will tag you..This is same old lollipop
Hahaha terrorists use secure borders entrances with proper papers.... genius military
Border, has not been closed since 1962; when we actually had a War with them (and kicked their asses seven ways to Kabul incidentally). Since then "closings" have been customs restrictions, certain crossings etc.

This is seriously big.

Hahaha terrorists use secure borders entrances with proper papers.... genius military
Yes they actually do.
if you strike Afghanistan... u need to close border for ana may decide to retaliate with charsi soldiers sent as cannon fodder into our territory...

this is not Bollywood... this is a very positive development if strike missions are sent into Afghanistan asap...

otherwise I will join you in the curse
talk to me in this way when pak army air force cross afghan border . you guys living in dreams sir .
talk to me in this way when pak army air force cross afghan border . you guys living in dreams sir .

Nothing stopping them u know...

This is right thing to do at the moment... i m hopeful
Recall Pakistani ambassador to both India and Afghanistan ASAP along with the staff and close the embassies to protect them for any blow back from Pakistani kinetic action which MUST follow.
Nothing is gonna happen.
Statements, statements, statements but--barking dogs seldom bite. Fact is our LEAs are incapable to foil enemy's plans, and now all this border closing drama for face saving. They can only tap phones of politicians, but nothing more. We have to understand they are part of this system, and not hanumans.
If some event happens tomorrow, nobody is gonna talk about this one. Raat gai baat gai.
I cannot agree more... words are no more enough... neither are soft action... we need to show these wild animals their auqaat....

Roast the cave dwelling b@stards

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