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Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

Is that suppose to be a new empire?:hang2:. Im eager to see whatz our BD members gonna say.lmao.

Now i Understand why Pakistani Nationalist has forbidden replies from Indians , Seriously you guys ruin your own reputation on the Forum by posting nonconstructive statements .:rolleyes:
Can't happen, we're in the middle as always. :D

Bangladesh is an independent nation as is Pakistan so respect each others sovereignty.

I agree:agree:

No offense to any members here, but i don't think it can ever happen! Bangladesh and Pakistan are 2 different countries!

We have our own problems to take care of, we shouldn't be dreaming about uniting with Bangladesh (a independent sovereign nation)!

Unification would cause more problems for us and a East Pakistan civil war could be repeated again!

Maybe we can participate together in many fields such as defense, but no uniting as its impossible, for now at least!
3) no our culture is not diff

Our culture is different!

Trust me, if i explain to you what i mean i might offend a lot of people here so lets avoid this and stick to the topic about Bangladesh and Pakistan and not Pakistan and india!
Why do you think being a secular country is a handicap ? Are they not forward thinking ? In India we have a saying that when translated is "
Bengal thinks of what India thinks 20 years from now". The people in the region of Bangladesh are forward thinking liberal and put development ahead of everything else.

About the rest of your comments, no comments. happy planning.

I didn't say that it was a downer. I actually WISH Pakistan was secular, only then can we move on without 'but religion says this, religion says that...' :argh:
Again, why unite with Bangladesh? It was pointless to be a part of Pakistan from 1947 to being with. Totally different culture, blocked by an enemy geographically, and it will be under water in a few decades.

what about hawai and usa?
you are wrong...things are pretty same here in my country...you choose not to believe that.
If we were to carve another state out of India...it's future citizens would follow the same tune as you...

Whats so common?
Please enlighten us?
Do u speak pashto,sareiki,lahori or faisalabadi punjabi?potohari?balouchi?
Do u dance atan?leva?ludi?
u listen to heer?listen to rehman baba?fire on weddings?do u eat khadi kebab?Do u celebrate mehdi? whats the similarity between Pakistanis and indian?language is similiar...i get it its the urdu speaking people who m,igrated from up and bihar?
Any thing else?
I dont understand why indians stress that pakistanis are indians?just coz it was a part of british india?:hitwall:
AFter reunion, whats next? Pakistan and India reunion to Hindustan? LOL Just asking.. Dont show face to me plz........
Before reunion, Pakistan needs to clean up the current mess. Currently Pakistan is not in a position where it can go for a reunion with Bangladesh. Even Bangladeshi members aren't active on this thread.

and yes

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