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Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

Whats so common?
Please enlighten us?
Do u speak pashto,sareiki,lahori or faisalabadi punjabi?potohari?balouchi?
Do u dance atan?leva?ludi?

u listen to heer?listen to rehman baba?fire on weddings?do u eat khadi kebab?Do u celebrate mehdi? whats the similarity between Pakistanis and indian?language is similiar...i get it its the urdu speaking people who m,igrated from up and bihar?
Any thing else?
I dont understand why indians stress that pakistanis are indians?just coz it was a part of british india?:hitwall:

Dude, do you think lines are drawn on a map because the people on the other sides are completely different from each other? Have you ever crossed any border, even a state border? If you have you would know that for miles one can't make out where the last state/country ended and the new began.

Much of North India practices most of what you mentioned there. Punjabis listen to heer. Manak with his Heer singing is a legend here. And so is Sain Zahoor. And most of land owning North Indians fire guns at weddings. I have done it myself.

And think about the movies and entertainment. The fan following for the Khans would be probably greater in Pakistan than in India. I have so many Pakistani friends in Toronto. We have a good time whenever we meet. If our cultures were so dissimilar that wouldn't have been possible.

And you are missing the point if you think that cultural and ethnic unity is all that is to a nation. I have nothing in common with a Tamil guy and can't understand his tongue but we are both Indians.

And I don't want a merger between Pak and India to happen and neither is it possible now. Too much water under the bridge. But you would be deluding yourself if you think that Indians and Pakistanis are culturally very dissimilar.
Put a Poll and see how many want this to happen:azn:

Nothing comes by itself but you would have to make it.:pakistan:

right........and the last time somebody took the poll, Pakistan was the least popular among Afghanis. maybe u r talking about a poll amongPakistani people.:rolleyes:
damn still some one don't wanna see bangladesh a free country? this topic looking to me BS.
Dude, do you think lines are drawn on a map because the people on the other sides are completely different from each other? Have you ever crossed any border, even a state border? If you have you would know that for miles one can't make out where the last state/country ended and the new began.

Much of North India practices most of what you mentioned there. Punjabis listen to heer. Manak with his Heer singing is a legend here. And so is Sain Zahoor. And most of land owning North Indians fire guns at weddings. I have done it myself.

And think about the movies and entertainment. The fan following for the Khans would be probably greater in Pakistan than in India. I have so many Pakistani friends in Toronto. We have a good time whenever we meet. If our cultures were so dissimilar that wouldn't have been possible.

And you are missing the point if you think that cultural and ethnic unity is all that is to a nation. I have nothing in common with a Tamil guy and can't understand his tongue but we are both Indians.

And I don't want a merger between Pak and India to happen and neither is it possible now. Too much water under the bridge. But you would be deluding yourself if you think that Indians and Pakistanis are culturally very dissimilar.

Yes, we are very very dissimilar! I would rather die than to associate myself with india or indians!:pakistan:

And i knew many Africans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans back in America and i got along with them really well even though they were catholic and Baptists!

So basically you don't have to be a indian to get along with Pakistanis!
Try asking a Bangladeshi. A reunion with Pakistan is as much of an anathema to them as it is if you ask Pakistanis to reunite with India. It is just not possible - all are different countries. Bangladeshis have paid for their independence with a lot of their blood.
Dude, do you think lines are drawn on a map because the people on the other sides are completely different from each other? Have you ever crossed any border, even a state border? If you have you would know that for miles one can't make out where the last state/country ended and the new began.

Much of North India practices most of what you mentioned there. Punjabis listen to heer. Manak with his Heer singing is a legend here. And so is Sain Zahoor. And most of land owning North Indians fire guns at weddings. I have done it myself.

And think about the movies and entertainment. The fan following for the Khans would be probably greater in Pakistan than in India. I have so many Pakistani friends in Toronto. We have a good time whenever we meet. If our cultures were so dissimilar that wouldn't have been possible.

And you are missing the point if you think that cultural and ethnic unity is all that is to a nation. I have nothing in common with a Tamil guy and can't understand his tongue but we are both Indians.

And I don't want a merger between Pak and India to happen and neither is it possible now. Too much water under the bridge. But you would be deluding yourself if you think that Indians and Pakistanis are culturally very dissimilar.

So coz 2% indian punjabis who want Khalistan are similiar to Pakistani punjabis who dont same culture like wedding festivals,life styles, and heer ranhja originated from Pakistan just like sohni mahewal,sassi puno and others.
Pakistanis become indian?What about rest of Pakistan?just coz people see Khans Hindi movies they have same culture?
The muslims u see in india are not similiar to pakistanis....Pakistan doesnt look 1% of hyderabad.....
And if ur talking about movies tell me indian movies have Pakistani music so can we say indians are pakistani?
Or if some chinese or mongoloid people are living in indian area near border will u say he shares same culture as other indians?
Bangladeshis are very peaceful people, but why do we have to be reunited? If it didnt work in the first place, why go through it again???

I think we can have friendly relations with Bangladesh, but thats about it. They are too far away (they dont even share a border with Pakistan) and India is in between so we cant have a reunion with Bangladesh. Also they have a very large population and its such a small country, a lot of them are going to be moving to Karachi and Lahore (theres already too many political parties, based on ethnic groups, who want to rule Karachi).
So coz 2% indian punjabis who want Khalistan are similiar to Pakistani punjabis who dont same culture like wedding festivals,life styles, and heer ranhja originated from Pakistan just like sohni mahewal,sassi puno and others.
Pakistanis become indian?What about rest of Pakistan?just coz people see Khans Hindi movies they have same culture?
The muslims u see in india are not similiar to pakistanis....Pakistan doesnt look 1% of hyderabad.....
And if ur talking about movies tell me indian movies have Pakistani music so can we say indians are pakistani?
Or if some chinese or mongoloid people are living in indian area near border will u say he shares same culture as other indians?

Dude, the thing is the part that you now call Pakistan was India 60 years back. Just because we kept the name and you chose a new one doesn't mean that all our shared history and culture is erased.

You are free to call Heer Ranjha and other love stories as your own. And so can I, as they happened in unified Punjab and were a part of my school curriculum. Even the protagonists were Jatts and Punjabis, just like me (except for Punnu, who was a Baloch I guess).

And why compare with Hyderabad when its located thousands of kms away from North India? Have you heard of Malerkotla? Its the only Muslim majority city in east Punjab. The place didn't see any riots during '47 as it's a blessed place. I studied with a few Malerkotla based Muslims in my Engg. You couldn't tell the difference. Check out the pic below...


I am totally fine with Pakistanis not calling themselves Indians and in fact I don't support a merger. But by claiming shared history as your own you are insulting our ancestors who lived side by side when there was no India-Pakistan thing.
Yes, we are very very dissimilar! I would rather die than to associate myself with india or indians!:pakistan:

And i knew many Africans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans back in America and i got along with them really well even though they were catholic and Baptists!

So basically you don't have to be a indian to get along with Pakistanis!

I understand your antagonistic feelings about India but brother our ancestors were one 60 years back. 60 years don't change 4000 yr shared history.

Again I don't think you should call yourself Indian or associate yourself with anything Indian. But you can't deny the fact that India is what gave the unique culture to most of the sub-continent.
Dude, do you think lines are drawn on a map because the people on the other sides are completely different from each other? Have you ever crossed any border, even a state border? If you have you would know that for miles one can't make out where the last state/country ended and the new began.

Much of North India practices most of what you mentioned there. Punjabis listen to heer. Manak with his Heer singing is a legend here. And so is Sain Zahoor. And most of land owning North Indians fire guns at weddings. I have done it myself.

And think about the movies and entertainment. The fan following for the Khans would be probably greater in Pakistan than in India. I have so many Pakistani friends in Toronto. We have a good time whenever we meet. If our cultures were so dissimilar that wouldn't have been possible.

And you are missing the point if you think that cultural and ethnic unity is all that is to a nation. I have nothing in common with a Tamil guy and can't understand his tongue but we are both Indians.

And I don't want a merger between Pak and India to happen and neither is it possible now. Too much water under the bridge. But you would be deluding yourself if you think that Indians and Pakistanis are culturally very dissimilar.

I'm a Pakistani Punjabi and I must say that I feel more closer to a non-punjabi Pakistani than an Indian Punjabi, heck I even feel more closer to a Bangladeshi Muslim than an Indian Punjabi. I lived in U.K, Canada, U.S., and I've met Indian Punjabis and all of you are Sikhs and Hindus, I never met a Muslim Indian Punjabi, some of you say there are some Muslims in India Punjab but I never met one maybe there are less than 0.001% Muslim population in India's Punjab.

And the Sikhs are really proud of being Sikh, they see themselves as Sikh first, they have their own culture (kara, sword, not cutting hair, their weddings are different, they dont get buried when they die), everything we Pakistani Punjabis do from birth to death is different from Indian Punjabis, its just the language thats the same but the script is different so I cant read what an Indian Punjabi writes and he/she cant read what we Pakistani Punjabi write because we Pakistani Punjabis use a different script than what is used in Indian Punjab.

By the way, Punjabis are only 3% of India's population. What about the 97% of India's population we have no ethnic similarities too?

But I have to say, South Indians are much more peaceful than North Indians...too bad South Indians are so far away from Pakistan. North Indians are mostly Brahmin elite and Sikhs, both groups of people who hated Muslims for centuries.
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Dude, the thing is the part that you now call Pakistan was India 60 years back. Just because we kept the name and you chose a new one doesn't mean that all our shared history and culture is erased.
Dude im balouch some balouchs live in iranoman and UAE so does that mean im iranian?arab?coz 2-3% baluchs live in these countries?
Even the balouchs living in these countries have different festivals and lifestyles.Unlike sikh punjabis who dont even share culture with pakistani punjabis,the accent the language is different then the pakistani punjabis,some cusienes are different...and the lifestyle is better.
And punjabis sir dont erase there culture most of pakistani punjabis converted in the 13th century and since then there culture is evolving.

You are free to call Heer Ranjha and other love stories as your own. And so can I, as they happened in unified Punjab and were a part of my school curriculum. Even the protagonists were Jatts and Punjabis, just like me (except for Punnu, who was a Baloch I guess).
Heer,ranjha were from upper punjab and were muslim shared no culture with sikhs or hindus.
I am totally fine with Pakistanis not calling themselves Indians and in fact I don't support a merger. But by claiming shared history as your own you are insulting our ancestors who lived side by side when there was no India-Pakistan thing.

Pakistani punjabis claim only whats there have u ever sen a pakistani punjabi talking about sikh heroes? or have u seen them celebrating ranjeet singh?
If sikhs want merger they can sure merge with Pakistani punjab and make a greater punjab.
I'm a Pakistani Punjabi and I must say that I feel more closer to a non-punjabi Pakistani than an Indian Punjabi, heck I even feel more closer to a Bangladeshi Muslim than an Indian Punjabi. I lived in U.K, Canada, U.S., and I've met Indian Punjabis and all of you are Sikhs and Hindus, I never met a Muslim Indian Punjabi, some of you say there are some Muslims in India Punjab but I never met one maybe there are less than 0.001% Muslim population in India's Punjab.

And the Sikhs are really proud of being Sikh, they see themselves as Sikh first, they have their own culture (kara, sword, not cutting hair, their weddings are different, they dont get buried when they die), everything we Pakistani Punjabis do from birth to death is different from Indian Punjabis, its just the language thats the same.

By the way, Punjabis are only 3% of India's population. What about the 97% of India's population we have no ethnic similarities too?

But I have to say, South Indians are much more peaceful than North Indians...too bad South Indians are so far away from Pakistan. North Indians are mostly Brahmin elite and Sikhs, both groups of people who hated Muslims for centuries.

Well I'd never compare my feelings for my fellow Indian nationals with those for Pakistani Punjabis. Country always comes first. And I'd say that the differences that you see now are more because of the last 60 years of wars and intrigue.

Regarding Muslims in east Punjab, yes there are very few of them but they are as well inter-mingled with other communities as any other. Check out the following entry about Malerkotla in Wiki-
Malerkotla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I don't agree that Sikhs have hated Muslims for centuries. Maharaja Ranjit Singh's forces had Muslim contingents. The battles that Sikhs fought were against tyrannical Mughals who just happened to be Muslims. Nothing against the religion. In fact Guru Gobind Singh fought against the Hindu Rajas of Himachal as well. So it would be wrong to classify these battles as Sikhs hatred towards Muslims.

I guess after '47 our lenses have really been skewed. Most Punjabis irrespective of their faith view the other community from the perspective of what happened in '47 and later.

I know of so many surnames that are common on both sides- Cheemas, Waraich, Sidhu the list goes one. Its our common ancestry, culture and language that for me is the biggest hope for peace in the region.
Try asking a Bangladeshi. A reunion with Pakistan is as much of an anathema to them as it is if you ask Pakistanis to reunite with India. It is just not possible - all are different countries. Bangladeshis have paid for their independence with a lot of their blood.

Interesting...thread about Bangladesh and not a single Bangladeshi post?
Ok I am going to put one now.

As already posted by some Pakistani members,my answer is also same.Its just not possible.
There are still many bitter feelings about 1971,and this isn't going to go away so easily.
Even if the feelings wash away,what is the chance that everything will change?
No politician would like to hand over their power.So we will be moving in circles.

But the biggest fact of all,We Bangladeshis are satisfied at the condition we are in.We may be poor,but we are improving by Allah's grace.We do not want to be part of another country.We are happy with our country.And that's what matters the most.

We welcome friendly relation,like it has been for last couple of decades.But a Huge NO to the word "reunion".

A member stated we will be going under water within years,But you don't need to worry because we will not be putting our burden on you.Because we do not have any intention of joining with Pakistan.
And as for drowning,if Allah wants,he can submerge Himalaya within matter of days.
As the Bengali saying goes,
"Rakhe Allah,maare ke"

Pakistan has enough troubles of its own,and Bangladesh also has enough trouble of its own.When you add these troubles,you don't find good result.You find chaos.

So it is better we continue in separate ways and maintain a friendly relation.

But NO to reunion.This only sounds good on paper,reality is very far from it.
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